
Shelgon and Feraligatr

Axel was not worried about healing moves cause apart from 'Draining punch', it would be learning 'Rest' in the future after it had mastered its ability and that would be a powerful healing move.

He wanted Primeape to stick to only 1 defensive move. Primeape wanted to be a berserker and a speed type Pokemon. So, he would be concentrating most of its moves in that department. So, if he made it create 2-3 new moves relating to defense, then it would be a problem.

So, Axel thought to only create one defensive move that would not only be good for it but should also carry it till Axel became the Pokemon master. He had to think about it for some time as he didn't want to make any hasty decision.


Now, he had to think about Feraligatr and Shelgon. Lucario still needed some time to get used to his new form and power level. It was still concentrating on its aura moves right now.

Shelgon had still not evolved to Salamence. Axel expected it as it would take a lot of time for dragon-type Pokemon to evolve to its final evolution. However, that didn't mean that it was weak.

Dragon-type Pokemons evolve and rank up slowly but they tend to accumulate a lot of power inside themselves.

"Shlegon, before evolution you must concentrate on mastering both your ability and hidden ability. I know that you want to evolve faster and gain power at a faster rate but you need to be patient."

Mastering abilities and hidden abilities would take a lot of time for any Pokemon. Axel wanted Shelgon to do it before it evolved to Salamence as when it evolves to Salamence, it would have new ability and hidden ability to master. Normally, Axel would not think of letting Shelgon do it but when he heard from Lance that previous ability and hidden ability would come to play at higher ranks, he wanted to capitalize on it.

Normally, a trainer would not be stupid enough to do it for any of his/ her Pokemon but Axel had the system and his talent to back it of.

"It is also time for you to level up 'Dragon head', 'Thrash', and 'Head butt' to level 40. Right now, don't think of creating a new move cause you already have 'Dragon head' and also you need master ability and hidden ability.", said Axel.

After talking with Shelgon, he started to apply the paste on its ridges. The power of exceptional Salamence would depend on the power and sturdiness of its ridges when it was in Bagon and Shelgon form. These ridges were normally very hard and if the Pokemon worked on it, its defense and power would increase exponentially.

Axel did a lot of research on Shelgon and its species. He also got some useful help from Lance as he belonged to a dragon family. What he found interesting was the usefulness of these ridges.

In Shelgon form, its entire body is covered with ridges except for its eyes and legs. However, when it evolves to Salamence, these ridges would cover most parts of its body especially the venerable parts like the stomach. These ridges would also evolve when it reach its final evolution. The ridges would evolve in 2 ways.

First were the red-colored ridges which would cover its eyebrows, the front of its long neck, the back of its legs and tail and also the entirety of its wings. These ridges had 2 functions:

The defensive power of these ridges was high compared to the rest of its body and since it was already a dragon type Pokemon, it could be imagined how defensive it would be. The second function is fast movements of the body parts that consist of these red ridges. The agility and reaction time of these ridges would be extremely high. That was a Shelgon that was trained by making these ridges would be far more powerful than normal Salamence.

Since these red ridges cover the entirety of its wings, it could fly at a faster rate and also change its direction easily. The ridges also cover up its eyebrows, so, its brain would react fast in any given situation. Its tail would also be fast and deadly and its neck and legs would also also be able to react as fast as it could.

The second type of ridges would be the original white-colored ridges that would be on its stomach. This ridge also had 2 functions.

First was the defensive power. Its defense would be higher than red ridges. For any dragon type that could fly or any Pokemon that could fly, its weakness would be its stomach as that was where its defense would be the lowest. However, if a Salamence is well groomed, this weakness would turn into strength. Secondly, the ridges would also hold a lot of dragon-type energy. It was like a storage of a vast amount of dragon-type energy. With this Salamence could use it for its moves. These ridges would also help Salamence recover dragon-type energy at a faster rate so Salamence could fight for a long time.

That was why training these ridges was very vital. One could train these ridges by using resources like a special paste that Axel was using after buying it from Lance. It could also be trained by training on moves like 'Head butt' or 'Thrash' that would harm the ridges and then letting it recover.

That was why he was telling Shelgon to level up moves like 'Thrash' and 'Headbutt'. Shelgon also focused on attack stat, so that was a bonus.


After talking about the future plan of Shelgon, it was now time to talk to Feraligatr. Axel found out an interesting thing about Feraligatr. He found out that if a Totodile is properly bred, it would be able to learn the move 'Ancient power'. 'Ancient power' would increase the powers of Axel's Pokemon by a huge margin.

So, he wanted to test Feraligatr by giving it a TM of 'Ancient power' and luckily, it was able to learn the move. This meant that Feraligatr would be able to level it up to level 40 and get another power boost.

Just like Aerodactyl, he wanted to concentrate on its biting force. Axel had also bought a different type of paste from Gatr family for Feraligatr. It was to be used in the same way as Aerodactyl. It was to be used 2 times a day and then Feraligatr would wait to 30 minutes and train on its biting moves.

Another interesting thing about Feraligatr was its nature that it was blessed by its ancestor. They usually sleep with one eye open and rest only half of their brain at a time. It was called unihemispheric sleep. As it sleeps, it usually keep watch on its surroundings and it could immediately act when time calls for it.

Now, Axel didn't know about this until it evolved to Feraligatr. He knew that Croconaw had the habit of sleeping with one eye open but it was only sometimes and so he thought that it was just a weird habit.

However, he started to see the same from Feraligatr and then he started to do his research which led him to this conclusion.

"Feraligatr, you will first develop this to a passive move. If you are able to properly master it, you could use the moves like 'Rest' and recover a lot of your health during battles.

'Ice fang', 'Water fall' and 'Dig' is also in the late 30s. So, you will try to level it up to level 40. This is your training schedule for 2 weeks.

I am not telling you to do all of it in 2 weeks but you should be able to do the majority of them.", said Axel.

He then started to tell his concept of leveling up these moves to level 40. Even though Feraligatr was an uncommon rank Pokemon, it had already leveled up 'Aqua jet', 'Bite', and 'Rain dance' to level 40 recently and they had become quite powerful. Due to its higher mastery over the moves, it might be the most powerful uncommon rank Feraligatr to ever exist.

Axel had also been training all of these young Pokemons in 'Ancient way to power'. A book that was given by MEW when Axel had just started his journey. So, their foundation was solid and they were normally very powerful compared to their normal counterparts.


As of right now, Axel only had 3 months worth of paste for the ridges of Shelgon and 3 months worth of paste for Feraligatr's teeth. These were the resources that were specially made by Lance's family and Gatr family. So, they were in low supply.

Axel could ask them for more but he was positive that they would not be giving him the supply for his entire life. The resources were so rare that these families would normally not sell them.

Lance had given him the resources cause Axel had helped him a lot and Axel also had a good relationship with them while Gatr family gave him those resources due to the recent mission. However, he would not be getting them all the time. So, he had to think of a substitute. So, he did the next best thing. He had already given the sample to Mark to replicate it.

Mark was very happy to get these samples and they were very rare. However, it had already been 3 months since he had given the paste for the ridges of Shelgon to Mark and still, he was not able to replicate it. There had been some progress but that was it. Axel also gave him a sample of Feraligatr's paste recently.

Axel knew that he should be patient in these types of things. Then he came up with a brilliant idea. He called Bourne to have another meeting. Bourne was surprised cause had never called like this.

"Yes, what happened?", asked Bourne as he was already busy with his research.

Axel went to his bag and brought out 2 vials of semi-liquid. Bourne was curious to see it.

"The first vial is the paste for Salamence ridges that I got from Lance and the second is for the teeth of Feraligatr that I got from Gatr family. These are the only samples that I have left. I want you to replicate it.

Of course, if you are able to do it then you will also share the recipe with me. You can do whatever you like for the recipe but do remember that I have also given these samples to other researchers.

If they are able to complete it then, I will seize this sample and you will not get anything. Do you want to do it?"

Axel always came up with a weird proposal out of the blue when Bourne was not expecting any of it. He also proposed in such a way that a normal person would not take the deal but Bourne knew better. He knew that the proposal was good. If he could not make it on time then he would not lose anything but if he could make it, then he would be gaining a huge amount of resources by selling it.

However, Bourne had failed to realize that Axel had put up another clause. The clause specifically said that Axel would not be responsible for anything he did after creating the recipe for it.

Bourne would realize that this clause would come and bite him in the ass. These vials were made by Gatr family and Lance's family after spending huge amounts of money and resources for many decades. So, what would happen if Bourne started to sell these vials after creating the recipe?

Of course, he would have to suffer for it.


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