
Presents and Artist Collaboration

"Alright. Thanks. I'm going to practice." Ike said and excused himself. "Good. Oh. By the way. If anyone else in the band is approached, I'll talk to them. If a company wants to hire you as a band, not as trainees, then that's good news." Tayaw said and Ike left the room feeling lighter.

Before Ike knocked on his door to talk about the entertainment company, Tayaw was about to answer John, Strawberry Front's drummer's video call on Facebook. He doesn't know what Strawberry wants again, but he's curious so he called John back.

After a few rings, John answered. [Hello Isaac! My man, my brother, my friend!] John greeted quite excessively. John seems to be alone in the room he's in, from what Tayaw can see on his screen. "Are you drunk?" Tayaw asked.

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