
Beginning of the Semi Finals

Topaz forced himself to calm down as much as possible.

'The Bloodied Tails are interested in Summer right now. And right now, there's nothing they can do since students and huntsmen are all over Vale at the moment due to the festival. We already decided that Summer and I would go on. Summer due to the versatility of her semblance and me due to my ability to shrug off most attacks and deal them right back.' He thought.

'Right now, Summer is safe. I'll inform them about this after the tournament. All this will do is put them on edge.'

Coming to that decision, he headed to bed.

'So someone knows what's going on inside the Bloodied Tails and what I am. They don't trust the scrolls enough to give out their own name, meaning that they are in a situation where they'll be taken out if they are found out.'

He closed his eyes.

'Whoever they are, they've got MY attention.'


"Welcome all to the first event of the semi-finals!" The announcer exclaimed. "The first match is between two members of Team Obsidian and Team Campfire!"

The screen showed the arena shifting before stopping and revealing one side was a frozen ground while the other is a desert.

"From Team Obsidian, they have chosen Willow Schnee and Nova Garnet to represent them!"

The crowd cheered.

"And from Team Campfire, they have chosen Chro Amitola and Maron Sustrai to represent them!"

The crowd cheered once more.

"With introductions out of the way, let the battle...begin!"


"Don't focus on Maron. Her semblance is difficult to fight one on one." Willow informed. "Best to get one of them out quick and Maron makes that difficult to do."

Nova nodded before the spots on her gloves glowed red.

A glyph appeared under Nova as Willow used Lightning Dust.

"You'll move faster for roughly 10 seconds. After that, you'll be back to your normal speed. While you fight Chro, I'll distract Maron with my glyphs."

Nova dashed forward, closing the distance in a second.

Chro tried to throw his fist outward to shoot air forward, but she was too fast and slammed a palm into his chest, quickly followed by a knee, and finished by spin kicking him away.

"Chro!" Maron exclaimed, before seeing something in the corner of her eye and jumped backward, just dodging the fireball Willow shot at her.

"You should be focusing on yourself at the moment." Willow commented before a blue glyph appeared behind her.

The glyph shot icicles at Maron, forcing her to dodge.


"Ha!" Nova yelled out, slamming another punch into him, sending him flying back further into the desert area.

He rolled before stopping himself.

"You've gotten slower. If you had your previous speed, you could have landed a kick as well." He commented.

"Yeah, but it did its job." Nova told.

She dashed at him again.

He shot his arm forward, shooting a small bullet of air towards her.

She shot her left hand down towards the ground, causing a small explosion that moved her to the right slightly, but enough to keep her momentum while avoiding his attack.

He shot his other hand forward and shot air once more.

Dodging it the same way, the ends of her hair started to turn slightly red.

It continued this way until half her hair was red.

Seeing the pattern, Chro shot both hands forward where two bullets of air shot forward, one at her and the other slightly to the side.

Nova used her trick once more, but was struck by the second burst of air.

"You've become predictable." Chro commented with a slightly smug look. "It's going to be over real quick."

Nova smirked.

She dashed straight at him.

He did the same maneuver once more, but she shot directly behind her, taking the first hit but not allowing it to slow her down.

In fact, she sped up.

He shot straight at her three more times where she did the same thing, leaving only her roots black, which quickly turned red with the last blast.

She shot one last blast that shot her forward and closed the distance, showing her eyes were shining bright red as her hand shot forward and released all the power she had been absorbing from all of her explosions.

She slammed her fist into his face, causing his aura to crack, sending him flying and out of bounds.


No sooner did he finish, did she start running back to Willow.


Willow slid on the ground as her aura appeared around her.

She stood up with her rapier in front of her.

Maron was running towards her.

'I figured out her semblance.'

She jumped attacked her from the right.

Willow jabbed to her left but hit air.

But Maron struck Willow.

"You may have figured out my semblance, but you still can't tell when I'm using it." She commented before slashing her.

Willow moved her rapier to parry the slash, but it vanished before she was struck in the side and sent rolling.

"Willow Schnee is down to 32%! All the while Maron Sustrai is filled with 67%!"

Maron tried to advance but a white glyph appeared behind Willow before she jumped on it and sent her flying towards another one that Maron didn't see.

She jumped from that one to Maron and jabbed at her back.

The hit struck and sent her flying forward before she stopped her momentum.

Willow narrowed her eyes. 'Her attitude changed when I tried to strike her from behind.'

Creating more glyphs, she quickly moved around before striking her again, only this time, from the front.

She aimed her strike for her center and struck the left side of her chest, only for her to spin to the left, as if struck on her right.

Quickly using the situation, Maron slashed her with her blades.

Willow moved the rapier in front of the blade and blocked it but was still sent back a few feet.

'As I thought, she must be able to see her target to activate it. Now I just need to see how to tell when it is activated.' She concluded.

No sooner did the buzzer go off, announcing Chro had been defeated.

Maron's eyes widened.

Using the distraction, Willow used her semblance to shot herself at her.

She shot her rapier forward and slammed it into her shoulder, sending her rolling backward.

Willow prepared to shot at her again until something happened that shocked mostly everyone.

"I forfeit!" Maron exclaimed.

The stadium went quiet.

"What?" Willow asked.

"I said I forfeit. I'm not meant to go against several opponents at once, especially not against someone as quick as yourself and not someone strong enough to knock Chro out already." She explained.

"There you have it everybody! The winner and moving onto the finals, is Team Obsidian!"


Topaz nodded. "She knew when she was beat. Instead of prolonging it and possibly making it worse with her teammate on the way, she finished it."

"She was weak. What if this happened in the wild?" Raven asked.

"Then she would have had her team." Summer answered.

"And if they were indisposed?" Qrow asked.

Topaz watched them walk off. "Then she would have died."

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