
Aura and Mana (2)

-I have done some preliminary research into the magic of this world, it seems that I can use both Aura and Mana. Aura, for me at least, is easier to use but there is a lot less of it and after casting I become exhausted, I would assume this is because I am using my own energy, and I can only produce so much of that, before needing to recover.

Mana on the other hand was, for at least today, a real bitch to wield. First of all it took forever for me to even find it, or more accurately for it to find me. Second there was way more of it than Aura making it impossible to control with my own strength. So I had to rely on what I am going to call 'guidance' to have it do anything. And I could only make it go slightly more or less to the right than it had already decided to go, let alone cast anything with it!.

But After extensive 'guidance' I was starting to get a better control over it, I can assume that as I continue 'guiding' Mana I will slowly get better at controlling it, and will be able to wield it. Mana also tired out my body, but to a lesser extent than Aura. While using Aura takes pretty much all of my energy with a couple casts I could probably use it continually for at most 2 minutes. Where as mana the only tiring thing about was keeping it contained within my body in order to guide it.

At some point in the future I believe that I will be able to use Mana to cast continually for long periods of time, while also releasing greater power than Aura. But that requires for me to be able to control it effectively more research must be done to get any conclusive answers.-

Closing the journal Jack mused to himself.

(If only I had put half the amount of effort I put in to researching magic, into school I would of been a genius back on earth)

Standing up slowly Jack's stomach growled. Chuckling Jack muttered.

"But first, dinner."

Walking out of the forest, he pondered over what his next moves were going to be. He was heading over to the middle district today not to meet and convince Reginald, but to watch him to learn his travel patterns. That way he could intercept him later while also maintaining a mysterious vibe. Having more information about him wouldn't hurt either, that way he can make a guess onto what his goals were.

The reason he didn't go to watch Reginald today was for 2 reasons. One it was the merchants fair, meaning that he would be acting differently because he would be in the front most position with public attention on him. Gaining information on how he acted in public did Jack little good.

Second he wanted to explore the world of Mana and Aura, to better prepare himself for how he was to act in front of Reginald. And because magic is cool.

Walking back Jack formulated a plan out, (First I should learn how to control Mana better, and also test what the extent of my Aura capabilities are. That way it will become easier to track and observe Reginald.)

(I wont practice on Friday though because the next day I'll be helping Celine, and I don't want to expose anything to her. Better to be safe than sorry)

As Jack found street again he broke out of his thinking and started focusing on where he was going to eat.

(The only good food I've really had so far in this world was the divination soup, and even that wasn't great. Maybe I should try the bar.)


Over the next few days Jack continued to practice his Aura and Mana. The mornings would be filled with Aura training, testing his limitations and capabilities. While the afternoon would be spent in a meditative state in an attempt to 'guide' the world energy with more ease. Each day he spent within the clearing seemed to give him a better handle on his potential.

Sitting within a room in The Dragon's Maw, a local inn, Jack was writing down his findings fervently inside his journal.

-As I study more about my abilities with Aura and Mana I have discovered new things and gained a more profound understanding of these powers.

First let's talk about Aura; Aura seems to be more specialized within my body and mind, pertaining to lesser skills and can't really reach out very far. For example I can use Aura to enhance my senses gaining a better understanding of my surroundings. Or to enhance my agility and strength using Aura greatly increases my coordination and gives a power boost. I can also teleport short distances, and even turn invisible for brief amounts of time. As I am practicing Aura I have been noticing an increase of how much of it I have, I don't whether this is due to practicing Aura, becoming well fed and just improving my overall health, or a combination of both. But either way this is a reassurance on my part.

Next Mana; I am still within the stages of trying to control it thoroughly, I have had some small success in wielding it, but it is still far to small to have any profound effects. I can at most light the top of my index finger like a candle, very cool at parties but sorely lacking in regards to offensive abilities. It's not like I can just ask my opponents to stand still as I slowly burn a hole through them.

But I can now feel that there is more potential in mana than I initially thought. While Aura will be very helpful in my close range capabilities, Mana will significantly improve my long range. Since the power originally came from external sources it is easier to expel back out. I can tell that when I use Mana it puts significantly less strain on my body than Aura but the price for that is that it can't affect me as much. While using Mana I become much more vulnerable, again solidifying it as a long range battle option.

It is also important to mention that Aura can affect things that are within direct or near direct contact with me. When I become invisible so do my clothes, including my shoes which are not directly touching me because of my socks. So it can be safely assumed that if I were to wear gloves and carry an object or if I was carrying and backpack that they would similarly be affected.

The only question now is if I can take other people.-

Closing the journal Jack took a look at the desk he was sitting at admiring the 3 coin purses sitting atop it.

Jack had used his Aura to increase his slight of hand in order to rob some wealthier people, who had beforehand had to much protection around them for him to have success. Of course he made sure they were corrupt before robbing them.

Smiling to himself Jack leaned back in his chair thinking more about how he was going to convince Reginald Cast to sponsor him.

Although his skills had been given a considerable boost he still wanted to infiltrate the church of Mayaht as an acolyte. He also had the option of paying for the scriptures now, but he knew that in order to have change happen within Forgemire he needed to have connections. Working 'under' Reginald would provide that. Not only was he known widely by the public, thanks to his father he also had extensive connections to the people pulling the strings.

Pulling his thoughts away from Reginald, Jack stood up and decided to head out to the nearby pub that he was now frequenting, upon finding that the food was good of course. He needed to take his mind off of all the serious thinking that he had been doing, it had started to give him a headache.

He instead started thinking humorously about if he where to teleport with someone whether or not there clothes would stay on. And how funny it would be if the clothes didn't, and how many officials he could shame with it.

Jack stood up and went to the bathroom to relive himself before heading out. While washing his hands Jack stood to take a look at himself in the mirror. This was the first time he had taken a good look at himself.

Jack stood at an average height of 180cm (5,10) with dark rusted brown hair placed loosely to the side. His eyes were light brown and he had a layer of itchy stubble on his face from not shaving in a week. He was very thin you could see most of his ribs, and when he breathed in one could almost fit their hands around his abdomen. He wasn't very pale nor tan but had a healthy complexion despite his emaciation.

He might seem to be in a wretched state, but compared to 2 days ago there was no longer deep bags under his eyes. And his cheekbones were more filled in, not to mention his arms and legs were actually starting to regain some of their girth. Thanks to the physical training he had been doing with Aura

Jack walked towards the pub with a buoyant spring in his step still thinking about all the fun things he could do with his newfound abilities.

The pub itself was in a shadier part of town, it was located in the middle of the street. It stood 2 stories tall with greasy wood slated roofing, there was a skeleton holding a mug while tripping its hat at anyone who entered the bar nailed onto a plaque above the front double doors. This was in fact a real skeleton, apparently it was the bar owner's ,crazy Alf, great great grandfather, Godfreed Alfred, who made the pub back when Forgemire first started becoming a trading town. Each descendant took over the job as bartender of the Jovial Joint. It was of course only named the Jovial Joint after Godfreed died.

Upon entering, different pungent smells filled Jacks nose, not minding the smells Jack searched with his eyes for a few moments. Jack headed for a empty spot at the bar next to a grizzled looking old man.

"How's it going Shark? Still drinking twice as much as your wife tells ya to?" Jack grinned and slapped the mans back.

The man named shark simply snorted before replying.

"You've got balls kid if you weren't so damn slippery I would've beat your ass into next week!"

Jack simply grinned before sitting down next to him.

"Anyways you hear anything important as of late?"

"Oh yeah, I've found something that'll peek your interest" Shark smirked evilly.

Okay that was another info dump I know, I know sorry. I also realized I never explained what Jack looked like, so there we go. Just a warning Jacks style of confrontation will be less battling of might like your tradtional swords and magic or martial arts novel. But instead battle of wits and stealth or indirect means.

Lanzxzcreators' thoughts
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