
The Red-Eyed Sorcerer

Hao Xuan mulled over the choices for quite a long time before going with the most unlikely one.

"Bless me, O' Silent Father!"

The favour fell to 107,221 only. In just a few hours he had spent nearly 90,000 favour after coming to the past, and he still wasn't done.

His sparkling eyes ran up and down the new list of blessings with their considerably lower costs across the board.

"Well I'll be damned...it really was like that!" his mouth fell open upon seeing the results of the gamble.

Hao Xuan wanted to jump up and down in merriment but his attention was pulled towards the figure that was standing in front of him.

'Who-' he quickly cut off his connection to get a better look at the person.

It appeared to be a boy in his late teens from the looks of it but Hao Xuan couldn't be sure since his back was turned towards him.

He was looking around the room curiously.

"Kid, how did you get in here?" Hao Xuan questioned before realizing that the door didn't even have a lock.

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