
The way back

"The hell are you talking about?"

Jin Wang let out a sigh and looked back at Hao Xuan with a rarely seen seriousness.

"Your soul, genius! If your abilities are related to your soul, especially if they directly affect it, then the more you use them or in this case, the more pressure you put on them, the harder it will be for your soul to bear."

"I always knew your ability had something to do with soul power but it seems like their connection is much deeper than I originally thought. All the things you're experiencing, the headaches, the sensitivity to light, sound and smell, erratic temperament, they all point to the same thing. Your soul is under too much pressure and is in return affecting your physical body."

"You cannot, and I can't stress this enough, you can NOT use your ability until you level up more. It can get much worse!"

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