

CYRUS HAS THE GENTLEMAN role but their father Adam stripped him away from that role and gave it to Tobias when the young one was born. Why? Why would Adam do that?

I get that Tobias is his favorite, but favoring him even before he was born? What does Tobias have that Cyrus and the others don't? The letter T in his first name? Because apparently everyone's name starts with C except for Tobias. Only an idiot wouldn't notice that.

"I know this might be a sensitive question to ask but...is Tobias actually...not a Delton?" I ask Chance out of the blue who was still looking at Cyrus's portrait.

Chance doesn't remove his eyes from it when he chuckles upon hearing my question. I thought he'll brush me off or pretend that he didn't hear me, but he surprisingly answers my absurd question. "Even if I wanted him to be adopted, I sadly saw that boy pop out of our mother's pussy when I was four. And besides, it would be treason to appoint a member of the family who isn't a Delton by blood."

"Then does that mean Cyrus isn't a Delton? Is that why Adam changed his role?" I then ask, and Chance looks at me with an amused grin as he answers, "Oh believe me; Cyrus is a Delton inside and out. He's the epitome of the family name. The Delton blood is in Cyrus's veins even if he despises it. You can even get a sample of his DNA now if you're doubting my words. Same as Catalina. I might not have seen it in my own eyes but she still came from the same pussy. There are pictures, and it's not a pretty sight."

Seriously? There are pictures of the actual birth session? What is this family? Do they want proof that the children are really Delton's?

Well, at least I know they're really siblings. That crosses out one factor of possible murder intentions on Adam.

"Anyway, that's not really the point here. The point here is Cyrus has a role none like any other. We don't know the exact reason, but I'm suspecting Cyrus himself knows why. If you get an opening, ask him." Chance informs me, and I nod my head in understanding.

I look at the portraits again, staring at the symbols one by one to check if there were any other unique ones. The roles aren't based on the order of their birth. Sometimes the gentleman's role is passed on the second son or a third. But obviously, it's always passed on to the son. And the portraits were arranged by generation. There are already four generations, and Cyrus and the others are the fourth.

"You said the gentleman role was given to Cyrus because he's the eldest and the saint role to Tobias because he's the youngest. But why is it that the other generation of Delton siblings not following that order?" I ask while still locking my eyes on the portraits.

"Well, giving roles by the order of birth are the customs, but of course there are unavoidable circumstances." Chance explains.

I wanted him to explain further, but for now, I think I'd just understand it as we go. I proceed to the third generation and stare at the late Adam Delton's portrait. This is the first time that I'd see a clearer picture of him. He was blonde like Catalina, lips similar to Chance, but had eyes like Tobias. But the way he stares at you screamed Cyrus. He was a gentleman; the tie symbol on top of his portrait said it all. But looking at the order, he's the second son. The eldest was a girl. Maybe this is what Chance meant by unavoidable circumstances.

While I was checking them, Chance takes a deep breath and suddenly recites, "Act like a saint, talk like a boss, tempt like a slut and kill like a gentleman. Four roles generations of Delton's have perfectly portrayed." Chance says while standing beside me.

I already had a hunch on what those roles would be, but hearing it from someone - from someone who holds one of those roles - sound so surreal.

This is a real thing. This family really went through all the trouble to think of such a twisted concept. To force the children those supposed roles. I can't imagine it.

"Ophelia Delton." I read out loud when I saw the picture.

"That's the youngest. Our father had two sisters and a younger brother." Chance explains. So this was the master that Luis served before Cyrus. She holds the Saint role, which fitted her because she looked innocent and fragile. But I bet she's the opposite.

I want to know where they were now, but that's another part of the story that I'm not ready to tackle just yet. All this is already complicated as is.

"I've never seen such a family before," I say out loud, walking towards the other portraits so I could see them too.

Alright, let's break down everything we've gathered so far.

Catalina Delton is the boss. It's pretty obvious.

Chance Delton is sadly the slut. It disgusts me just thinking about it but now I know why Cyrus favors this poor guy so much.

Then there's little Tobi who acts like a saint but is the gentleman.

If I understand all this correctly, Tobias was still trained for the saint role since he's the youngest. And the only reason why Adam gave him the gentleman role is that he wanted Tobias to lead the family since Chance said that the head of the family is always the one with the gentleman role. That's why he doesn't act like a gentleman because he's only after the title and not the actual trait.

Then there's the complicated one, Cyrus Delton. Cyrus holds all the roles, but since he's the oldest, he was first trained to be a gentleman first. It was only changed when Tobias was born. Cyrus and Tobias's age gap is 11 years, so Cyrus had 11 years to master the gentleman role. Then 24 years to master the rest.

In conclusion, there's no actual saint in the fourth generation of Delton siblings. It was replaced by something else. But what is it even called?

"Cyrus...if he's not the gentleman, what is he?" I ask Chance, stopping at a male portrait named Lucas.

Chance was following me, and he stops walking too so he could answer my question, "His role is unique. He's the only one in the family who has it. It was specifically made for him."

"Then what is it called?"

"Dare like a Devil." Chance immediately answers. The words were said so fast but it felt like it went on slow motion when I heard them. I wasn't expecting the role to be called like that at all.

"No truth, no words, just actions. He defies, challenges, and taunts. That's his role." Chance explains further, and I'm glad that he did because I couldn't get a clear picture of what that role really does.

"Dare like a devil? So basically a daredevil. He's a reckless man who enjoys doing dangerous things. That's Cyrus's role?" I ask to further understand the concept of the new role.

"That's pretty much it. And he was trained like the rest of us, but he doesn't do what our roles do on the surface. He mastered the specialties instead." Chance explains to me.


Now, what the fuck is that supposed to be?

Chance sighs, implying that he's about to explain something complicated. I'm just hoping I get to process every word that he says to me because I don't think I'll ever have a chance like this again. I better take everything I can now.

"The surface traits of our roles are being the boss, the saint, the slut, and the gentleman. But then there are the specialties." Chance begins. He walks towards the eldest daughter of the third generation of the Delton siblings. She was Adam's sister, Camilla Delton, and she had a slut role like Chance, "I mastered reading people's desires, or what they want to know."

Then Chance skips Adam's portrait and went to the third sibling whose name was Dario Delton. Dario had the role of boss, and just by looking at the portrait, I could understand why he was given that role.

"Catalina mastered the art of fear. She knows how to get respect by extracting it from the people's fear of her." Chance explains next before returning to the youngest, which is Ophelia Delton.

"Tobias mastered the art of pleasing, and not in a sexual way because that would be my role. The saint role is more complex. He knows what to follow and who to please. You don't know how hard it is to choose the right alliance, or the person to trust. But Tobias perfectly knows it all." Chance says while staring at Ophelia's picture.

Pleasing. Is that the reason why Cyrus made me kill president Boris? He was teaching me Tobias's specialty. But doesn't that mean I trust Cyrus since I did his order with no hesitation? Because I knew Cyrus was someone that I could trust?

"Then there's the gentleman." Chance continues, now standing in front of his father's portrait.

"Cyrus was forced to master all roles, but he's still the perfect gentleman that currently represents the family. He mastered the art of..."

Chance doesn't have to finish for me to know what it was, "Lying. Because gentlemen are the best liars." I finish for him, and Chance smiles impressively and nods his head in agreement.

Chance doesn't say anything anymore, but then, from everything that he told me, I suddenly realize something, "You said you mastered the art of knowing people's desires. So you know that these are the things that I want to hear, but you're not telling me what I need to know."

Chance was surprised, but he smiles and calmly answers me, "You catch up fast. But yes, that can be the case. But then again the bell rang. The bell means we drop the roles because the watchers aren't watching anymore. As I said, they only see better during the day."

"But that doesn't mean you already dropped it. " I point out because he also said the roles almost became their human nature. He might think he dropped the act, but he might not realize that he's unconsciously still doing it.

"I'm getting hints on what you actually are Mr. Carter, and I'm not very pleased with what you might be." Chance tells me, and this time, it was my turn to be caught off guard.

I immediately stop talking. I almost hit my own mouth. I knew that talking too much opens my real intentions. This is why I wanted to go with the cold quiet type.

"I guess that's-"

Chance was suddenly cut off when he heard the bell ring once more from a distance. He was silent for a second, and then his expression immediately changes. I knew that in that exact moment, his role as a slut returned.

"Oh dear, it's the second bell. I better get going." He says, his way of speaking returned to how he usually was when I first met him at the company.

The quick change of personality was so precise that the hair on my skin stood up. It was a sight that I could not believe I was able to witness. It's like an entirely different person is now facing me.

"There's a second bell?" I ask, trying to pretend that I'm not bothered by his quick change of personality.

"There isn't. But that bell implies that there will be someone who will be punished. And it is crucial that all siblings must be present during that gathering." He says, making me feel uneasy. I don't know if it's because he referred to it as a gathering, or because he's suddenly walking uncomfortably close to me.

Chance lifts his hand and out of nowhere caresses my cheek, making me gulp and immediately push him away from me.

Chance smirks and reaches out for me again to pat my shoulder, "We've talked for too long, but this is the end of our conversation. This might be the last time I'll ever tell you these things. But please, think of everything that I have told you and connect them together. Don't let my effort go to waste."

"T-Thank you." I answer, and Chance moves close to my ear and whispers, "If you really want to thank me...there are other ways for you to do so." And before I could even react, he bites my ear and immediately walks away.

I hold my ear and watch him go. Chance looks over his shoulder and says his final farewell, "Always remember Mr. Vincent Carter, what you see in this family, is not what you'll fucking get." Then he waves goodbye and heads to the end of the hallway where he turns to the right and vanishes.

My heart beats fast. It isn't because he bit my fucking ear, but because I just witnessed how quick he changed his personality with my very own eyes. It's like the bell is a signal. They're treated like trained dogs.

Anyway, I better get going. Chance didn't really tell me to head back, but I don't feel safe staying here for too long on my own. I just have to walk back to where we came and I'll be on my merry way. But before doing so, I decided to walk to the first portrait. The first generation of Delton's was the only once who was actually painted. Obviously, since this was a century ago.

I'm curious to see who started it all. I want to know who the great grandfather was.

I'm not really expecting much, but when I saw the name of the man who started this crazy family, there was a part of me that suddenly got a lot more twisted. Because the man who started it all was the original holder of the name...Cyrus Delton.


The music was banging in my ears. People were pushing me. Some were shoving shot glasses in my direction, almost staining my coat with vodka. Smoke was everywhere. Someone even exhaled the smoke right in front of my face that I almost punched him.

I'm close to the elevator, which was the only exit that I know, but then, the elevator door opens, and there appeared another Delton sibling, Tobias.

Tobias was also wearing a suit, and he looked calm. There are two watchers standing behind him, and when he got out of the elevator, the music actually stopped. Like literally, the DJ stopped the music and everyone stopped dancing.

Tobias hasn't said anything yet, but the sight of him gave me chills. They didn't do this when Chance arrived earlier.

I'm still wearing a mask, but I decided to move away from him so he wouldn't spot me. I observe as the crowd moves aside to make way for him. Tobias then stops in the middle of the crowd and faces the DJ.

"Please, continue the party. There's no need for you to halt an enjoyable night just because I'm passing through." Tobias says, sounding like he was giving a speech convincing everyone to help the poor.

The DJ doesn't say anything and nods his head before starting the music again. Everyone was cautious, but they continue dancing anyway.

I sigh in relief and slowly walk my way towards the elevator, but then, like my luck was still testing me, someone grabs me by the shoulder. I thought I would faint. I knew who it was even if I don't look back. But as I turn my head, a different face welcomed me. And Tobias was nowhere to be seen.

"Luis!" I practically shout.

Luis immediately covers my mouth and pulls me away from the crowd.

"What are you doing here!?" He asks.

I couldn't answer him. I'm actually surprised he recognized me. And was this the reason why he left me earlier when he said he has somewhere to go to? He was getting ready for this?

"Well, like what you said, wait for Cyrus's signal. And here I am." I answer him, and Luis sighs and massages his temple.

"Cyrus you brainless boy. Why on earth would he give you the signal on the day that he'll be punished?" Luis asks, but it was a question that was not directed to me. I was then going to ask what he was doing here too, but then I realize Luis was now wearing a red suit. Apparently he's a watcher too.

"I also met Chance. He gave me a quick history lesson. Apparently Cyrus isn't a gentleman but a devil." I tell him, and Luis was even more surprised at my sudden reveal.

"So you've learned that much?" He asks, sighing again.

"You were going to know about it anyway. Might as well know it now." Luis tells me, making me feel relieved that he isn't mad.

"Since you're already here, you should follow me. I'll bring you to the hall." Luis says, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the club.

"What identity did Chance give you?" Luis asks. So he figured that out too?

"Well, apparently I'm named Hans Richards from a very posh and elite family," I say with a fake British accent. Obviously Luis wasn't impressed, but he says to me instead, "Well master Hans, I'll be bringing you to the guest area. You are not to speak to anyone. You're just there to observe, do you understand?"

"I know. That's what Chance said too." I inform him.

I really don't understand where this is going, but I just blindly follow behind Luis. After a few more turns, he lets go of my hand and we arrived at a large double door that was guarded by two watchers.

"Sir Luis." The two greets. So Luis has a high position here too.

Luis doesn't greet them back and gestures at me instead, "This is master Hans Richards from Europe. He was invited by master Chance and is expected to attend the gathering."

The two guards look at me, and I immediately show them the ticket that Chance gave me earlier. They nod their heads and open the door for me. Before I got in, Luis tells them, "If you don't want to get scolded by the masters, I expect you to treat him with full respect. Let him enjoy his stay at the mansion. The siblings have an important deal with him that is still in negotiation. Don't fuck it up."

Now the two guards became more tensed. One of them even assisted me in a seat and gave me champagne. I was placed at the balcony with others who were casually talking and drinking. Below was like a courtroom. I could already see Tobias, Catalina, and Chance sitting in front, but Cyrus is nowhere to be found.

Everything escalated quickly, but I have to stay in character if I don't want to get kicked out. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

"Good evening sir." Someone suddenly tells me with a heavy French accent. I turn to my right and see a man in an expensive but fashionable white suit. He's wearing a mask similar to mine, but I could tell that he's good-looking. I think he's even in his early forties.

"My name is Maël Asselin of the biggest winery in France." He says before handing me his business card.

I gulp and pretend like I wasn't really interested. I check his fancy-looking card and put it aside before answering him, "I'm Hans Richards of the...Richards family. I'm sure you've heard of us. We're closely related to the royal family." I lie with my fake British accent.

Obviously, he'd say he knows me. It's like a rich people thing. It would be social suicide to them if he'll say that he doesn't. It only means he doesn't have enough connections. And they don't want people to think that at all.

"O-Of course, I've heard of...the Richards family." He says, lying worse than I was.

Maël adjusts himself on his seat and takes a sip of his wine before looking back at me. I thought our conversation was over, but then he asks, "So how much are you willing to bid sir Richards?"

The questions surprised me. I thought I heard him wrong.

"B-Bid?" I ask him, trying not to be too shocked. But I think my expression failed me.

Thankfully Maël doesn't notice as he smiles and says, "I know, it's quite exciting. We haven't had a gathering with this many guests in a while. I heard today it's the eldest."

"You mean Cyrus Delton right?" I ask, still confused about what the bid was about.

Maël takes a sip of his wine again and tells me, "Last time was the boss punishment. It was a pleasant sight. Master Chance was whipped according to the highest bidder. Apparently the highest bid was half a million and that person requested twenty whips. That would have made him learn his lesson."

I shivered upon hearing what Maël said, and my eyes were wide from shock. They bid for the punishment. And Chance, he was punished with twenty whips? When did this happen? Was it during their last dinner? He didn't seem like he was whipped twenty times. Was that why Cyrus got so mad at president Boris? Was he getting even?

"I heard today's bid will start at five million. I'm only willing to go as high as ten, but I already presume it would go over twenty." Maël continues.

I gulp and grip on the glass that I was holding. I look down at the siblings who all have expressionless faces.

Gentleman, Boss...after boss is...

"Slut." I whisper to myself, my heart suddenly beating fast.

Cyrus gets the slut punishment. And all these rich men and women...are bidding on a chance to fuck not only a Delton but also the strongest one of them all.

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