

Sayo shivered from the sound of the woman's voice. It was a command - an order, which can result to death if it is ignored. She gulped down her saliva and stared at the display before her. Behind, the woman was crossing her arms, awaiting for her selection.

There were not so many available options laid in front of her. There was a bow and some arrows, but she was never skilled at those. There was also a solid-looking shield, but what help would it do to her? A couple of weapons were broadswords, and she knew she can't properly lift those things even if she wanted to pick them. That leaves her with two remaining possible choices.

There were two javelins, and a spear. 'My best weapon isn't here.' She thought.

She wanted to pick one of the javelins, but the handles look nonhardy, like it can't withstand any heavy hit. And she can feel it - that woman can hit hard. So she had to choose a sturdy weapon, for whatever the hell might happen when she comes with this woman with the Byakugan.

After a few minutes, she finally decided to take the intricate-looking spear, which looked more durable than the javelins because of its more solid handle. "A fine choice." The woman commented. "Follow me."

The woman led the way to another door adjacent to the smith's workplace. Before they can enter, she caught sight of Rexis, who was sweating profusely in front of the burly man who was talking something incomprehensible for her. Her friend was giving her a puppy-eyed face that's saying, 'Help me out' but she only returned it with an annoyed look paired with an expression that says, 'No, can't do.'

When they were finally inside the seemingly empty room, Sayo was reminded of the dojo where she used to train with her father prior to them transferring in the US. They had to move three years ago due to her father's job. Her mother already died five years ago so there was no immediate family member they had left in Japan.

During her middle school, Sayo used to be a member of their Kodokan Kendo club, where she used to compete in different kendo competitions. She was fairly good at this sport.

Kendo is a modern Japanese martial art, descended from Samurai swordsmanship that uses bamboo swords as well as protective armor. Today, it is still widely practiced in Japan and has spread to many other nations across the world.

Kendo is derived from the Japanese art of the "way of the sword" from ancient samurais who were warrior class during the warring ages of their nation. However, when Sayo did it before, she always incorporated her own style in doing her routines – like she's making it a hybrid out of different combat and swordsmanship techniques. This made her exhibitions more elaborate and beautiful, and at the same time, more effective against her opponents.

And that's why she really wanted a sword right now with a blade similar to a katana's (Japanese style sword).

But due to her unorthodox Kendo methods, she always gets a deduction of points and as a result, she never won a tournament. Then she entered high school in US, where she had to catch up with supplementary lessons, and Kendo club was no more.

She earned her reputation at Springdale High by not being the typical shy girl transferee, and instead, proved her worth as she intimidated a lot of people in her year and class. Whenever someone tries to bully her or discriminate her, she would always have the last laugh and kick the shit out of them before they got used to making her life miserable. By the time she reached now on her final year, everyone tries to avoid annoying her and getting into her bad side. Well everyone else, except for the setter-spiker crackhead duo of the volleyball club she manages.

Sayo's back was towards the woman as she took a deep breath to calm her nerves and ready herself for what was yet to come. When she faced forward, the woman was already holding a spear similar to hers, if not even better. 'Where did she get that weapon?' She never saw her with that thing prior to this moment.

"Come at me and show me what you've got." The woman challenged. "I promise not to get serious so don't worry, your life won't be in danger."

Of course, Sayo's already got used to arrogance of many people who dared to lay a hand on her. But the woman doesn't sound arrogant, rather, she sounds like she's so excited to go head-to-head with her.

'Fine, let's do this.' Sayo thought. She then charged forward and lunged her attack.

The woman easily parried it with her spear, and Sayo was impressed with her reflexes. She pushed down her spear to get leverage from behind, and strike the woman with the butt of her weapon, but she easily dodged the same and then lifted her spear to slice the air right in front of Sayo's face.

'Holy crap! You said my life won't be in danger?!' Sayo internally screamed. Luckily, she was also fast enough to move her head away from the blade and managed to duck in that scenario.

Meanwhile, the gray-eyed woman smiled at her quick reaction. 'She's good.' She thought.

Soon enough, their weapons were clashing with each other, and the woman's smile throughout the match grew wider and wider as they exchanged more and more blows. Sayo was never able to hit her and she knew she'll develop bruises later from taking several blunt hits from the woman in front of her.

'She's not even serious! I would've died ten times over if she wasn't holding back!'

Finally, the woman was successfully able to throw Sayo's spear away from her grasp. In a victorious manner, she angled the tip of her weapon in Sayo's throat. The latter only gulped in surrender.

"You have earned my respect, mortal. Tell me who you are." It was like a command from a general.

She pondered about it and decided to just reveal her first name. "My name is Sayo."

"Sayo? That's an unusual name."

Sayo gathered her courage to let out the question she's been dying to ask. "And – And who are you?"

The woman's mouth formed a tight-lipped smile. "I am Athena."

Then everything clicked on her mind.

The Mythology of the Greeks.

Sayo doesn't know how to react upon that revelation and discovery.


On the other hand, by the forge, Rexis' eyeballs were about to pop out from his eye sockets from the unbelievable thing that he's seeing. At first, he thought there was a trick to it, like in the ones he sees on television. But he realized there wasn't. The man – this burly, horrendous, big man – can freely manipulate and control fire, no doubt about it.

No need for mittens to lift a metal from the forge, and no need for electricity or gas either to adjust the fire that was burning. He can do anything with the element freely and at ease – without any reservations and conditions to activate.

Right now, he was mumbling something about the 'Art of Forging' and to be honest, Rexis wasn't really paying attention to what he's saying because he was so absorbed with his actions and liberty to control fire.

'He's so cool! Never really judge a book by its cover.' He thought.

"….so you see, the best weapons are not always made from the finest quality of metals. The strongest and the best weapons are those ones that were made by the forger with his ironheart. They are truly the ones that can serve their purpose, even after their masters and wielders have passed them on to the next generation." The man finished passionately.

He was now done with the pounding the piece of cooled metal that he lifted from the forge a while ago. By now, Rexis is sure that it's a shield. This was already his ninth time of doing the process all over again. Rexis wondered if the man is nuts for repeating the same thing over and over again.

"If you are wondering why I did the same thing over and over, the answer is this – to truly make something strong, always challenge it to overcome more pressure." His beard was catching fire and Rexis wondered if it tickles or it hurts.

Then when the man coughed a smoky cough, Rexis snapped and he was now only beginning to register the man's words in his mind. But he still wasn't able to understand it.

"Hrrrmmm…you know what I did to this thing?" He was referring to the shield. "This process is called 'folding'. Everytime I heat it, I always raise the temperature of the fire several degrees higher. If you noticed, during the first heating, the metal easily liquefied, but as I kept on repeating the process, the quality of the material becomes more durable. It removes all the impurities of the metal. Now look at it, the glow is a lovely red and it's still on its shape – retaining its malleability and at the same time enduring a lot of pressure from my flames." He admired his work.

"I wonder if this thing will ever break. It's probably the strongest defense weapon I've made so far. Hrrmmm." The man twisted his beard after that remark. "Now tell me, what intricacies should I put to it?"

That perked up Rexis and he's got just the perfect design in his mind, one that will not mess with anyone's shield copyright. "I know a perfect design for that masterful creation, sir."

"Hrm! I knew it! I knew I can count on you my apprentice! Haha!" The man patted his back and he was thrown forwards by the strength of his touch. "Er – sorry about that. Say, why don't you try doing it?"

"D-doing it?" Worry started to flood in Rexis' mind. 'The heck is this old man thinking?! I'll lose my hands if I do it!'

"It's fine trust me. You'll have my blessings after all." He confidently replied.

"Blessings?!" Rexis exclaimed. "I'll never be able to use my hands again if I mess on that forge! Sir!"

"Anyone who receives the blessings of Hephaestus shall never be harmed by fire." The man said calmly with his yellow smile.

Rexis had no idea what the frick he's talking about.

Yohoo ~

Today's second chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

*Julius will be back next chapter don't worry.

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