
Ch 6 : I am here!!! (Edited)

Solomon lifted Camie out of the bowl she was in and put her on his shoulder where she held onto his ear to steady herself, even then she was holding onto the black bear with her other hand, once he knew she was settled on his shoulder Solomon walked back up the stairs, occasionally swatting away a guard that thought it was a good idea to get in his path.

Something similar was happening at the top of the stairs, three different pirate crews were either killing or just knocking-out the guards that rushed towards them, most of them were just doing so to stay away from Solomon and to still be seen doing their jobs.

Solomon didn't pay any attention to anything that was going on around him at that point, not the fighting that was going on or the death that he was delivering to the guards that rushed at him, he didn't even pay any attention to his former masters dead or unconscious bodies, if you could call the stain on the floor that, no, he was paying attention to the dangerous feeling he was getting from behind the stage curtain.

"Why did you stop Mr. Creed?" Camie asked as she tried to dry her tears that seemed unable to stop flowing ever since he gave her the black teddy bear.

Solomon didn't answer because the dangerous feeling was just getting closer and he was preparing himself to face whoever the feeling came from if he had to, and just when that feeling spiked a hole was made in the stages back wall and out walked an older man with long grey hair and a grey bread that Solomon could respect, it was almost as cool as his, almost.

It was at that point that the octopus Fishman that was on the stairs had exclaimed in surprise, "Rayleigh! What are you doing here?" He asked the man called Rayleigh and as if by lightning Solomon's mind was jump started.

It had been a long time since he had thought about the story line in the world he now called his home, now that he did start thinking back to it Solomon realised just what scene he was living out but he had made it go a little bit differently.

Instead of Luffy punching the celestial dragon across the room for shooting Hachi, instead he had instead ripped him in half and simply dumped his remains on the stairs.

Solomon couldn't help but think of the repercussion's for harming three celestial dragon's, killing one, he knew he couldn't go back home now that's for sure, it would just bring even more pressure onto Fishman island, the celestial dragons and the 5 star elders were looking for any reason to make all Fishmen and Mermaids their slaves, he didn't want to give them one.

That's when his thoughts moved over to the meat loving pirate captain that was currently taking care of marines outside the auction house.

If Solomon wanted to act it would have to be now, so he turned back to Rayleigh who was helping Hachi, "Dark King, can you take care of the collars on our necks? I currently can't use that high a level of Haki." Solomon lowered himself so Rayleigh could see both of the collars.

"Alright, but you will need to buy the next round." He said with a grin while taking a sip from the drink in his hand, using his other one to easily rip the metal collar of Camie and then Solomon's necks. Throwing them behind him, back on to the stage where they exploded not even a second later.

"Please take care of this little one, I'll need to keep the Admiral if there is any chance of getting these two back home." Solomon didn't wait for an answer as he already knew Rayleigh would look after them, he then took a stunned Camie off of his shoulder and put her down next to Hachi on the step, choosing to ignore her protest's of wanting to stay with him.

He then turned and once they couldn't see his face anyone the smile he had dropped from his face and he once again adopted the cold look that he had for the last 10 years.

As he walked up the stairs he grabbed the front of his shirt, if the rags that they were could be called a shirt, and ripped it off, revealing the crisscrossing scars and burns that lined his wide back, but also the very prominent brand on his chest, the very one from the first day he became a slave, he needed the world to know that a celestial dragons slave had rebelled and killed them in the most brutal way, and so that's exactly what he would do.


"I'll beat them all! You two just stand aside!" Luffy argued with the two other pirate captains that had also been in the auction house, one with red hair and an arm covered in metal parts from different things like guns, swords and machines, Eustass Kid, one of the worst generation, just like Luffy and the other man they were arguing with, called Trafalgar Law.

He was wearing a fluffy hat with a cow print pattern on it, he was also covered in black, bold line tattoos that made him stand out, as did the sword he rested against his shoulder.

They were going to continue arguing about who would beat the most marines when something was suddenly thrown from the corridor leading into the auction house, some of the marines panicked thinking that it was a weapon but when it landed in front of them all and they saw what it was some of them directly threw up their breakfast, their commander tried to regain control of his men but you could see it on his face as well, he was disgusted with what he saw.

It was the two separate pieces that once made up a fat bastard of a celestial dragon, almost everyone recognised who it was from the clothing alone, the others might have recognised who it was from the state of the body and how they were there to watch it end up in that very gruesome state.

The marines that regained their stomachs the fastest started screaming about how a celestial dragon was dead, someone had killed a celestial dragon, and so on.

At that point Solomon walked out of the auction house, which gained everyone's attention and also pulled attention to the brand on his chest, he still had the same cold look on his face as he looked at all the marines hiding behind their cannons and weapons.

As if that would protect them from what he had planned for them.

"My name is Creed Solomon!!!" He practically roared to the heavens, shouting out that he existed, out for all the world to hear.

Everyone felt a pressure envelope them when they heard Solomon shout out, his very presence made them feel weak and made them wish to just give up and run away.

"I will get my revenge on all those so called gods!! I will become a Dragon Hunter!!!" He roared in rage as he let his anger take over control, which caused his body to give off a blood red glow and it was focused on his eyes especially, making his eyes shine red with the rage he felt.

But with that red glow it seemed that Solomon had grown stronger, larger and tougher.

A collective nervous gulp could be heard from the marines as Solomon charged at them, tanking the bullets and cannon balls that hit him, only working to make him angrier and in turn stronger, which was signalled with the red glows increase in intensity.

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