
Saving the damsel.

Takuya's afternoon classes finished and he went home with Takashi like he usually does since they became friends , well also to visit the three waiting for him in the Komiya residence.

When the two arrived in the house of Takashi, Takuya stayed for a while to have a foursome with the 3 ladies again.

"Oh Takuya-kun you're here again." Yuria said with tinge of happiness, Anna whose reading some books in the living room was surprised and happy when she heard her mother calling someones name then she looked at the two guys entering the house.

"Hello Yuria-san I'm here to visit again." Takuya said then he smiled at Yuria then he noticed Anna peeking from the living room and he also smiled at her and Anna nodded.

Yuria guided Takuya on the living room and Takashi went to his room to change his clothes, the Takuya and the Two ladies left in the living room.

"Did you missed us Takuya-sama~?" Yuria said teasingly to him.

"Oh? You dare to tease your master now?" Takuya looked at Yuria then he smiled.

"No dick for you today." Takuya said in serious tone.

"Huh?!" Yuria flinched when she heard him and Anna chuckled at her mother's expression.

"I'm sorry Takuya-sama please let me have your mighty dick today, I won't tease you anymore." Yuria said like a child that was caught off by her parent.

"Mom your acting like a child." Anna said with embarrassed expression.

"Oh? How cute." Takuya said then he patted the Milf. "Okay your punishment has been lifted."

"Ehe." Yuria blushed.

"Where's Rina?" Takuya suddenly asked.

"She should be coming back now." Anna said then she took her phone and tried to contact Rina but the phone just keeps ringing. "She didn't answering her phone."

Yuria felt some uneasiness when she heard what Anna said.

"Where's her school? I'm going to take a look." Takuya said in serious tone.

"In... High school. I'll go with you Takuya-kun." Anna said with a bit nervousness.


After about 20 minutes they arrived at Rina's school and Takuya tried to call her again and luckily the call connected.

"Takuya-sama please save me..." Rina said in low tone on the other side of the phone.

"Where are you?!"Takuya said in worried tone. 'Who the fuck dares to touch my woman?!' he thought.

"This place is named Paradise Bar, my classmates invited me over to hangout but I didn't expect that they are gonna be using illegal drugs with the other guys in this bar. When I saw it I immediately want to leave but they closed the bar soon and I pretended that my stomach hurts then went to the comfort room to call you but I'm out of credits luckily you called me Takuya-sama." Rina explained the situation she was teary eyed while talking on the phone.

"Don't worry I'll save you, be sure to lock the door of that comfort room and don't go outside got it?" Takuya said then he looked for the place in his Map app on his phone. "Anna let me handle this situation you should go home, don't worry I'll save your sister."

'I'll kill them if they touched her.' Takuya thought and left Anna.

"Be safe." Anna said in worried tone.


Soon Takuya arrived at the location and saw a familiar sign that says "Sexy were closed.".

'Dont tell me this is the shitty hell hole that owned by a guy named Obata?' Takuya thought and his anger rose up when he reminds of the things happened to Saki in the original story then he calmed himself. 'Relax, confirm the things first before acting rashly.' Takuya thought and he knocked at the closed door, while inside the bar the female students are sniffing something and others are drinking some tablet or injecting something on their arm.

"Who the hell is knocking on the door outside? Hey you take a look who it is." Said the bald tanned burly man then he pointed to the scrawny guy that's sitting on the Table while smoking.

"Okay." The scrawny guy left them and went to see whose knocking the door. "Hey what do you need, this place is closed."

"Hey brother don't be so grumpy, I'm here to buy some meds to Obata-san." Takuya said.

"Oh? Who the hell is Obata? what meds are you talking about? were not pharmacy but a Bar." The scrawny guy said with innocent face.

"Obata-san is the doctor and I'm a patient recommended by Hayato-san, Don't worry brother I got all the cash." Takuya said then he took a stack of cash and placed it on his bag and showed it to the scrawny guy.

"Oh! You're recommended by Hayato." The scrawny guy changed his attitude after seeing the stack of cash from Takuya's backpack.

"Is Hayato-san also there?" Takuya asked.

"Yeah, he also bought some fresh high schoolers you can join us if you like but you're the last in line." Said the scrawny guy and let Takuya entered the bar.

'Oh... My guess is right this is definitely the drug den, and those guys are gathered here ohh It's time for massacre. Hey system can I store living bodies in my storage?' He thought.

[Yes, as long as they're unconscious.]

'That's great. I don't need have to worry.' Takuya thought.

The scrawny man and Takuya arived at the secret room of the bar where the session of illegal drugs using is happening.

"Hey who the hell are you?" Said the burly man and all of the people inside the room looked at Takuya, but Takuya didn't answered and activated his geass and used the ability of absolute obedience.

"You guys just stay here and don't mind me and the girl in the comfort room I'll be back later." Takuya said then all of them answered with robotic tone "Yes.".

Takuya went to the comfort room and knocked the door. "Rina-chan It's me."

Rina whose inside the comfort room heard Takuya's familiar voice and she quickly opened the door and saw Takuya standin in front of it then she rushed to hug him.

"Takuya-sama I'm scared in this place." Rina said while tears flowed to her eyes.

"Don't worry I'm here no one can harm you now." He replied and he also hugged her back. "Let's go home now, your mother and sister are worried about you."

"Un." Rina nodded and they went outside. Rina was confused because there's no one tried to stop them from leaving and just ignored it.

"Hey Rina-chan, wait for me here there is something that I would like to talk to the owner of this bar, don't worry it will be fast it's just a few words and next time don't just befriend anyone promise me not to hang out with those types of persons anymore."

"Okay Takuya-sama." Rina nodded like a faithful wife to her husband then Takuya entered the bar again.

I was so exhausted yesterday and luckily I finished this chapter before going to work.

So here's for your today's chapter.

Kahelcreators' thoughts
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