

Jake had a cheerful grin as he whistled while driving into the compound. Tonight he felt so happy and his joy knew no bounds. Looking at him one would think he had won a lottery, actually to him, he just won one. A friendship lottery.

Few hours ago, he had been so scared, that Jade might get angry at him and would never want to talk to him again, but miraculously, things had turned out differently. Things had worked out for his good.

A scary day has turned out to be a good one. The only thing he wanted was to spend more time, hanging out with his new found friend, Jade Peterson.

But what felt more thrilling to him, was that smile which Jade had shared with him tonight. It was the very one he had always wanted to see her flash at him. It was miles away from the usual stiff, forced and lifeless smile Jade always had on whenever he was around.

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