


Nicole angrily dropped her bag on her desk. She obviously on a beast mode. Maybe something bad happened to her. Or maybe she heard some bad news. What is it? Is it about Stacie? Is Stacie did something to her?

"Why Nicole is angry again?" Shaun asked.

"What makes her mad again?" Bryan asked. I just shrugged my shoulder because just like them... I also don't have an idea about it.

"It's because of Stacie. Again. Like usual." Athena said who suddenly appeared from nowhere. She rolled her eyes and she sat at her chair.

"Why? What did Stacie do?" Bryan asked Athena. Athena sighed before she answered.

"You don't know the new announcement?" Athena asked. We shook our head.

"Okay. I will read the announcement." Athena said and she looked at her cellphone. She sighed again before she say something. She also cleared her throat.

"The new rank in popularity. Top 1 Stacie. Top 2 Nicole. Top 3 Shaun. Top 4 Melanie. Top 5 Rence. Top 6 Jaemia. Top 7 Steven. Top 8 Donna. Top 9 Erica. Top 10 Maureen. Stacie Montes is the new president in all Club like Glee club, Dance club, Sports club and etc. Stacie is also a new SSG secretary. And Nicole's former fans are now Stacie's fans." Athena said. We got shocked when Nicole suddenly shouted.

"Grrrr! That snatcher bitch! Is she an artist to admire like that?!" Nicole said angrily and she throws something.

"Yes! In Korea." One of my classmate answered Nicole's question.

"She's also a model." Someone said. They immediately received a dead glare from Nicole.

Wow! She's an artist and model? Is this for real? Wow again. That was cool...

"Can you shut up?! I don't need your fucking opinion! Gosh! I'm prettier than her! It's just a two weeks! She already has a lot of admirer and suitors. She's flirt that's why they like her so much! Maybe she uses a black magic to get their attention! No one will love that face! She's not pretty! She's not even worth it to love! She deserves nothing! Well she deserves my slap." Nicole said in anger tone. She so harsh to Stacie.

"Stacie deserves it. She's nice person." Rence defending Stacie.

Rence is right. Stacie is a nice girl that's why I'm not wondering why she receiving a fame right now.

"And Nicole please low your voice. If you continue shouting she might hear you." Bryan stopping Nicole from shouting but Nicole didn't stop. She so stubborn. Well, she always like that when she's angry. No one can stop her.

"I don't care Bryan! I'm not scared at her! Fight me if she can! If I know, she just pretending that she's strong! She's just like Stella! Correction Rence... She's not nice! I really don't get it! Why all students and teachers love her?! Why??" Nicole shouted.

"Don't you dare mention Stella again." Rence said with authority in his voice. Why Nicole mentioning Stella anyway? And what did she said? Stacie is just like Stella? I don't understand.

Why she so mad at Stacie? Stacie is good inside and out. She's also friendly. That's why she became super famous here. She always greeting the teachers or the person who greeting her. She's very nice.

That's why I don't get it Nicole's anger. Is this because of their first met? Well that's her fault. She's sarcastic to Stacie that's why Stacie being like that. Stacie is nice to the person who nice to her.

Or is this because Stacie got the Top 1 in popularity? Nicole has been keeping her top 1 in the popular for a long time but because of Stacie she became top 2. Being top 2 is okay at least she still part of most popular in our university.

Or maybe it's because Stacie became a leader or president in Dance Club. I know Nicole really wants to be leader on Dance Club. She's dreaming it for a long time. And I know that Rence and Nicole argue about that because Nicole did something that's why she became a dancer when they were in high school and Rence don't like what she did so they got fought. That's why it was hard and difficult for her to join in Dance Club again. But she was making a way to be leader in Dance Club but Stacie got it effortlessly.


Uhh- Ohh. I think this is war.

"You're smiling at me when we're in front of the crowd but it was fake and when I turned my back on you, you're judging me. Now I know! Now I know that I can't trust you. Why are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong to makes you hates me this much? Is it my fault that they more like me than you? Is it my fault that I became more famous than you? There's only one reason why that happened. Do you know what is it? Because they hates FAKE and I'm not fake like you. That's the reason. Stop being fake if you want them to admire you. And I don't need a black magic to make them love me. I'm not that cheap. Maybe you're the one who using it because you're too eager for everyone's attention. Bitch." Stacie said in serious and angry tone. She rolled her eyes before she sat on her chair.

"Wew!" Athena whistled and looks away.

"Tsk tsk tsk…" Bryan said while he shaking his head.

"Fake, huh? Get ready for my revenge." Nicole said and smirked. It is looks like Nicole is planning something. She always like that. She does not let someone beat her. We all looked at Stacie. But Stacie is spacing out.

"Nicole I think should stop." Shaun said. I nodded sign that I agree on Shaun what said.

"Yeah. You should stop fighting with her sis." Athena also agreed on Shaun's said.

"They're right. She's not like Stella." Bryan said. Stella? Again? And what's wrong with Stella?

"Can you please stop involving Stella?" Rence said in irritate tone. They shut their mouth while Nicole just rolled her eyes.

"Maybe she's just pretending. Maybe she just really like Stella. They're both great pretender." Nicole said and smirked. Rence hit the desk and he angrily pointed at Nicole. My jaw dropped because of shock. This is first time I have seen Rence get so angry.

"Don't say such words to Stella! You have no rights. You might forget you did something to her." Rence said in anger tone. Did something? To Stella?

"What? Me? It's not just me. All of us! It's our fault." Nicole said and she pointed Athena, Bryan and Shaun. I can't relate on their topic. I don't understand.

"Guys stop it. Rence is right we shouldn't involve Stella here." Shaun said and Athena tried to make Rence calm down. Rence just shook his head and walk away.

"Aigooo… Can you please watch words Nicole?! You know Rence got pissed when Stella is the topic." Bryan whispered at Nicole. Nicole rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Okay. Fine." Nicole said.

"By the way, why are you so angry at Stacie?" I asked her. Nicole didn't answer my question.

"It is because you know that Stacie is pretty girl and when Steven saw her, Steven might like her?" Shaun asked her too. Nicole didn't answer again. She just sighed. Silence means YES.

"Sis… Steven loves you so much. He flirt but he loves you. He's not going to fall inlove with Stacie. Just trust Steven." Athena said and she hold Nicole's hand. Athena is right. I can see how Steven loves Nicole. I can also feel it.

We go to cafeteria when our class got dismissed.

"Stacie is here!"

"She so pretty!"

"I envy at her beauty."

"I really love you, Stacie!"

I heard some of students said that.

"Nicole! Where are going?" Bryan asked but Nicole ignored his question. She continue walking at Stacie's direction with her drinks. I have clue on her plan. I saw Rence shook his head. I think he also has an idea. Stacie and her friends are walking on their table when Nicole and Stacie got suddenly collided that's why Nicole's drink got thrown on Stacie's blouse. But I know Nicole meant it.

"Oh my!" Erica said in shock tone and her eyes got widened.

"You so clumsy!" Donna angrily shouted at Nicole.

"Opsss… Haha… I didn't mean it." Nicole said in sarcastic tone. Melanie glared at her. Stacie smile at her. She wiped her blouse with a tissue.

"It's fine. I'm okay sissy..." Stacie said with a smile. Bryan and Shaun stood up to stop Nicole. I thought It's okay but I saw Stacie get the glass with a juice beside her and she dropped it in Nicole's head.

"SORRY. I didn't mean it too." Stacie said in a sarcastic tone. She smile in a fake way and she walk away. Nicole shouted when Stacie is gone.

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