


Name: Daniel Ryden

















Heal Potion(Limitless)

Counter Ring



Black Wand

Might Guy Manual Guide Book Training


"A special gift for the user for not lamenting or curse the system 100 times. You have received 2 Self Pick Universe Ticket, 5 Super Lucky Lottery Ticket and 3 Ultra Luck Lottery Ticket." Oracle talk to me as I blink my eyes much time as those are the announcement I heard the moment I wake up for school.

"Umm. Explain what the heck are these lottery tickets Oracle?" I ask while I go to the bathroom as I take my toothbrush with toothpaste.

Then I brush my teeth while hearing Oracle's explanation about these lottery tickets.

"You have received these Lottery Tickets fur to you not cursing me or lament yourself for not getting another system. I already track your behaviour or any feeling about me which I can say that you only piss or dissatisfied with me for only 45 times." Oracle explains to me making me stop brushing my teeth.

"Damn. I bet all the other system users now are sneezing or coughing when they hear what Oracle tell me since I lost count of how many reincarnated people curse their system. "

Finish brushing my teeth, I take a bath as now I am feeling excited about out what Oracle is explaining right now.

"These tickets can be used by you to draw out anything. You can use this ticket to draw any power, soul card, weapon or skills without waiting for a month to arrive."

"Tell me what is this Self Pick Universes ticket?" He asks Oracle as he is now willing his body after finish bathing.

"As the name goes, you can pick any world where the ticket can be used as compensation where you can draw anything involves that world.

For example, you use one of the Self Pick Universe tickets and decide to choose the Dragon Ball Universe. For that one moment, you will draw something involves the Dragon Ball Universe.

Be it one of the Dragon Balls, Ki Cultivation Manual, Characters soul card, capsules to and other things that involve Dragon Ball Universe.

" So if I got all the Dragon Ball, can I call Shenron for him to grant my wish?" I ask the system.

"Yes though you will not get all the Dragon Ball at the same time. If you have all the Dragon Balls, you will be transported into a dimension where nothing can enter, there you can do the ritual to summon Shenron and make him grant your wish?" Oracle says to me.

"How many wishes he can grant to me?" I ask her.

"Only one. But if you succeeded collect all the Dragon Ball for the second time, the number of wishes you can ask from Shenron will increase from one to three." Oracles say to make me smirk but then I decide it is not worth it.

"Rather have character soul cards than the Dragon Ball. I mean, only have one Dragon Ball is not worth it."

"So how about the Super Lucky Lottery Tickets?" I ask Oracle.

"These tickets will grant you items, weapon and soul card except no mineral bottle. The chance of you to get soul cards and powerful also has been increased." Oracle explain to me making me cheers as I know there is no way for me to get a mineral bottle or useless items any more.

"So I guess this Ultra also is the same but the chance also increased by ten times right?" I ask Oracle who answers "Yes" to my deduction.

"Hmm. Then, Oracle, use all the Self Pick Universe." I say to Oracle.

"Please select the Universe for each ticket." She says to me making me smile.

"Then, the first ticket is the Worm Universe," I say to her."And the second one is the Nasuverse." I say to her as both Self Pick Universe ticket has disappeared from my inventory.

"Ding, you have gotten Soul Card: Jackslash from the Worm Universe and Emiya Kiritsugu's Thompson Contender with 10000 Original Bullets".

Whistling at what I got, I know at this point, now I can finally rest assures if I stumble against any magician, no sorcerer in this universe as I can use Thompson Contador to shoot Origin Bullet that can cripple any living creatures that are fired upon.

Which is good since I can use this bullet against the evil sorcerer or any sorcerer that decide to cross path with me.

But still having the soul card that contains a person that can be called a merciful and cruel killer is not the least thing I hate to get from the lottery ticket.

In the end, all it matters to me is their ability as my survival in this dangerous world.

But now, I need to familiarise myself with these new powers. Sigh, perk of having so many powers, you must always use them or you will feel awkward using them.

" Equip the soul card: Jack Slash," Oracle announces in my head as I see there are many knives strapped on my waist as I pick one.

Throwing a cola can I just has finish drink, I focus myself and send a slash with my knife toward the can.

They can then almost split into half as it stops midway making me realise that my cutting power is still weak.

Guess, I need to bring some hard and soft materials for me to practice it.

First is a paper where with a single slash, the paper turns unto half.

But how about 10 paper? The result is the same. Okay, how about a stack of paper?About 300 paper. Will I able to slash them to half again?


Once again, I send the slash but I realise at the last moment, my movement got halt making me know that a stack of papers can block me from slashing them apart.

Taking a deep breath, I focus on my intent to slash the stack of paper to half.

Fail. Half success. And lastly, I succeeded.

What I mean is I fail on my first attempt. I almost half succeed the stack of paper to half on my fourth try and succeeded in my seventh try.

My right arm which has to keep slashing now feels very tired as I switch to my left hand, my weak hand which make me realise that I need to practice this cutting power with both of my arms.

And this training also makes me realise how I rely on much on my right hand when doing the attack whereas for my left hand always used for a guard.

My cutting power when I used my left hand is weaker than right arm so I familiarise myself by keeping slashing many stacks of papers until morning arrives.

"Here I go." I made a slash using my left hand toward the 2 stack papers where both got slash to half making me grin.

Thanks to the memories of Jack Slash, I manage to use his cutting power in half a day though mine is far weaker than him hey, as they said, practice makes perfect.

Looking at the time, I notice I only got 15 minutes before school started as I quickly take a bath.

Finish bathing in 4 minutes, I quickly wipe my wet body and then prepare myself for the school.

After that, I once again take a look at that time only to see it was 8 minutes before school starts.

"Okay, my living place with the school is 30 minutes away so I am doom to be late. Only if I walk as human and did not use my powers."

Equipping the Gravity Boy Soul Card, I float myself on the air and quickly increase my speed of flying to the school.

2 minutes pass before I landed in an alley near the school.

Walking out from the alley, I sigh in relief as I know that I will be in time arrives at my school.

Now, I just need to cross the road and then I will arrive at my school.

"Ah. My marble." Hearing the mutters of a little girl in front of me who run after her marble, the sound of car honking can be heard as the vehicle right now is inches away from hitting the girl making me to take a quick action to rescue her.

I make my way toward the little girl and scoop her up despite everyone shout for me to stop.

"Look out!" Everyone shout as the car is just right in front of me.

"Star Platinum: The World!" I thought in my head as my Stand appears in front of me while shielding me who almost got hit by the car as the front of the car has touched my stomach.

The surrounding turn into grey as time stop making me jump across the road by adding Hamon on my feet to make my jump become further than normal human jump.

"3 seconds have passed as time resumes again," I mutter as my body landed across the road as everyone screams expecting me and the little girl to be hit by the car but no bodies got hit by the car as they all see me across the road.

"That is close," I mutter as I look at the little girl who seems to be grabbing his marble tightly.

Then, the other pedestrians able to cross the road as the mother quickly approaches his daughter checking her up.

I then stand up while looking at the pedestrians who circle me.

"You are very fast lad."

"Which school are you from?"

"Are you an athlete?"

Ignoring their questions, I make myself away from the crowds as now I am late for school.

"Thank you for rescuing my daughter." The mother thanks me as I nod my head to her.

"No problem." I then quickly walk to school while parenting my actions.

"If I've used my other power, people will suspect me as a mutant so using Stand is the most efficient way as no one in this world can see .y Stand." I thought in my head before someone tap my shoulder as I turn my head only to see a certain host of an omnipotent being.

"Hey there, you alright?" Jean ask me as I reveal a wry smile toward her.

"She sees my action. Damn it. Wait a minute, why I should be worried of people see my heroic actions? At least I use my power to rescue people though I will regret this action, but it is worth it."

"Yeah. I am alright." I reply as I notice she is not with her mutant group.

"So why are you---"

A wave then hit my head as Oracle make the sound.

"Ding! Resisted your mind from being invaded by the Phoenix." Oracle announces as I gulp knowing the reason why she is not with her friends.

She grabs her head as she seems to be in pain making me panic.

"Of all the time, why now?" I cursed in my mind as I thought a way to make her power did not goes berserk.

"Wait for a minute, I can copy her power." Activating one of my quirks, I touch her forehead making my body full of psionic energy that is ready to burst that make me realise as how hard to control this power as many thought from the people around us start to enter my head.

Using all my willpower, I start to enter her head to do a telepathy communication between us.

"Jean!Jean!JEAN!" I shout her name making her look at me.

"Focus on my mind. Remember what I said at the previous days. Do it right now!" I shout at her as she slowly nods her head as both our mind seems to be connected.

"Ding! Host mind is in danger. Launching the self protocol of shielding the mind of the host!" Oracle make a sound as all these thoughts seem to be ushered away making me sigh in relief.

"It stops," Jean says as she looks at me through telepathy

"Yeah. Told you I can contain your power from going berserk." I say to her as I help her up as she suddenly grabs my shoulder with both of her hand.

"You did not lie," Jean says to me making me feel very awkward with some of the people and students look at us.

"There goes my plan of becoming a low key student." I thought in my head before realised that Jean can hear my thought.

"Seriously, after doing that previous stunt, you expect you will not gain popularity, Daniel?" Jean ask me in an amused tone making me sigh.

"A-anyway, let's go to school before we are too late," I tell her.

"We are already late Daniel." She says to me as she takes out her handphone and shows the time to me.

"Oh well. I hope that our homeroom teacher is late for entering our school." I thought in my mind.

"Let's go to school." She says to me as she envelops my right arm with hers as I feel like being drag to the school as I start to walk beside her.

"Wait a minute. This style of walking, it looks like a couple walks unto the school." I thought to myself not realising that Jean hears that.

Entering the school, we are greeted by the glares from boys where most of the glares, no, all the glares are directed to me.

Glares all you want but it is not you guys with the most popular and pretty girl in this school. Shame on you guys.

"Daniel," Jean called me through the telepathic communication.

"You know I can hear what you thought in your mind right?" She asks me.

"Yeah. So? " I ask her back as she keeps avoiding the stares that I direct to her.

"Do you not feel embarrassed about calling me famous and pretty?" She asks me as she tries her hard to not stare at me.

"No. I mean, what I say is right. I mean, you are very famous in school and you are a very pretty girl in my point of view." I say to her never realising Jean's face now is the same colour as her hair.

"Y-you idiot!" She says to me as she pinches my shoulder where I just keep quiet as my nose start to sniff the sweet aroma coming from Jean's hair.

"Your hair smells so good," I say to her making her stop pinching me.

"You flatterer. Come on, let's go back to our classroom." Jean says to me as I swear I can see the sweet smile on her face.

She opens the door of our classroom as I release a breath of relief seeing no teacher in our classroom as the students stop talking seeing Jean and me enter.

Their eyes almost pop out from their socket seeing Jean's arm wrap my arm making me realise that this is going to be a long day from me.

Huh, like the heck I care. I will just beat them up if they decide to mess with me.

"Hush you. No beat people around." Jean says to me telepathically as she reluctantly let go of my arm as I sit on my chair.

"Daniel, are you still there?" She says to me.

"Always there for you," I replied spontaneously making her cheek becomes red as I laugh seeing her expression.

"But still, isn't there supposed to be a time limit

of my copy?" I mutter as I remember only a certain of time is the longest with Jean's powers.

Wait for a minute, I mean, I can just store away that power right?

Making all the psionic energy disappear, I start to call for Jean to see if she still has telepathic communication with me.

"Jean," I call her as she looks at me from her seat.

"Yes?" She replies making me know that she still has that telepathic communication with me.

"Nothing," I reply as I take out my book while revisiting my new Status.


Name: Daniel Ryden


















Heal Potion(Limitless)

Counter Ring



Black Wand

Might Guy Manual Guide Book Training

Thompson Contender(10000 Origin Bullet)

5 Super Lucky Lottery Ticket

3 Ultra Luck Lottery Ticket."


"Hmmm. From what I see right now, I need to use this Super Lucky Ticket since my gut feelings tell me I am going to need sooner."

And turn out my homeroom teacher is absent making me relief as my class will be free until lunch break arrives as I quickly put my head on my desk to sleep.

"Are you sleepy?" Just seconds after I put my head in the table for me to sleep, Jean's voice sounded in my head making me glare at her.

"No. Rather I want to take a nap to rest my mind." I say to her as I do the previous action until my right-hand instinctively grab the eraser head to my head as my head gets up to glare at the person who throws this to my head.

"Oh, Tim, Duncan's best friend." I thought in my head as I am about to throw the eraser back to him until Jean's voice once again sounded in my head.

"Stop. You will hurt him." She says to me as I stop my action though I glare at him as he just whistles around like he did not do anything wrong.

"Hoh." Summoning my stand, The Emperor, I release a shot toward a water bottle near him as the water fell to his cloth and his trouser as he quickly gets up while wiping his wet attire.

I just smirk as I see how he run away from the class as I joined the others laughing at his misfortune.

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