
Mom's Cum Cocktail


Son's Point of View

It happened like this:

Two days before New Year's, I had returned home to stay with my Mom and my younger brother. For the previous three years, I mostly lived out of state in a college dorm. My brother was living at home while attending his first year at a local college. And, my 45 year old Mother was busy running her fancy Italian restaurant.

Sounds like a typical family, right? Working mom with two sons in college, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Strangely, as I came to find out, things weren't as they seemed. In fact, we're pretty far from what most people would consider 'normal.'

I woke up around midnight because of a thunderstorm (typical for these types of stories, right?). The pleasant sounds of the rain falling almost put me back to sleep.

My attention shifted when I heard footsteps down the hall, outside my room. I figured it was my brother going to the bathroom. But then I noticed the steps going back and forth, as if someone was pacing in the hallway. Since my door was closed, I didn't know what was happening.

Then I heard my Mother's voice. It came just as the rain was fading, so I was able to hear her clearly.

"Don't wake your brother," Mom hissed softly.

The footsteps ended at Mom's room. My first thought was that they were planning some sort of surprise for me. I would graduate from college soon. Maybe they planned to start the New Year off with a bang and acknowledge the upcoming milestone.

Curiosity got the better of me and I put my ear against the door. There was nothing, no noise whatsoever. The talking had ceased. I noticed a soft light in the hallway, under the bottom of my door. Something was definitely going on.

Now, I'm not usually the nosey type. But this was very strange. Why would Billy walk quietly to Mom's room in the middle of the night? And why would Mom want to keep it a secret?

Unable to resist, I opened my door to check it out. All I heard was rain outside. Coming from Mom's open door, I noticed a dim light, and stepped into the hall.

At that very moment, I heard something that forever changed all of our lives:

"My dick has been sore all day," Billy whispered. "Did you really have to make me wait for two whole days?"

In a hushed tone, Mom spoke quickly. "Shhh... You'll wake your brother. Consider yourself lucky that I'm even doing this for you."

"Sorry Mom. Thank you."

Something unusual was definitely happening next door. Did Billy really just talk about his 'dick' to Mom without getting smacked in the head? Any other time, Billy would have faced hell for using such language in front of our Mother. But now, it was acceptable?

Was it a medical issue? I wondered.

I inched towards Mom's room, certain they wouldn't notice me between the darkness of the hallway and the continued sound of raindrops outside.

When I peaked around the corner of Mom's dimly lit room, I got the shock of a lifetime.

Mom was kneeling beside her bed, while my brother Billy stood in front of her. His pants were down and I could see his bare hips. Mom's back was to me, but I realized from the bobbing motion of her head, that she was sucking off my younger brother! No wonder Billy's dick had been 'sore all day.'

Mom was still wearing her black silk nightgown. Her dark hair was pulled up in a messy ponytail which bounced with the motion of her head. For a moment, I actually forgot it was my Mom and was impressed by her efforts.

Billy's eyes were tightly closed while he enjoyed her attention. Every so often, he looked down at the top of her head and smiled slightly. As her right hand slowly trailed down to the base of his cock and began to pump, he threw back his head while groaning.

It was surreal to the point that I felt sick, especially when the quiet of the room was disrupted by lewd sucking noises. My instincts told me to interrupt this deviance and demand to know what the hell was happening. But apparently I have a thing for the taboo because I felt myself getting hard.

For some perspective, my Mother is one of the most well-mannered people I've ever met. She dresses conservatively, almost as if she's from a different era. Her sweet-heart personality is definitely one of the reasons her Italian restaurant does so well. Customers are taken by her charm and she has a large following of regulars.

Now here she was, with her face in my younger brother's crotch, as her head moved back and forth. There was no doubt what was happening. Billy's eyes were closed and he was softly moaning.

The next movement happened so fast, I almost missed it. My mom grabbed her phone, which was next to her on the bed, and took a few selfies. I couldn't believe it!

Not only was she (presumably) sucking my brother's dick, she was also documenting it with pictures on her phone. What the hell was going on?!

"I'm going to cum," Billy whispered. "You suck so good, Mom."

My mother put her phone down and lifted her head. At this point, both of her hands moved forward and back in front of her face.

"You were quick tonight," Mom said softly, looking up at him. "Must have been the long wait."

She reached down and picked up what appeared to be a jar. Continuing to stroke Billy, she managed to remove the lid with one hand. This time, I saw his penis when Mom moved. There was no doubt about it, Mom was sucking his dick.

Even more alarming was what the jar contained. Although the light was dim, I had a pretty idea good idea of what it was. Thick white fluid half-filled the jar. It was Billy's cum!

She stroked him while holding the jar. Billy tensed, groaned and shot his load into the mixture, then relaxed.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow," she whispered, milking every last drop from Billy's cum.

"Me too."

"I'll put our little cocktail back in the fridge, so it stays fresh."

What the hell was going to happen tomorrow? The whole sight was shocking and I stepped back, trying to be super quiet. Their 'session,' or whatever this was, had finished and I didn't want to be caught.

I made my way back to my room and gently closed the door. At this point, going back to sleep seemed impossible.

Mom's Perspective

After Isabella sent her youngest son, Billy, back to his room, she knew she had a real problem on her hands. Or maybe it was an opportunity to finally bring her oldest son Leo into the equation?

With her highly tuned 'mom-radar,' she heard the faint footstep of her oldest son as soon as he left his room, despite the heavy rain. Obviously, Leo caught her in the incestuous act.

This needed to be addressed immediately. Depending on Leo's reaction, maybe there'd even be an invitation, if he seemed inclined to participate. She was certain he'd be eager after a rational explanation. How could he decline such an opportunity?

She turned on her overhead bedroom light and ran downstairs to put the jar in the back of a bottom drawer in the fridge. Then she walked quickly to Leo's room. The rain storm was picking up again and she wondered if her son could hear her approach.

Isabella slowly opened the door to her son's room. Though dark, the light from her own bedroom allowed her to see the silhouette of her son laying still in his bed.

"Don't pretend to be sleeping," she whispered. "I heard your footsteps a minute ago."

Leo rolled over. "I needed a drink of water."

"No, you didn't. You saw me with your brother."

There was a short pause.

"What were you doing?" he asked softly.

Isabella sat on the bed, next to her firstborn. His face was hidden in the shadows, so she was unable to gauge his reaction. She ran her hand along his cheek, just as she had done when he was younger. The sweet gesture brought back fond memories as she felt him relax.

"I was planning to tell you eventually," she said, continuing to stroke his face. "But you are so much like I was at your age... very conservative. I've been worried about how you would react."

"Were you..."

She put her finger on her son's lips. "I gave your brother a blowjob."

It was her first time using such foul language with her oldest son and it got a reaction out of him. She felt him gasp as his body tensed. It was what she had expected. Utter shock. Removing her finger from his lips, she allowed him to reply.

"Why?" he asked, sounding incredulous.

"Because it incentivizes him to work harder in college. Because it keeps him at home, where he needs to be. Because he won't get into trouble with the wrong kind of girl. There are lots of good reasons. But also.... because... it's something of a family tradition between consenting adults."

Leo gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Well, you saw for yourself."

"But... but... why?"

"May I turn on your bedroom light?" she asked, politely.

"Sure, go ahead."

Isabella switched on the light and sat even closer to her oldest son. She rubbed his hair and caressed his cheek in a nurturing way. The look of confusion on his face was evident.

"This goes back decades, to my college days," she explained. "My sister and I, we couldn't have been more different. I was a bookworm and Celeste was more outgoing."

"Aunt Celeste knows about this?" he asked, even more puzzled.

It was a real surprise to him because Leo and Aunt Celeste had always been fond of each other. And it had been obvious to the whole family that Leo had a boyhood crush on her.

"Aunt Celeste is the one who started this," Isabella confirmed. "She was new to college life, and I showed her the ropes. I helped her with classes and cooked for her. In exchange.... are you sure you want to hear this?"

He nodded. "I do. Tell me, I want to know."

"Okay, but you've been warned. Aunt Celeste joined a Sorority and invited me to all the big parties. I am pretty, but Celeste is drop dead gorgeous. In her first few months at college, Celeste became the most popular girl on campus, and for all the wrong reasons, in my opinion."

"Sex stuff?" Leo asked in a small voice. "I mean, she was doing it with that many people?"

Isabella suddenly became uncomfortable. "It wasn't all sex. Actually, it was something even naughtier. Well, certainly kinkier. Only certain people in the Fraternity and Sorority knew about it. It was an acquired taste and fetish for some members."

"How kinky?"

"Did you see the jar I was filling?"

He gasped again. "She drank... I can't even say it."

"It's okay," she said, rubbing his chest. "Say it."

"Aunt Celeste drank their cum?"

"It was a dirty sex act between the Frat boys and Sorority girls. And when I was invited to one of those secret parties, she made me give it a try. She had been nagging me about it for months and I finally gave in."

"Why did you do it?"

The tone in his voice made Isabella felt like she was being judged. She hated that. But at the same time, she understood why her son would be upset by this revelation. The act itself was highly unladylike. And Isabella prided herself of being a perfect lady.

"Youthful stupidity," she replied honestly. "I was curious and I wanted to be more popular. And your Aunt Celeste can be very persuasive."

"Did you like it?"

Isabella paused, took a deep breath, and confessed, "Yes."

"You still do it?" Leo asked cautiously.

"Nothing to that extent. Have you ever wondered why Aunt Celeste and I always have private time when she visits?"

Leo blurted, "I figured you were talking about lady stuff."

It definitely was 'lady stuff,' as her son had put it. But Isabella's inner turmoil kept her from saying any more. Part of her hated this secret activity she shared with Celeste, because it was so extreme. On the other hand, her deepest desires were always fulfilled during their time together.

Leo accepted her silence. Isabella appreciated the fact that he didn't pry any further into her filthy sexual habits. She'd tell him eventually. Her son deserved to know.

Feeling the need for physical contact, she rubbed his chest and stomach in slow circles. Minutes passed quietly; mother and son both remained lost in their thoughts. Finally, Isabella broke the ice.

"Do you want to join us?" she asked, with her hand on Leo's stomach. Her fingertips flexed enough to lightly grip the muscles in his taut abdomen.

There was a long pause, as she had expected. Leo was a nice guy and was always very respectful. She had put forth a lot of effort making sure he was well mannered.

"Are you serious?"

She continued to rub his stomach. "Yes, I'm serious."

Her hand felt his stomach rise and fall as he breathed harder. Of course he wanted this. He was a young man with sexual needs. She -- despite being his Mother -- was very attractive and had a great set of 'skills.'

"Would I... Would I get what Billy got," Leo whispered. "You know..."

Isabella nodded, "A blowjob. And I'll drink your cum. It pains me to say it, but it's exactly what I want."

She studied Leo's conflicted expression. They both knew it was wrong. But Leo was a young man with an active cock and vibrant sex drive. And Isabella just adored sucking cock (and the amazing benefits that came with it).

Mom or not, it was a match made in heaven.

He gulped. "If Billy is getting that, then I want it too."

"It's only fair that I treat you both equally. You're both my angels. I'm sorry for keeping it a secret; I should have been honest from the start."

"Don't be sorry. I understand, I think."

She bent down and kissed his lips. "There are three ground rules. First, no one can ever know. Second, no talking about it during the day. It's improper. Third, be respectful."

"I'm always respectful to women," he managed a smile, despite his nerves.

"That's my boy. I've raised you right. Do me a favor and don't cum until tomorrow night. I'll need a full load."

She bent down and gave her firstborn a kiss on the lips. Then another. And another. He laid stiff as a board while being kissed in such an indecent way by his own Mother.

A sense of elation washed over Isabella as soon as Leo agreed to participate. She was one step closer to the ultimate goal.

Aunt's Perspective

Celeste landed at the airport before noon. While walking through the airport, she sensed both men and women checking her out. And why not? As a 42 year old celebrity fitness trainer, she had the body of a fit college girl. In a shamelessly revealing outfit, her trim and toned body was the envy of all.

During the cab ride to the family home, Celeste thought about what an unforgettable holiday this would be. In recent years, she had her sister add Billy to their cum swapping equation and that proved to be quite exciting.

But as she looked down at her phone for the first time since landing, it seemed like things were going to be even kinkier this year. Her obedient older sister did as instructed and took pictures of herself giving Billy a blowjob! Celeste slowly scrolled through the pics, enjoying the show. That it was Isabella looking like a seductress, with Billy's dick in her mouth, gave Celeste great satisfaction. She had come a long way, under Celeste's 'guidance.'

Then there were more important pics. Billy cumming inside a jar, while Isabella's free hand stroked his cock. The jar was almost half full thanks to two weeks of diligent work. There was a caption which read, 'Delicious. Make sure you don't miss your flight!'

As the cab drove along the freeway, Celeste took her time reading Isabella's email. Apparently, Leo had seen the whole thing and was given a briefing on their family secret.

It made Celeste smile to read about the update. She always found Leo to be very handsome. If Leo had been her son, she'd have been fucking and sucking him since the moment he turned 18.

Arriving at her destination, Celeste greeted Isabella warmly in the driveway. Outwardly, they looked like any pair of sisters locked in an embrace. Both were well-dressed and it looked very ordinary, especially in light of the upcoming holiday.

Outside the house, Celeste greeted her nephews, who were both enthusiastic about seeing her, especially Billy because of last year's events. When she hugged Leo, she sensed tension. Deep down, it excited her. It was always fun to be part of someone's 'first time.' She could tell that Leo was excited too, by the bulge in his pants.

"Have a good flight?" Isabella asked, as the cab pulled away.

Celeste nodded. "The flight was great. Mostly smooth with moments of turbulence, and a bumpy, yet climatic landing. Our night is shaping up the same way, isn't it?"

The boys went upstairs, dutifully bringing the luggage to the spare room, so the sisters had enough private time to engage in their secret banter.

"Did you read my email?" Isabella asked.

"I did."

"What did you think?"

"About time, Bella. I was beginning to question your fitness as a mother, since it took you so long."

Isabella rolled her eyes. "As if you know anything about raising two sons."

"If I had a son like Leo, believe me, he'd never want to leave the house. Same thing with Billy. We'd be one big happy family."

"Slut," Isabella joked when they went inside the house and closed the door.

Once inside, Celeste gave her big sister a tight pinch on the ass, with enough pressure to make it sting. Isabella's whole body flinched.

"Don't forget who runs the show," Celeste grinned, giving her older sister a gentle pat on her sore butt.

She loved pushing her sister's limits whenever they had alone time. For many years, they lay naked together in each other's arms, fantasizing about enlarging their circle of love. Now that Leo and Billy were adults, their dream could become a reality. An extremely naughty reality that the rest of society could never know about.

But as working professionals, Celeste and Isabella had reputations to protect. The fact was, they were both on Yelp and ran websites promoting their successful businesses. That's why gossip could never get out about their deviant sexual preferences.

"I love when you take charge," Isabella said in a tiny voice.

"Say it like you mean it."

Isabella listened to the footsteps upstairs. "I fucking love what you do to me."

"I'm so glad we're sisters," Celeste replied. "That way, we can do whatever we want together, because we're bound forever."

These were the moments for which Celeste lived for. Not only did she enjoy being sexually dominant, but she also loved pushing her prim sister to the sexual brink whenever possible. Making Isabella feel flustered at inappropriate times, was her absolute favorite.

With the boys just upstairs, she took advantage of the opportunity. Celeste used her index finger to poke Isabella in the butt, specifically aiming towards her asshole.

Isabella tensed and walked upright like a soldier. "Lunch will be ready soon. I'm making your favorite."

Both ladies backed off from their erotic conversation when the boys came downstairs, having put away Celeste's luggage. Naturally, they wanted to spend more time with their favorite Aunt. In many ways, they were secretly scoping out her revealing outfit, thinking of what they'd enjoy later that night.


The rest of the day was spent as usual. They shared a traditional Italian meal for lunch. Lasagna made with turkey sausage and mushrooms, a side salad, and apple cider. In many ways it was an everyday family gathering. The foursome caught up on lost time and talked about plans for the future. It was as if they had managed to forget about the evening's upcoming events.

"I'm completely stuffed," Celeste said mischievously, putting her empty glass down after taking the last sip of cider. "But I'm still thinking about dessert for tonight. What was that picture you sent, Isabella? Eggnog? Tapioca? Whatever it was, it looks delicious. And I can't wait to wash it down with a nice cocktail."

Isabella's cheeks turned beet red. Billy smiled in anticipation while Leo appeared uptight and uncomfortable.

"It's a holiday nog," Isabella blushed. "We'll leave it at that... for now."

It gave Celeste a perverse sense of excitement to keep everyone at the table on edge. After all, this was an annual tradition between the two sisters, and now it would include the next generation. Finally being able to discuss it in the open felt liberating.

Celeste looked at everyone and declared, "It's time we finally clear the air."

The comment made Isabella gasp and grabbed the attention of both boys. The anticipation was building. No one quite knew where Celeste was headed with this, but it should have been obvious.

"Isabella, tell the boys what you like to do for me," Celeste said.

Years of training left Isabella with no choice but to obey.

"I do whatever you ask me to do," Isabella replied haltingly. Knowing that answer would be insufficient, she quickly added, "Sometimes, I suck your breasts and lick your vagina."

Celeste shook her head. "You can do better than that, Bella. Use your naughty words. The ones you like using in private."

It was always a thrill to make her sophisticated older sister use foul language. Now that she could do so in front of her sons, who were unaccustomed to seeing her this way, it was even better.

"I like to nip and bite your tits," Isabella said with more confidence. "And I love putting my tongue inside of your delicious pussy."

Celeste looked at her audience. The boys were wonderfully stunned. Sure, they guessed this was the case. But hearing their proper Mom use such coarse language was a bombshell.

Rubbing her hands together, Celeste asked, "And why do you like doing such dirty things, Bella?"

It was the moment of truth. Both sons looked intently at their Mother. Isabella took a deep breath and exhaled to center herself before answering.

"Because I'm a dirty girl... your dirty girl," Isabella said with resolve.

Celeste was proud of Isabella for being honest in front of her sons. It would make tonight much easier. Looking across the table, she noticed Leo and Billy sitting with their mouths hanging open. She suspected the idea of their straight-laced Mother performing lesbian acts was shocking, yet also appealing. Tonight was shaping up to be a night of many firsts.

"Leo, Billy, do you like what you hear?" Celeste asked politely, as if they were discussing which movie to watch. "Or should this Family Tradition remain private, between your Mother and I?"

It warmed Celeste's heart to hear them accept this aspect of their relationship. True, their Mother and Aunt had unique hobbies and taste. But capturing the spirit of family, both brothers seemed excited to unite with the sisters. Celeste was filled with joy at what was to come.

Celeste smiled lovingly at the two sons. "For the past many, many years, your Mother and I have shared this annual traditional alone, in her room. I guess it would be called a squirt cocktail. When Billy became involved, we finally had what we were missing. Now that Leo will be joining us, the circle will be complete. We'll make a true family cum cocktail tonight."

There was nothing but anticipation in the air.

Mom's Perspective

Typically, Celeste and Isabella would find their pleasure past midnight on New Year's, when everyone else was asleep. But since the cat was out of the bag and everyone in the house was involved, things could start earlier. That would be easier on Isabella, who preferred an earlier bedtime, now that she was getting older.

She sat in front of her dresser, a bundle of excited nerves, as she took time to brush her hair. She prided herself on being well-groomed, even at home. Wearing her silk lingerie with a matching robe, she smiled at her reflection. The pleasant conversation from downstairs set her at ease.

Her bedroom door was wide open and she heard Celeste engaging in a lively discourse with her boys, her perfect angels. They mostly talked about college. Celeste asked about their academics, and of course, if they were dating any special girls. They cracked jokes and laughed, heartily. Her sister was a funny and entertaining woman.

Once Isabella was satisfied with her appearance, she felt her heart racing. Smiling at her reflection, she sighed in happiness. Her smile was radiant and always worked wonders in the restaurant.

Tightening her robe, she walked barefoot down the hall. Then she went down the stairs towards the kitchen, where she kept her special jar. Her eyes fixated on it, while her pussy gushed. Just thinking about what she was going to do with her harvest made her weak in the knees.

Isabella went to the living room and suddenly the energy shifted. Her sister, Leo, and Billy all had an eager look in their eyes. Suddenly, no one cared about academic discussions. She had instantly become the star of her family's show.

Isabella had fantasized about this moment for months. Now that it was upon her, she felt a few words were in order to mark the special occasion.

"I love all of you, and want to be even closer as a family." Holding up the container of cum, Isabella continued, "In this jar, I have collected my favorite refreshment. I think it's time that we fill it to the brim with more cum from my dear sons."

With that, she looked at her sons for permission, and perhaps, acceptance. Both Billy and Leo nodded and looked at each other. Billy stood, determined put Leo at ease by going first.

Walking forward, he approached his Mother and stopped just in front of her. Isabella dropped to her knees and placed the jar on the living room table. She tugged his pajama bottoms down, freeing his already erect cock. She had already memorized every twist and turn of the protruding veins on his erection.

"I've raised such a fine young man," Isabella said to herself.

She leaned forward and licked the tip of her youngest son's dick. Knowing what Billy liked, she ran her tongue along the ridge of his glans several times. When she sensed his desire rising, her warm mouth enveloped the tip and moved forward. Sheathing half his cock with her first pass, she withdrew and then took him even deeper.

"Jesus, you've improved," Celeste noted, watching inches away. "You've really reined in your gag reflex."

Isabella winked at Celeste, while her son's wet hard-on filled her mouth.

The high praise from her sister built sexual confidence in Isabella and motivated her to work harder. Not only did she enjoy sucking cock, but she also loved to pleasing her boys and entertaining her younger sister. They had always been competitive siblings and Celeste had the edge when it came to deepthroating.

Back and forth she went, over her son's cock, sucking happily. Soon, she felt Billy's hands on the sides of her head and knew he was getting close.

"I'm close," he moaned. "I can never last long with you, Mom."

Celeste smiled, "That's because she learned from the best. I'll help drain it."

It felt like old times for Isabella when her sister knelt alongside her on the floor. Not wanting to miss a drop, they stroked Billy's saliva covered cock together, and they both held the jar. At this stage, it was easy to finish him off.

It only took a few strokes and Billy's body started to spasm. Five full spurts of ejaculate were collected in the jar. Isabella's eyes widened in delight. Billy was usually good for about three. Maybe having an audience was good for his testosterone.

"You did great," Isabella said proudly to her youngest son, then kissed the tip of softening penis to slurp the remaining drop of cum. "Now have a seat. It's your brother's turn."

Celeste crooked her finger to Leo, signaling him to come over.

"Your turn, big boy," Celeste said, issuing a command as usual. "It's time for your initiation to the club. Your Mother gives one hell of a blowjob, so get ready for a real treat."

The excitement of the foursome was palpable. Isabella watched her oldest son stand, trying to contain his own arousal, before removing his shorts and underwear. She felt her mouth watering again from seeing his erection for the first time as an adult.

The closer her son came, the more detail she noticed about his cock. It was glorious, hard and proud. All Isabella could think about was how good it would feel in her mouth, and more importantly, how his cum would taste.

Son's Point of View

My turn had come and I felt jittery looking down at my Mother and Aunt Celeste on their knees in front of me. Two sets of eyes were riveted to my cock. There was a lot of pressure for me to deliver a big load, like my brother did inside that jar. Mom looked up at me and I knew she felt pressure, too.

The two women had such different expressions. My Mother stared at my cock in the most loving way imaginable. To her, this was life changing. She was about to give oral sex to yet another son, which would mean that she would get to drink cum from both of her 'angels.'

On Aunt Celeste's face was a look of unrestrained desire. It was clear; she savored the perversion of this act.

"Go for it," Aunt Celeste said, grabbing the base of my dick and waving it in front of my Mother.

Mom nodded. "Leo, I love you. I hope you enjoy this."

"I love you too, Mom," I managed to say.

Watching Mom open her mouth, preparing to devour my cock, was surreal. She slowly made her approach and leaned in slightly.

As it turned out, Aunt Celeste had dirtier intentions. She squeezed my cock and made sure it pointed forward. Then with her other hand, she guided the back of Mom's head to my cock. When Mom's lips touched me, Aunt Celeste's eyes lit up in delight.

Mom closed her lips and immediately went to work sucking, for all it was worth. She had some amazing help from Aunt Celeste, who still had her hand on the back of Mom's head, managing the speed and rhythm of the blowjob.

When Mom began to moan, it was pretty clear she was enjoying herself. That sensation on my cock made me start to moan, too. Then things got even crazier. Aunt Celeste looked at me and saw how much I loved getting head from my Mom.

With a wicked grin on her face, Aunt Celeste gently pulled Mom's head away from my cock. She grabbed me by the hips and kissed the tip of my dick! Extending her tongue, Aunt Celeste lapped at my precum as if gauging the taste. After nodding in satisfaction, she surged forward and took half my cock in her mouth.

Mom looked at what was happening and seemed stunned for a moment, as she watched the cocksucking from only inches away. Politely, she kissed Aunt Celeste on the shoulder, but was ignored. Mom nudged Aunt Celeste by poking at her chin.

"That's my son's cock," Mom fumed to her sister. "I should have the honors of giving his first incestuous blowjob!"

Aunt Celeste winked at her, while nibbling on my cock head. "If you want it back, you'll have to take it."

They almost seemed like two kittens fighting over food, except it was my cock! Obviously, Mom didn't want to share anymore. It was her first time with my cock and she wanted it to be special.

When Aunt Celeste relinquished control, Mom went at it again and took me deeper-- much too deep. I don't know if she was trying to impress me, Aunt Celeste, or herself. Inch by inch, my cock disappeared into her throat. She grunted while swallowing the head, then made another grunting sound as if to say 'Tada! I've deepthroated you!'

Mom sucked so hard while deep-throating, her cheeks looked gaunt. I was pretty impressed that she didn't even gag.

"Oh sweet Jesus," Aunt Celeste exclaimed, pleasantly surprised by Mom's technique. "I've never seen you do this with a cock. You love him with all your heart, don't you? Deep-throating your oldest son is fucking filthy. Way to go, sis. You're in the big leagues now. I love you."

Aunt Celeste gave my Mother a kiss on her sunken cheeks, while my dick was sealed inside. After my Aunt realized that my Mother was perfectly capable of handling this alone, she moved back and put her head between Mom's legs, right up her nightie.

"Hmmphhh!!!!" my Mother muffled, when Aunt Celeste's tongue slide up... wherever.

Mom was now getting attention from her sister, while my cock was buried all the way down her throat. Even though she was distracted, she still did her best to suck my dick. That was just like my Mom, always giving her best effort for Billy and me. Mom's moans suddenly took on a different quality. It seemed like she was in a needy state.

As I watched them on the floor, the reason for my Mother's excitement became clear. Aunt Celeste had her tongue inside my Mother's asshole!

I looked at my Mother again, who still had a mouth full of my hard cock. Her eyes looked glassy and dazed from the pleasure of being sodomized by her sister's tongue.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer, I tapped Mom on the head, "Mom, I'm gonna cum soon."

"You've lasted longer than your brother," Mom said, after spitting out my cock. "Let's see how well you can shoot cum."

Quickly, she grabbed the jar beside her, even though her moans were becoming increasingly frenzied from Aunt Celeste's attention. Amazingly, she managed to grab hold of my dick with her right hand while holding the jar at the tip with her left.

She stroked and panted, and stroked some more until she wailed and shook in ecstasy from Aunt Celeste's tongue in her ass, never letting go of my cock. The sight of her threw me over the edge and I came, hard. At the same time, Aunt Celeste's head popped up to take in the action. Like a pro, Mom managed to collect every drop of the six spurts of my cum.

"Welcome to the club," Mom smiled at me, before sinking down and resting against Aunt Celeste.

Petting Mom's head, Aunt Celeste kissed her gently on the mouth. Then she rose and headed to the kitchen.

"Did you have fun?" Mom asked playfully.

I collapsed onto the couch. "Of course I did. That was... wow..."

Aunt Celeste returned to the living room. Unexpectedly, she was completely nude and holding two wine glasses, which appeared to be half full of a sparkling wine. To her, nudity was nothing. Her pink nipples were rock hard and her pussy was freshly shaved, as if she had already planned on revealing herself this way. She had the body of an athlete and she loved to flaunt it.

"As much as I love Bella's cooking," naked Aunt Celeste announced to everyone, "I have to say this is the real main course for New Year's Eve. Would you like some, Leo or Billy?"

We both shook our heads emphatically, 'No!' which made Mom and Aunt Celeste laugh.

"More for us," Mom giggled, as the drinks were being prepared.

Aunt Celeste looked like a world-class bartender as she knelt down beside the living room table and picked up the jar. With the wine glasses arranged on the table, she filled both glasses. Then she swirled her finger inside each wine glass to properly mix the ingredients. The thick globs of white cum appeared to have a lighter texture now that it was mixed with the sparkling wine.

She handed one to Mom and readied one for herself. The sisters seemed thrilled with the end result as they closely inspected what was in their glass.

"Cheers!" toasted Mom.

"Bottoms up!" replied Aunt Celeste with a wink.

Both sisters took generous swigs of the concoction and held it in their mouths for a few moments to savor the taste -- like true wine connoisseurs -- then swallowed. Their gulps were loud and strong, as they pushed everything down their throats.

"Sensational," Aunt Celeste said, smacking her lips like she was at a wine tasting.

"Simply divine," Mom agreed, gazing at her glass. "I wish I could serve this on my menu as a special delicacy. Both of my angels are delicious."

"You can call it the De Matteo Cum Cocktail."

Mom giggled. "It'll be the legacy of these two handsome young men."

"Speaking of them, I think there's something they're dying to see."

There was a slightly crazed look in Aunt Celeste's eyes, as if this night hadn't gone far enough. Mom seemed to know exactly what was expected of her. Aunt Celeste and Mom both took another drink of their cum cocktail, but didn't swallow.

The sisters leaned close and kissed each other on the lips. There was nothing normal about it as excess cum dripped from their mouths and down their chins. Their tongues came out and they swapped the cum mixture while moaning loudly.

Watching Aunt Celeste grab the back of Mom's hair when they kissed, it was obvious that she was the dominant partner. My Mother was definitely swept away by this incestuous and naughty 'romance.'

I could see real passion when they kissed. They truly loved each other. Despite the fact that they were sisters and had been close their entire lives, sexual attraction was definitely part of their relationship.

The kiss ended and Mom looked at me and my brother with traces of cum around her grinning lips. Stars were in her eyes. In that moment, she felt like the luckiest woman alive.

The End

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