
Holy Shit Ch. 02


When I left you in chapter one my cock was firmly planted inside of my 18 year old sister's pussy where I had just pumped her full of cum. We were both frozen in place as our mom screamed at us from the doorway.

"HOLY SHIT! That's NOT the kind of man I meant!"

I looked at her in surprise even as I felt a very warm pussy tighten precipitously around my huge cock at the sound of our mother's voice. There was no way to deny anything. Besides the visual evidence before her, our mother had no doubt heard our orgasmic cries of pleasure along with Becky's synopsis of the day's events just before mom yelled at us. So figuring there was no way out I decided to stay put, hell I think I even gave Becky a slight push forcing my cock deeper into her.

Mom's face had been coated with shock; rage; hell, even horror when we looked at her. Then we watched as it crumbled into a tear covered mess as she bawled powerfully. Quickly a look of near panic overtook her and she screamed "My god Ron, stop that right now! Get your...um....pull your.....oh my god....GET OFF OF BECKY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!"

She took several deep breaths as her hands tried to wipe away her tears. Becky pulled my face to hers and softly said, "Thanks Ron, you were great! I love you, bro!"

"BECKY!" our mom bellowed in bewilderment. "Holy shit what's wrong with you?"

My sister squeezed my shaft again with her succulent pussy as she sensuously replied, "Nothing's wrong with me, mom. In fact I'm on cloud nine right now!"

"Ron, do I have to pull you off of your sister? My god, she's your SISTER! How could you do that to YOUR SISTER?!?!?!? This is just too much!"

By the time I began pulling my still hard cock from Becky's warmth mom had already started moving towards us. My cock was about half way out of Becky's cunt when mom stopped and stared as she softly said, "Oh......my god." I looked towards her then realized her gaze was locked onto my pussy juice coated shaft where I pierced my sister. Figuring 'what the hell' I made a production out of it as I continued slowly exiting my sister's pussy.

Finally my tip pulled free and my shaft bobbed upwards then bounced three times as I slowly moved further back, still giving mom a full profile view. "HOLY SHIT!" she stammered followed by, "OH MY GOD BECKY! HOLY SHIT!"

Momentarily mom went speechless so Becky filled the silence by taking my hand and telling me, "Love you bro, and thanks again!"

"BECKY, BE QUIET!" mom screeched even as her eyes followed my bobbing and swaying shaft as I slid off of the bed. I was less than three feet from her when her eyes suddenly lifted up to mine and she stammered out, "My god Ron, cover.....um....cover yourself!" It was then that she flipped her hand at me tossing my clothes that she had picked up from downstairs.

I fumbled getting a hold of them so I was still naked when I stopped right by her as I managed to juggle my clothes for several seconds before I finally 'gained' control of them. Even then I had to straighten them before I finally covered myself with my T-shirt draped over my hard spear.

"Go to your room now...AND STAY THERE!" mom said harshly.

I'm not sure why I was flaunting my nudity in front of our mother. Hell, I've always been very shy around the female species thus explaining my lack of experience prior to today. Any way I quite slowly walked out of my sister's bedroom then strained to hear as much of the beginnings of mom's lecture – I mean discussion with Becky. I was surprised that their voices stayed quite low as mom asked my sister how she could let me 'do that' to her. In fact, the loudest sound I heard was mom's gasp in surprise when Becky said it was all her fault as she had attacked me. This was followed by another equally loud gasp when sis told her she was totally happy that we had fucked (her word) and would be ready for more whenever I wanted to!

By then I had gotten too far to hear anything else so I stepped into my room and pulled on my cutoff sweats. My ears kept straining to hear mom's next explosion but it never came. Eventually I heard the door to my parents' bedroom being closed and then an occasional sob from mom. My mind kept replaying the day's events as I tried to get a grip on getting my first two blowjobs ever, then following that with my first ever attempt at pussy eating. Successfully I might add! The icing on the cake was Becky begging me to fuck her allowing us to give up our virginity to each other! God I smiled so hugely when I remembered her cries of pleasure as she came so wondrously under me.

This was a A-ticket day regardless of what happened whenever dad got home! Now that I think of it...where the hell IS my dad?!? He should have gotten home when mom did. So what happened to him? Hmmm.

My mind drifted when I heard the shower start across the hall. Damn, how did her talk with our mom go? Soon the shower went off and about two minutes later I heard the bathroom door open followed by Becky's bedroom door being closed. A few minutes later my door gently opened and Becky poked her head around the door. "Hey Ron," she whispered, "thanks for being the best guy ever to give up my cherry to! I'll see you tonight when everyone is in bed! Love you the mostest!"

Then she eased my door closed and walked down the hall as she loudly called out, "Bye mom, I'm going over to Mandy's house!" A few minutes later I got up to take a leak and while there I opted for a shower to wash away all the dried cum and pussy juice that still coated my shaft. The hot water felt great on my body and I was surprised when my cock started to awaken while I washed it. No way was I going to do one of my patented shower jerk-off sessions when my sister tells me she'll see me in bed later! So I quickly finished cleaning my trouser snake and went on to the rest of my body.

I was just finishing drying off when I realized I had no clean cloths to wear, just the cum smeared cutoffs that I had been wearing. So I just wrapped my huge bath towel around my waist and stepped out of the bathroom where I was greeted by the sounds of more sobbing from mom's bedroom. This sort of surprised me as she usually was more controlled emotionally.

Taking the bull by the horns I tapped on her door as I opened it and peeked around it at her bed where she lay sobbing. "Mom, can we talk? I hate knowing you are crying over what Becky and I did."

"Sob. That's...that's not why I'm crying."

"Yes it is mom. You don't have to try to fool me. I know you were hurt to see us like that"

I watched as mom grabbed a couple tissues and used one to blow her nose then the other to wipe the tears from her eyes. After tossing them towards her waste basket she looked into my eyes and said, "Thank you son for caring, but really that's not why I'm crying." I gave her a puzzled look and she went on, "sit up here with me and I'll try to explain."

She propped up two pillows for each of us against the headboard and scooted up against her stack. Then she patted the bed by her left side and said, "Come on, I don't bite." I crawled onto her bed and tightened my towel around my waist making mom gasp "OH!" while I eased my ass onto the sheet beside her.

Her eyes were locked onto my towel when I got situated so I asked, "Should I get dressed?"

"NO! I mean no, you're fine. I just hadn't realized that was all you had on," she said as her face turned crimson, one of the few times I had seen her blush. "I do love you son, and I want you to know that before we get too far into this talk."

"I love you too mom."

"Can I have a hug from my wonderful son?" We turned towards each other and I took her into my arms, each of us hugging the other rather tightly. Mom surprised me by giving me a quick kiss on my lips as the hug ended. I noticed that my towel was twisting a bit and my right thigh was half exposed where it parted. Mom's eyes dropped down to my lap so I knew that she saw it as well.

"Okay mom, why do you say you weren't crying because of what Becky and I were doing when you got home?"

Mom looked at me then all around the room for several moments before her eyes slowly scanned to the bed then up my body before reaching my face. "Yes son, I admit I was shocked by seeing the two of you doing....oh hell, why sugar coat it....by seeing the two of you fucking! But what really pissed me off as well as upsetting me greatly was hearing my daughter's screams of joy as she came so wondrously!"

"Huh?! You don't want Becky to enjoy....um....fucking?"

"Oh no! I'm glad for her. When we talked she told me how incredible you were for her; how special you made her feel by making certain that she enjoyed it. SHIT! I should be so lucky!" Mom's eyes suddenly bulged and she gasped, "Holy shit...I didn't mean to say that out loud!"

She went silent and I studied her face for a few moments before gathering enough courage to ask, "Are you saying that dad doesn't do that for you?" She nodded her head and I inhaled forcefully before softly saying – as I tried to steady my self – "Just where is my dad any way? I thought you two were gone for the rest of the day and maybe longer."

"Um, he got an emergency call due to several alarms going off down at the factory. Since he's in charge he has to go. I heard on the radio that it's pretty bad so he'll be tied up for quite a while."

She went mute for several moments so I simply asked, "And?"

Her eyes flicked to my towel and back up before she very softly said, "No." I watched her lips tremble then she burst into tears so I turned towards her and pulled her into my arms trying to stop her tears. Minutes later she said, "I'm ok now, thank you son." She was looking straight down as we unwrapped from each other and my towel parted even more as my soft cock peeked out from the opening.

"OH GOD!" mom gasped at the sight of my limp dick poking its head out from under my towel. Then she turned her eyes to mine and hurriedly said, "My god son, I'm sorry about that outburst. It's just that.....holy shit son, I've NEVER seen one as big as yours and you aren't even hard." I started to cover back up but mom placed her hand on mine as she very softly said, "No.....don't. I think....um...I mean it's sort of nice to see one like that."

Well despite all that had happened to me and my cock thus far today, having my mother openly gawk at my cock sent instant messages to my limp prick and it quickly started changing that status. At about half its maximum hardness my cock head began lifting up thus parting the towel even more. "HOLY SHIT!" mom gasped as she watched in aw as my shaft continued to rise.

I watched her face as she stared with rapt attention at my growing shaft. She seemed covered with a mixture of shock, desire and fear. If this had been yesterday I never would have reacted like I did. But, holy shit this is NOT yesterday and today is a whole lot different! So the new me gently took my mom's hand and placed it against my shaft as I said, "Go ahead mom. You can touch it. I want you to touch me."

Mom's eyes grew into huge saucers as she stared at her hand against my pillar. "Oh god son," she groaned as her hand slowly moved until she was firmly gripping me at my base. I watched her face as she slowly pulled her hand all the way to my tip and then slowly shoved it back down to my base. Once there she gasped, "Holy shit son, it's incredible! My god your cock feels even bigger than it looks!" Just then I flexed my shaft and she choked out a "HOLY SHIT!" even as she tightened her grip.

"Mom," I said softly, "have you ever....you know?"

"Do you mean......with my mouth?" she barely managed to get out. When I nodded my head she just as softly went on, "Oh goodness no, your father says that's dirty. I've never been with a man other than him and he is lots smaller than this. Lots smaller."

She slowly stroked my cock's full length once more before asking, "Would you mind if.....I mean, could I.....oh shit...."

As I moved my hand I said, "Mom, if you want to then I would love to have my cock be the first one you ever sucked." As I finished saying that my hand gently gave her a push on the back of her head. Ever so slowly she began leaning over me getting closer and closer to my bulbous tip.

"Oh god son," she said just before she reached it. Her eyes lifted back to mine with fear oozing from them. I smiled at her and gave just a tiny bit more of a push with my hand. Mom's face turned down towards my cock in her hand and she gasped "Oh god," just before she took my tip in between her lips and flicked it with her tongue. Seemingly liking how it felt to her sensitive tongue she tightened her lips around my shaft and sucked about three inches of my shaft into her mouth while her tongue slowly swirled around on it.

Her head moved back even as she continued sucking on me and my tip slipped from her mouth with a faint 'Pop,' sound. "Holy shit you are BIG! But I like it!" she said before her mouth engulfed me again. Jesus what a transformation as now she was attacking my cock with all the pent up lust of 39 years of not being able to suck a cock! Her tongue swirled around my cock head making me groan in pleasure.

"Oh god baby, I didn't mean to hurt you," she gasped instantly pulling off of me.

"Jesus mom, you didn't hurt me! You were making my cock feel so damned good that I couldn't have stopped that groan of pleasure if I had tried."

"Really son? I was really making you feel good?" she asked looking deeply into my eyes. I nodded again as I mouthed out a two word response. She amazed me with her swiftness as her mouth suddenly mashed against me in a passionate kiss, her tongue reaching deeply for mine. Finally she moved back about five inches and looked right into my soul as she begged me, "If I do anything that hurts you I want you to tell me right away. I want to learn what makes you happy and gives you pleasure! Now back to work."

With that she slid down my body so that she was no longer in a hunched over position but instead was stretched out along side of me, her face right at my crotch. "No teeth, mom," I said just as she moved her mouth over my shaft. She acknowledged my comment then eased my shaft into her mouth until my tip bumped against her throat's entrance. She began to gag and backed off just a bit. Satisfied with this depth she began methodically moving her face nearly off of me and then back down to that same depth as she loved my shaft.....and I do mean LOVED. Neither of the blowjobs I had gotten today had been anywhere's close to as loving as mom's was.

Since mom wasn't close to taking my entire cock down her throat but instead getting just about half of me into her mouth she used her hands on the rest of my shaft as she sucked and jerked me off lustily. Several times she pulled fully off of me and asked if she was doing it right, finally I replied in a gasp, "Holy shit mom, if you keep that up for just a bit longer there will be no doubt!"

"Do you mean..."

"Oh god yes mom, I'm getting so close to cumming," I told her as she slammed her face forwards nearly gagging at the depth. Damn was she one hungry MILF cock-sucker as she literally devoured my shaft's first five inches.

Mom suddenly moved her body to between my legs as she continued blowing me. Then she pulled her face downwards towards my feet while keeping my shaft within her lips. This allowed her to look up into my eyes as her lips and tongue went wild. "Oh fuck!" I gasped as she sucked super hard onto me.

"Dlo ith," she said around my shaft before working my shaft even more desperately. About twenty seconds later she said around two inches of cock still inside her mouth, "Dlo ith shon, clum fyor mu! Clum in mu mouff!"

Our eyes were locked together as she worked harder and harder for her first ever load of cum to be deposited in her mouth. Her face showed her love for me and then showed her joy when I gasped, "Oh fuck mom! Oh god I'm cumming! Oh holy shit mom it's so good!"

My hips started fucking up into her mouth and twice I felt my tip enter her throat just a bit. Each time she backed off instantly but never stopped her efforts at getting more of my cum prize. She had me moaning and groaning for quite some time yet she never stopped working her lips and tongue on me even long after I was done cumming. "Oh god mom, no more! Please mom it's too sensitive!" I begged her when she really sucked my tip and swirled fiercely around it with her tongue.

Mom had been staring at my cock sticking out of her mouth while she loved it gently, now she lifted her eyes to me again and gently let me slip from her lips. She leaned back in and kissed my tip sending a shudder through my body. "Did I really do a good job for you honey? I really wanted to make you feel good and I've never done that before."

"Oh god mom, you were incredible! The proof was in the huge load of cum that you received. You didn't mind that I shot off in your mouth did you?"

"Oh god no son!" and she kissed my cock head again, "I loved it when you rewarded me with all that wonderful tasty cum! God how I've wondered what that was like! My girl friends have told me how much they enjoyed doing that for their husbands but shit, I never expected it to be that good!"

I pulled her up to my face and kissed her softly yet deeply, our hands caressing the other's cheeks. "My turn mom. It's time for you to know the joys of being on the receiving end of oral sex."

"Are you sure you want to do that to your old mother?"

"Oh hell mom, you aren't old! You are a certified MILF if there ever was one!" Her eyebrows rose when I told her this but she didn't fight me as I slowly undressed her. With each newly exposed area of skin that I saw I bathed that area with countless kisses making her moan loudly and causing her body to shake with excitement several times.

Finally my mother was naked as I was and I leaned back resting on my tucked under legs to take in her awesome beauty. "Jesus mom, my dad is a total ass if he never wanted to go down on you! You are SO beautiful!"

"Oh stop!"

"No mom, it's the truth! Now just lie back and let me make you happy." I kissed her lips softly and then kissed my way down her body, pausing at several sexy detours, until I was at her love box. The most surprising thing was that mom was completely shaved there and smooth as a baby's behind. My lips gently kissed over her clit and mom jerked as a gasp slipped from her lips. I eased lower and kissed my way down her slit as she moaned some more.

Using both hands on her inner thighs I spread her legs further opening her fully to me. "I love you mom," I said just before I slipped my tongue into her slit and plowed my way gently all the way to the top of her slit. "Holy shit mom, you are soaking wet down here."

"Oh.....then you don't have to do it if you...."

"Oh gosh no mom! I love it that I have you that turned on to be leaking your juices like this! Wild horses couldn't drag me out of here!"

With that I shoved my pointed tongue deep into her fuck hole and fucked her with it for several moments as she squirmed before me. I slid my right elbow up to hold her thigh out wide and brought my right index finger to her pussy where I stroked her as I licked and nibbled on her gash. Again mom gasped as I slid my finger into her fully. My lips slipped up to her clit and I gently sucked and nibbled onto it as my finger began giving her harder and harder thrusts into her soaking wet pussy.

"Oh my god!" mom cried out under my two pronged attack. My hand pivoted as I slipped my middle finger into her along with my index finger. "Oh yes, god that's good," she moaned as I slurped wantonly at her rock hard clit while my fingers pounded into her in search of her g-spot. "FUCK!" she cried out when I rubbed over it and I zeroed in on it with one thought, I WANTED to make my mother cum HARD!

My hand no longer pumped into her as I instead pressed my fingers into the roof of her vagina as they rubbed hard on her happy spot. My tongue was flicking at her clit faster than the wings of a humming bird even as I sucked onto her super hard. It had been less than ten minutes from when I started on her clit till her back arched high off the bed and she screamed, "HOLY SHITTT! OH MY GOD I'M CUMMING! OH GOD, OH GOD, OH MY FUCKING GOD YESSSSSSSSS!!" Even as her body shook suspended in the air like that my face and hand were bathed in her juices as she squirted powerfully at me.

As her climax faded her hips flopped to the bed once more and I followed right with her, not wanting to break contact with my wonderful mother. I did however ease up on my efforts thus allowing her body to come down from her incredible climax.

"My god," she softly gasped. "Holy shit that was fucking incredible!" I gently kissed her clit making her shudder before she grabbed my ears with her hands and pulled forcefully lifting me to her face. Even as I quickly rose up she gasped out, "Oh my god you wonderful man you!" then she kissed me hard and long, our tongues battling more powerfully than ever before. I looked at her face so close to mine and her eyes were shut with desire.

Our kiss ended and then she began kissing all over my face as I moved my cock into position between her legs. Her eyes opened and looked into mine as she said, "Goodness, you're all wet! However did that ha...APPEN!" and I pierced her with my rock hard cock, sliding into her about six inches.

She looked down our bodies and gasped, "Oh god Ron, your cock is so fucking huge! I can't believe how you are stretching me." I pulled back about five inches and then shoved in seven or so inches as I nearly bottomed out. God she was so fucking wet and slippery that I slid into her tight pussy with ease. "Oh yes my son, fuck your mother and show her what it really means to get fucked!"

"It will be my pleasure mom!" I gave her a quick kiss and then grinned as I slowly pulled all the way out of her succulent pussy. She groaned as I left her and whimpered when I paused at her entrance.

"JESUS!" she cried out as my hips shot forwards and I drove my cock all the way into her, my base crushing her clit between us. My ass pulled back nearly all the way and then shot forwards making her gasp, "Holy fuck!" My hips didn't stop instead just kept right on pounding into her with full length strokes, my cock head denting the back wall of her cunt where no cock had ever reached before. "Oh god....holy shit that's good!" she cried out as she watched my cock piercing into her over and over again.

Mom grasped my face in her hands and pulled me in for another deep sensuous kiss. This time our eyes met and held our gaze as we French kissed for well over a minute. My hips never stopped their movements although they were not nearly as hard. As I drove my shaft into her to the base she gasped into my mouth, "Oh fuck," yet didn't stop kissing me.

Finally she released me and I rose up onto my outstretched arms, looking down into her eyes as I pounded harder and faster into her drenched pussy. Mom's eyes were either looking right back at me or were watching my cock relentlessly plunder her tight yet slippery pussy. Every time I bottomed out she gasped or groaned out some sort of passionate sound. After about four minutes in this position her fingers grasped my arms tightly and she looked into my eyes as she cried out, "Oh my god! Holy shit I'm cumming! My god I'm cumming on a cock! Oh my god don't stop son...please don't stop!"

For the first time her legs wrapped around my ass and she used them to increase the power with which my cock was slamming into her. Jesus she felt super tight as she came, her body shaking violently beneath me as I tried to shove my cock through her pussy and out her mouth. I thought her climax was finished when suddenly her head pulled back and she screamed quite loudly "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" and her hips bucked up at me due to her legs pulling so hard on my ass.

After gripping my arms tightly she stared into my eyes as her body shook powerfully from end to end. My pace slowed but didn't stop as she came down from her incredible high. "How are you doing mom?" I asked her.

Breathlessly she managed to say, "Oh my god, I've never came so hard in my life. Holy shit, I don't even know if I ever HAVE cum before after that one! Holy shit!" Leaning my face down to hers we kissed each other lovingly, with tenderness and none of the desperation of when she had earlier thought she was cumming.

It dawned on her finally that my hips had never stopped; they had only greatly decreased their movements. My mom looked down at my hips as I kept right on giving her four inch thrusts that all ended up with my shaft buried to the hilt within her. "Are you kidding me son? You're not finished yet?"

"Not yet mom. I won't be finished until I give your pussy a cum bath from the inside."

Our eyes met and she said haltingly, "I probably shouldn't say this, especially while your cock is so wonderfully fucking me, but your dad would have been finished long ago and sound asleep by now." When she said that I pulled all the way out of her and then slammed my shaft into her all the way making her gasp, "OOOF! Oh god son! Holy shit, I can't believe I'm saying this but, fuck me son. Fuck me and make me cum while you shoot off inside of me!"

Gently I eased my arms around back of her knees and then leaned forwards thus lifting her ass off of the bed and curling her body way back as my cock drove into her at nearly a straight down motion. "Oh god! Holy shit that's so good! Oh my god son, fuck me! Fuck me and make me cum again!"

Well, in all humility I did my very best as I straightened my legs so that I was basically doing pushups where my shaft pounded relentlessly into her gash. Okay, so the form was bad as my back kept lifting up into an inverted 'V' before slamming down to straighten out, but you get the idea. Mom's hands went everywhere on my body stroking me as I pushed us both to climax.

Her pussy tightened into a vice-like grip on me and I groaned into her ear, "Oh shit mom, your pussy feels so damned good around me! I'm nearly there mom. Cum with me! Cum with your son!"

She groaned loudly when I said that and her entire body shook hard beneath me. "GIVE IT TO ME!" she cried out. Her vaginal muscles began spasming rapidly around my pounding spear and she gasped "HOLY SHIT!" Our eyes locked onto each other once again and I watched in total amazement when hers crossed and then rolled back into her head as she cried out, "OH MY GOD! HOLY SHIT I'M CUMMING AGAIN! FUCK ME SON! OH GOD I'M CUMMING ON MY SON'S COCK!"

"I'm cumming mom!" I groaned as my first salvo of white hot cream blasted deeply into her pussy. I paused briefly before my hips shot back and then I slammed home again as another blast of cream rocketed into her. With each successive blast of cum each of us moaned and groaned in joyful pleasure.

Our orgasms finished together with my mom hugging me tight against her still curled over body. In fact, with my elbows still hooked behind her knees her hug merely tightened the bend of her body. "Jesus!" she gasped onto my neck.

"Wow mom, that was incredible!"

"Holy shit, I'll say! I can't believe how good that was! As pissed at you as I was a few hours ago and now I can't wait for us to do this again!"

"Really mom?" I gasped. "You really want us to fuck again?"

"Hell yes I do!" she said with a smile. "I've had too much vanilla sex from your dad. Now that I've had a good fucking I will want more and more of your good loving!"

I gave her a short thrust pressing my worn out cock deeply into her as I said, "So you really want more of this."

"HOLY SHIT MOM!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT!" shouted my sister from the doorway. That interruption found me in nearly the exact same pose as our mom had caught Becky and me in earlier.

Mom's face had turned crimson from the tension of her climax but at the sound of Becky's voice the top third of her body turned cardinal red in an instant. "OH GOD!" she cried out as she tried to somehow cover herself. Realizing that was impossible her hands moved to her breasts as she strived for some sort of modesty.

"I'll say!" my sister gasped as she looked straight at my hips where I remained with my cock as deep within mom's pussy as possible. "Well if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black!" she said using dad's favorite saying. The irony of that comment made me chuckle inside.

The new and much more confident me looked to my sister and said with a grin, "Hey sis, how ya doing?"

"Looks like today is your red letter day," she said with a grin aimed right at me. "And I'm pissed!" Her eyes moved to mom's face and she glared at her harder than I had ever seen before. She answered my question before I asked it when she growled "I'm PISSED that I was getting a damn good fucking and just after I cum like crazy mom comes along and throws water on our fun! Then after I leave WHAT does she do?! Holy shit mom, just how two-faced can you get?!?!"

"Oh baby, I never meant for this to happen!"

"Yeah right, mom! Oh by the way....You don't have to hide your tits! I've got some of my own and by now I'm sure Ron has gotten VERY familiar with them!" Becky paused in her diatribe as she gasped for much needed air after her last outburst.

Figuring what the hell, I slowly moved my cock back about three inches and then eased back into my mom's pussy till I bottomed out once more. Becky raised an eyebrow at that so I did it again this time drawing a soft groan from below me. I gave mom two more very slow thrusts of about that same length then I pulled nearly all the way out as Becky watched my shaft come into view. After a very short pause I SLAMMED my cock into mom's pussy and she gasped, "Oh god!"

My hips didn't stop as I gave her at least ten similarly fast and hard thrusts deep into her sopping wet cunt. "Oh my god," mom groaned as her eyes rapidly moved from Becky to me to Becky again. I guess the incredible tension of the feminine standoff when added to her still not forgotten huge climax was just too much for her as suddenly her head snapped back and she gasped, "OH FUCK!"

Mom's fingers grasped tight to my biceps and she pulled her eyes down to look right through my own as her hips bounced on their own. "Oh god," she groaned again, "fuck me son! Oh my god I'm so close! OH!" Her face turned towards the door and she cried out "HOLY SHIT BECKY, I'M CUMMING!" Then her sounds turned to gibberish as I slammed into her trying to make her cum better than her first.

"Jesus," Becky moaned softly as she watched with rapt attention.

I leaned in and kissed mom as her body shook violently in the throes of her orgasmic convulsions. Her tongue dove into my mouth as we frenched each other while her hips shimmied and shook through one aftershock after another. Mom began mumbling something very softly and I leaned my ear to her mouth as she kept on her barely audible groan of "No more...no more...no more oh god please no more."

I stopped my movements with just about two inches of cock inside of mom's pussy and held my position. "Oh god Ron, I can't believe I'm saying this but pleeeeeease pull it out! I'm so damned sensitive right now......" Mom looked to Becky for the first time in a long time and begged her, "Help me Becky! Oh god help me...." Sis climbed on the bed behind me and grabbed my hips then pulled on me hard making me tumble onto my back at the foot of the bed. "HOLY SHIT!!" mom cried out as my cock was ripped from her pussy.

Beck looked at me then at my standing tall cock and said, "God you look good!" I should have heard a sonic boom from the way Becky tore her clothes off so rapidly...superman would have been proud! "Thanks mom," she said as her leg swung over my hip and she positioned her slit right on top of my tip. "Holy shit that's goooooooood!" she gasped as her hips dropped forcing about six inches of my shaft into her non-virginal sex.

I quickly glanced to our mom and saw she had slid down onto her side into the fetal position and lay watching us while holding her pussy with both hands. My hands reached up and grabbed Becky's perfect tits and I mauled them as she began taking me deeper and deeper until her clit crushed against my pubic bone with each down stroke.

My hips began giving her hard thrusts up into her in time with her down strokes as we pounded together hard with loud smacking noises. "Oh god bro, fuck me," she cried out while our eyes locked together once more.

"Ride me sis!" I cried out. "Fuck me with your pussy! Oh god you feel so good on me!"

My hands roamed all over Becky's sumptuous body as she rode me like she was born to it. Her desire was painted on her face as she pushed us both up the hill towards an incredible climax. My hands found her breasts again and just as I began kneading them she leaned forward making me support her upper body. "Oh god baby," she groaned as we stared into each others eyes.

"I'm nearly there Becky," I groaned as our hips pounded together harder and faster.

"Oh god, I can feel you growing inside of me!" my sister gasped. My balls churned and Becky's eyes bulged open wide then she screamed, "Oh god I'm cumming! Give it to me! I want your cum!"

"Holy shit," mom gasped softly.

"Oh god Becky.....I'm cumming! I'm cumming inside of you again!" My balls exploded shooting what felt like gallons of cream into my sister's spasming pussy. "Oh god sis, you fuck me so good," I gaped as another blast of white sauce rocketed out of me and instantly splashed against her deepest wall.

My sister slammed her pussy down onto me and locked herself there, her hips rocking rolling and grinding hard against me as our climaxes consumed our bodies as one. Neither of us could speak as we were reduced to being capable of only making moans and groans as our climaxes finally were satisfied, our bodies finally yielding at the same time. Becky suddenly felt limp in my hands and I lost the ability to hold her as my arms flopped out to my sides letting her drop to my chest, her lips giving me little kisses where ever they could reach.

We lay there a tangled mass of arms and legs, breathing hard in the recess of our climax, her pussy shuddering around my still pulsating shaft. I kissed her shoulder and she kissed my chest as we each felt a tsunami of pleasure shoot through us. I was struggling to regain the ability of speech just as I assumed my sister was. And then there it was.....

"Holy shit!" the three of us said as one. There was a dramatic pause, it seemed much longer than it probably really was, as Becky and I looked at each other and then turned to look at our mom. It took maybe all of fifteen seconds before each of us realized our statement was the same as that of the other two people in the room. Then we laughed, starting out softly but soon it was loud, boisterous sound that made each of us smile.

"My god," mom softly gasped, "my children looked SO beautiful like that!"

Becky rolled slowly off of me as mom spoke and then grazed her fingers along mom's side as she groaned softly, "God we're so lucky. My brother fucks so good!"

Mom looked at her and stroked her cheek while she whispered, "Yes he certainly does!" By then I had shuffled my body around so I could lay my head on mom's hip. She moved her hand to my face and gently stroked me there as she said, "That was so beautiful, watching you make your sister cum so hard. I relived my own orgasm while watching hers. Holy shit it was so good!"

Somehow we maneuvered enough so that we could each kiss the other two then ended up with my body between them being hugged from both sides. After several soft loving kisses and adoring looks – no words needed to be spoken – I said, "God I hate to break the mood, but I'm dying of thirst. Anybody want a coke?" Both of them agreed with me so I kissed each of them as I extricated myself.

I stopped for a quick piss in the bathroom before going to fetch three cans of Coke. Stepping back into mom's bedroom I saw them wrapped together in a heated 69. My loud gasp of "HOLY SHIT!" could barely be heard over their moans of joy. I felt my limp dick twitch at the sight and knew this was going to be one hell of a fun family from this moment on!

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