

When I get back home after my week in Moon Lake pack I feel much better. I'm eager to prove myself. I want to be the Alpha they deserve. I put Bella's locket on an adult sized chain and have it around my neck constantly. I like having my family close to me.

"Get OUT!" I hear Ari yell as I approach his office. A warrior runs past me as I get closer.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you." Clay says leaning against the wall.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

"Our Alpha has met his mate." He answers.

"That's great! Ari has been waiting for this... soooo why is he so upset?" I question.

"Because after meeting her she has been incommunicado for a week... he's a little on edge." Clay explains.

"I'll be right back." I say and run to the kitchen. I grab two push pops and head back to the office.

"I don't think a push pop is gonna..."

"Shut it Clay." I cut him off. "I want to talk to Ari and he needs to calm down. Let me handle this." Clay just shrugs and steps out of my way. I knock on the office door.

"What?!" He growls.

"I'll take that as a come in." I say as I enter the office.

"What do you want, Bray?" Ari asks.

"Wow! No welcome back? No nice to see you or how was your trip?" I respond. He sighs.

"Sorry buddy. What's up?" I can see him calm down.

"Forgiven." I say tossing him a push pop and opening mine. Ari chuckles opening his. "So you met your mate?"

"Yea." He responds.

"Soooo?" I ask.

"Soooo?" He mimics.

"Come on Ari! Is she everything you wanted?" I push him. He smiles with orange around his mouth.

"And more." He nods his head. "So how was your trip?"

"It was great!" I tell him pulling off Bella's locket. "I got this and momma's photo book... Mr. Richard gave me my daddy's family ring. I feel more connected to them now."

"I'm glad... I think it did you good Bray." He says with a smile.

"So the mate's MIA?" I ask turning our discussion back to him. Ari groans rubbing the back of his neck.

"I try to call and she is never there... it's infuriating! They won't even tell me where she is!" Ari growls.

"So what's her name?" I wonder.

"Lilly." He sighs smiling ear to ear.

"Tell me about her." I prompt. It's better for him to gush over his mate than to lash out on random pack members.

"She has brown hair... except for just a bit of black." He starts twisting his finger along the side of his face to indicate a curl. "She is beautiful and so strong. She's an Alpha in her own right. She can't be command. She is sweet as well... she is everything."

"What pack is she from?" I ask.

"Red Rivers... its amazing I never found her before now. We're neighbors for goodness sake." He answers.

"Well once she's back from wherever shes off to you will be able to run over frequently. It's good she's so close." I tell him.

"Yea..." he mumbles. "Thanks Bray... you know you're the first person to calm me down... it's funny that a pup knows so much."

"You need to focus on the good. Your mate... you'll see her again so theirs no need to throw a temper tantrum. You're an Alpha. You're better than that." I tell him.

"What happened to the little pup that thought girls were gross?" Ari asks chuckling.

"He found that soft skin and red lips were something to adore and feel amazing." I tell him.

"And what exactly have you been doing boy?" He asks all fatherly.

"Nothing... just dreaming." I sigh and he laughs.

"I can't wait to see you with a mate." He smiles. "You are gonna be so whipped."

"Just like my Alpha." I laugh at him.

"Happily whipped... if only I could contact her." He growls and I roll my eyes.

"I'll tell you one thing. I won't be going crazy when my mate isn't around. I'll let her have her own life." I say.

"Just you wait boyo... you're gonna be just like this when you get a mate." He tells me.

"Don't think so Ari." I respond to which he simply gives me an 'mmhumm' and looks at his overwhelming piles of paperwork.

"I think I'm gonna try to knock out some of this work now... its good to have you home Bray." He says ending our conversation.

"Glad to be home Ari." I respond.


With another week gone and Ari's mate still not talking to him no amount of push Pops can lighten his mood. He has become short with everyone. Honestly it's getting ridiculous. I've been hanging out outside more often just to avoid his wrath.

"Hay!" I hear someone call to me and turn toward the woods to find the voice.

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