
Chapter Forty-Eight: My daughter deserves the best

"It's been a while since we eat lunch like this." Elliot took a seat on the empty chair in front of Mr.Yves.

"It has. I invited you here for another reason other than catching up." Mr.Yves told him and Elliot smirked. "There is always a hidden reason as to why you do things."

Mr.Yves felt a bit offended. "Yes, but you make it sound like I'm a bad guy for it. Anyway, I want you to do a mission for me. Since you told me I can't be traveling out of the country because of my health problems, I want you to find someone for me."

Elliot turned serious and he heard whatever he had to say.

"Let's order food first, I will explain it to you after our meal," Mr.Yve told him not to want to lose his appetite by thinking of his health problems.

"Anyways, how have you been? I heard you visited Clair a few days ago."

"I did, I had to deliver chicken wings." Elliot chuckled. Mr.Yves smiled warmly. "Please monitor her health properly. I don't want her missing any meals if something happens to me…"

"Please don't say that!" Elliot panicked.

"Sigh* Why am I saying such things. I didn't want to ruin our appetite with my thoughts. Let's eat and catch up first."


"Hmm, the food is quite good here. I will bring Clair here I'm sure she will like it." Mr. Yves commented as he ate.

When they finished catching up and eating they ordered some drinks.

"Who do you want me to look for uncle?" Elliot asked elegantly wiping his mouth.

"Since you have to be here and my condition is quite difficult I decided that I will send someone else to look for what I want. I need someone to go out of the country and look for something I have been meaning to gift my Clair. Since she will have her engagement party soon I want to gift her something special." He started.

He clasped his hands together on the table and looked at Elliot with determination. "The late king of the fallen Kingdom Olean had a french man create a masterpiece for the late queen who he loved so much. Unfortunately, the two passed away in an accident one day and the set was sent to the treasure room of the royal family. After the war that brought their kingdom down, all of its treasures were taken by the kingdom of Alineas."

He hoped Elliot would start to catch on but to his surprise, Elliot seemed to be lost in thought.

"Elliot…" He called out.

"Sorry continue."

"Anyways as I was saying, despite their disagreements Kingdom of Alineas treasured love the most. They kept the piece with strict security as an apology for the unnecessary war. They knew it was wrong of them to help in a war when their king and queen had just died. They felt guilty so they decided to place it all in a memorial. Many have tried to buy it over the years but no one has succeeded. Do you understand how hard it will be right?" He asked.

"I do," Elliot responded.

"It so happens that my cousin is a descendant of the fallen kingdom and he is also a duke in Alineas. I need him to convince the current prince to give me the jewelry set. But, my cousin is a man who doesn't do things for free, That's why I also need to give him what he wants in return which is a land where my ancestor's kingdom was located." He explained.

The land has quite the rich soil and his cousin loves things that can produce him money.

He was glad that he's a descendant of a fallen kingdom. Half of the noble houses are descendants of fallen or forgotten kingdoms. His family tree is the most recent, the other house are direct descendants of current royal families that wanted to establish their power to support their royal families.

"To give him the land I also need to get my great-grandfather's seal which is in my brother's hand. Do you understand what my plan is? I need someone trustworthy because the three items are quite valuable." Mr.Yves hoped he had someone in mind because the engagement party will be soon and he can't waste any more time.

"Yes, I know who to send. But engagement party?" Elliot frowned.

"Oh, I thought Clair mentioned it when you saw her before." Mr.Yves furrowed his eyebrows. "But yes, my daughter will get married soon."

"May I ask who?"

"The only bachelor crown prince near us," Mr.Yves responded.

Kingdom of Alineas has already crowned their prince after his wedding. Meanwhile, Lenus, Dema the neighboring kingdoms have their crown princes engaged with two beautiful ladies but their marriage date is yet to be set.

The only obvious candidate is James Davis who remains very low profile and the world knows him as a CEO and the richest man in the country. Thanks to the royal family his identity has been sealed tightly.

"When you told me you wanted the best man by your daughter's side you weren't lying." Elliot joked but it was all forced.

He started regretting. He had been so careful to hide his feelings. He didn't want things to get complicated so he watched her from the dark. Knowing she will marry someone made him regret his actions.

"Of course, a woman as wonderful as my daughter deserves the best!" Mr.Yves lifted his chin full of arrogance. He laughed at his statement knowing it was true.

He wanted to know something before anything else.

"What scheme did you make to have Clair agree?" He asked. "No scheme. All I did was introduce them and they had a connection at first sight! You should have seen how they looked into each other's eyes when they met…" His nose felt like it grew and grew bigger as he boasted about his daughter's sweet romance.

Clair would have puked blood if she heard him? What connection? Is he forgetting how she tried to kill James?

"Okay, I will send you the details about the man who you can trust. Also, I know that you want her to marry because of your health but you should talk to her and ask her if she is ready to get married."

"Tsk, I get it!" Mr.Yves wanted to counter with the fact that his dear princess has already married but he promised to keep it a secret so being the obedient father he is he remained quiet.

"Also, please try to speak to your children about your current health problems. Uncle, they will be angry if you keep hiding it from them."

Mr.Yves pursed his lips. What he said made him gloomy.

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