
Cultivation Realms

"Hmm" Johnny slowly opened his eyes, and remembered everything. He found himself inside the trial room. He checked his whole body, see if he can find any changes. There were only two changes he found, first was his heart and second was a blue bead in his Mana Space.

He asked A.I. to tell him everything that happened when he was unconscious but he found A.I. was still sleep. This made him little startled, but next moment he heard A.I.'s voice "Congratulation Host for inheriting Supreme Sword Sect System"

"Hmm! What do you mean by Supreme Sword Sect System? No, you aren't my A.I. Who are you?" Hearing this tone, Johnny was little excited at first but he found this tone doesn't matches his own A.I. It was completely different tone; this tone is more like tone of a female, and sweet on top of that.

"Hello Host, My name is Angela. I am the A.I. created to manage Supreme Sword Sect inheritance. Your original A.I. has merged with me to burrow power for saving you. I can't simply help you for solving anything, but you're A.I. can. When your sour was almost destroyed due to the pressure from those treasures, it released Forbidden Mode to help you."

"In fact, I was also surprised there could be such method to settle those pressures down. But you're A.I didn't had power to help you, so it merged with me to burrow me power. In exchange, that A.I. lost its intelligent, so its functions are no longer available. Of course, I still possess some basic functions from your A.I. So, in other words from now on, you need to depend on yourself to comprehend or learn anything." Angela voice rang in his mind.

"What? Don't lie to me, how can my A.I be good? You, it must you that devoured my A.I. when I was unconscious." Hearing her anger flashes in his eyes, though A.I. was just software for others, for him it was more than a brother.

He had this A.I. with him from his birth. Then next moment, Angela reply froze his anger "So, do you really know how powerful is your A.I?

Johnny's mood was very down at this moment, but his eyes flashes happiness when he heard Angela's next words "Although it has lost its intelligent, this is only temporary. When your soul reaches certain realm, your A.I. will awaken itself."

"Which realm is it? Is it grandmaster realm?" Although he knows there are higher realms than grandmaster, for detail, he only knows up to this realm.

"Grandmaster, that's too low level. I can' tell you that realm but it is definitely higher than Nine Realms you know a little about." Angela pouted, and she continued "Well, let me fill you up with Nine Realms of your planet. I won't go through details, just some minor explanations. The nine realms are Junior Warrior, Warrior, Warrior Master, Warrior Grandmaster, Warrior Soul Master, War Lord, War King, War Saint, and War Emperor."

"Warrior is term used for either Magicians or Martial Artists. In Junior Warrior Realm, you open nine meridians for cultivation. In Warrior Realm, Host! You need temper your heart, brain, lungs, blood veins, skin, muscles, bones, blood, and last one is to choose either temper your inner space or mana space. But of course, you can temper both them within the Warrior Realm, if you follow my advice."

"Next is Warrior Master Realm, in this realm you need cultivate body completely. Whether you are magician or martial artist, you need to temper your body. Here, you don't temper one part, but take your whole body as an iron rod that needs molding. In first three grades, you temper your body as strong as Iron."

"In middle three grades, you temper your body as strong as Bronze. Finally, in last three grades, you temper your body as strong as Silver. There is next realm which is as strong as Gold, but only if you reach tenth grade in previous realm, you are qualified to reach this grade."

"Then comes Warrior Grandmaster Realm, here you temper your essence. This essence could either be your Mana or Spiritual Energy. You need to cultivate your essence thicker by one time than previous one to reach higher stage. Once you have nine times thicker essence, you can try entering next realm."

"The next realm Warrior Soul Master Realm, here you temper your soul and awaken Soul Body. Soul Body is the special existence that born from the grace of Heaven and Earth. Of course, Soul Body is graded from 1 to 9 where 1 is the lowest and 9 is the highest. Indeed in this realm, first three grades are for accumulating soul power to awaken Soul Body."

"Once you awaken the Soul Body means you enter fourth grade, from then on you continue to strengthen your Soul Body. Through this, you'll also awaken your Soul Body ability which indicates you have reached seventh grade. Finally, when your Soul Body reaches certain stage, you can feel some changes in your Mana Space and Inner Space. Not going too much on the detail, these are just indicating you can use Soul Body to turn Spiritual Energy into True Energy and Mana into True Mana."

"Once you completely convert your spiritual energy or Mana into True Energy or True Mana, you enter War Lord Realm. Here, you began to condense thicker True Energy or True Mana just like you did in Warrior Grandmaster Realm. Next is War King Realm where you can basically condense Natal Weapon."

"This Realm is bit tricky; there are two things that represent your grades, first rank of your Natal Weapon and second numbers of your Natal Weapon. This is very sensitive and hard to understand, so I won't go over the details."

"Then it is War Saint Realm, which is the most important breakthrough. Here, peoples are judged by the heaven and promoted. Magicians are blessed by the heaven while Martial Artists are thundered; of course both have advantages on their own scope. Passing thunder tribulation will give you very strong body, and long life, ten or even twenty times longer than Magicians of same grade."

"Finally, the last realm is War Emperor which is the most powerful realm in your world. Of course, this realm is also the most power realm in hundreds of solar systems near yours, but if you go deeper than, War Emperors are nothing more than cannon fodders. Now that I've explained you everything about the Cultivation Realm, you need to work hard to surpass War Emperor fast and awaken your A.I."

"So much" Hearing her, Johnny's mind almost exploded. This information was making him very curious to learn more but he suppressed his inner thoughts. Since his A.I. could be awakening, he didn't feel much sad, still he was little discomfort."

Suddenly, Angela voice once again rang in his mind.

"Since Host has cooled down, it is time to perform some tasks."

"Tasks? What tasks?" Johnny asked with dumbfounded expression.


"Task- Practice God Slaying Sword Heart Technique First Layer

Task description- Since Host has become the sect master of Supreme Sword Sect; it is his duty to practice his sect main art. Please absorb Sword God Bloodline, and start practicing God Slaying Sword Heart Technique.

Task Time- Seven Days

Task Reward- White Leaves Sword Art*1, Body Tempering Pill*50, 500 Sect Points

Task Punishment- Turn Host mindless for a year"

"What? What the hell is with this task? How can you force someone to practice it? Also, how can you give such a harsh punishment for failing the task? Not to mention, what are Sect Points?" Johnny vomited series of question in his mind. Fortunately, Angela seems to be very obedient, explaining each of his questions.

"Every task has been programmed into the System by the previous Sect Master, so neither I nor Host can do anything to change it."

"God Slaying Sword Heart Technique is the most powerful and important technique of Supreme Sword Sect, so as a Sect Master, you need to practice this art, no matter the condition."

"Since this is the first task, it needs to be fulfilled. In case Host might underestimate the task, the punishment is heavy."

"Supreme Sword Sect System contains all heritages accumulated by the Sword God during his time. Not only that, but it also possesses combining power of many top dao. The most powerful function of this system is to use these daos to accumulate energy from heaven and earth. But it requires some methods to do so."

"Sect Point is the energy gained from the task; this energy is used to run system as well as for Host to buy several of resources from the Supreme Sword Sect System."

'So, it is just like Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone but it does provide real resources through task while that black stone doesn't. Everything that Sword God accumulated during his some, this is interesting.' Johnny fell in a deep thought but he was awakened by sudden notification.

"Task Released- Get Five Disciples and Establish Supreme Sword Sect.

Task description- As a Sect Master, how can you not have any disciples? As a sect master, you need establish your sect and make it renowned. Host needs to get five disciples with Spirit Rank Talent and establish his sect as a formal one. (Academy= Sect)

Time Limit- Two Months

Task Reward- Main Sword Hall, Sword Inheritance Palace, Disciples Resident Area, Sword Drawing Technique*1, Basic Energy Manipulation*1, and Thousand Sect Points

Task Punishment- Make Host Mindless for ten years"

"Are you f**king kidding me?" Seeing the punishment at last of the blue panel, Johnny shouted with rage.

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