

I woke in a strange place that some might call a dojo and I started to wonder how I got there and than a strange yet strong looking man entered the room that I happened to be in and when I looked closer I started to notice how handsome he was and than he looked into my eyes and than the words I was about to say got stuck in my throat as I stared into is deep big blue eyes and he said in a deep yet gentle tone hello you might be wondering how and why you are here but I am afraid that there is not much time for me to tell you so I'll just tell you my name and than I said so what is your name he looked into my eyes and said my name is Andrew and than I said that is a lovely name my name is and than he said I already know your name I said than tell me what is it my name he said your name is Elizabeth I was surprised I mean a man I never met before knew my name and than he said let's begin I said begin what your training I said why would I need training because your life is in danger of what I said.