
Third Sister, Why?


"Third Sister…"


Peony opened her eyes in a jolt only to be shocked to find herself in an old scenery once again. The scent of the peach trees hung fragrant with the abundance of their wonderous fruits. The late blossoms of the cherry blossoms floating down from above them. Her sisters chatted across her as they enjoyed the taste of the wines and teas they brought with them. A woman of fiery red clothes but dazzling red eyes but beautiful long black hair flowed past her waist. She sat with a snarky smile as she urged their eldest sister with a cup of wine as her voice echoed in her ears full of laughter, "Come now, first sister! This wine our third had brought is full of amazing fragrance and the taste is amazing!"

The loong empress sat solemnly on their mat next to her as she softly picked up her porcelain cup of tea, "We are aware. However, it is best to bring such gifts home. I've told you time and time again. It is impolite to open gifts before the giver, second sister."

The dazzling empress picked up her jar and drank from it instead with a bright smile full of unrestrained happiness, "Haah! Good wine! Dear sister, you just don't know. People such as third sister would rather see our reaction to her gifts infront of her!"

The Loong empress huffed with a scowl, "Hmph. Uncouth."

A sudden giggle broke their argument as Peony's heart skipped a beat, she turned around and saw the beautiful fae with the long dragon horns on her head, dazzling green eyes, wavy brown hair and donned with the most purest black brocade decorated with embroidered purple flowers.

A warm and heavy breath left her lips followed by familiar words flowing out, "Fourth sister…."

Her words caused the young lady to turn to her with a small apologetic smile, "Ah, the timing. I am not laughing at you, sister. Sister? Is something the matter?"

All eyes turned to her as she could feel something warm trickle down her cheeks! Surprised, she quickly touched her face only to feel something warm and wet on her fingers as her mouth dropped open unintentionally, "Ah, this is…"

"Third Sister!" The second jumped to her feet in shock and hurried to her side, "Why are you crying?! Did someone bully you?! Tell this sister and she'll go kick their arse right away!"

"Second sister…" The eldest warned the second with a scowl before looking to Peony with a calm yet painful gaze, "Third sister, would you like to rest?"


Peony could feel a warm hand on her cheeks as the familiar words echoed in her ears.

"Third sister? Is everything okay?"

"Third sister?"


"Ah, I-" Peony hastily wiped away the tears and turned around only to be stunned in horror! Before her was no longer the image of her beloved sister munching softly on the delicacies.

No. What touched her cheeks and caressed them were still warm but the scent of iron permeated throughout her senses as she struggled to take in what was going on! Her mind was running non stop and still could not process the bloody image of her beloved sister before her clinging onto her cheeks as she smiled a bloody yet unforgiving smile, "Why, Sister? Why did you abandoned me too? Third sister. Why? You were right there. You always said you would support me! Why did you just stood there?! Sister!!!"

Her cries of anguish pierced Peony's chest reminding her of the image of the greedy scavengers plunging their claws through her sisters chest and ripping the beautiful sphere of mana right out of her body!

"Sister… help me…" The girl pleaded to her from the ground as the girl began to wrap her fingers around her neck whispering through her bloody mouth, "Sister… how could you?"

"Ah…" Peony struggled to speak as she could feel the hands began to wrap tightly around her neck making it more difficult for her to breathe!


Mo Li! I!

Peony struggled to make a sound just as she struggled as hard to breathe! Suddenly, she could feel the hands around her loosen as she fell into darkness.

Images flashed before her eyes as she could barely hear the words from it, "Headmaster Trill! It's been so long since your last visit! How is your health? Are you fatigued by your travel?"

"I've been well, director. There's no need for concern."

"Hah… I see, that's good to hear. You really ought to notify me before hand of your arrival. Oh? And, who is this young lady?"


"Hello, mister director. I am Peony and Trill Tropin's disciple in literature, law and history."

"Disciple? Now that's a word I never expected to hear. Trill, please don't tell me…"

"She is not another candidate. I only have two, not three. I came for another reason… You see…"

"WHAT?!?! This… Hah… Miss Peony. You said you wish to make a generous donation for the schools and board of education?"

"That is correct."

"I do not mean any offense, but can I hear the reason for wanting to do so? After all, ten thousand thaumarks is nothing to laugh at. Why did you not donate this to other charities such as those places wrecked by natural disasters or those who fell upon financial hard times?"

"With all due respects, the reason is very simple. I want to help those who have fallen on difficult times and I know that I, alone, cannot solve one problem that exists in every country. Therefore, I want to start from the future of the children."

"Pfft… Ah sorry…"

"Hmph, fine. It's easy to laugh when all of this is coming from a seven year old child. However, I speak the truth. I may be a child, but I know that change will not begin unless we educate the future generations properly first. These people are the one who will stand in your positions doing the duties you are doing now for both your own and other's benefits. In the future, they will also be performing the very same duties for their own and everyone else's benefits as well. Each wave always comes with new ideas and new strength. However, that is not possible if we cannot properly educate the future generations. During my travels, I have seen students who received a free education and taken advantage of it. There were also those who could not afford an education because the system does not allow for a free education. Instead, they till away their family's large fields or scavenge around the streets hoping to find even the smallest edible weed just to put food into their stomachs. A school protects, guides and educated children on the correct path. I have always wished to be such a supporter alongside the mission of the board of education. Hence I have opened small schools across rural areas and slums for the purpose of giving the children a chance for a better life. This money is what I've received after many charity events and volunteers. Please take the ten thousand thaumarks as aid to the efforts for the children of more rural and struggling parts of Afterglow Savannah."

"Afterglow Savannah, you say…"


"Do you understand what you are saying?"

"I do. Or is there another problem that makes it difficult to provide support for those people?"

"The answer is simple. Hah, the board of education is unable to interfere with the development of other countries and their affairs. Therefore, delving into the country to set up schools and support would not be possible without angering a few political parties."

"Heh, but, what if I say that, by doing this, it would benefit the board of education and it's purpose in the education and protection of the next generations?"

"Heh, really now? What does the princess of fairy kingdom wish to do with the board of education?"

"Hehe. Apologies, however, I am simply a negotiator. What if I say that, if you aid in the development and support of impoverished children in Afterglow Savannah, you can finally set a foot within Afterglow Savannah and finally have a day in the matters of children development before the nobles of Afterglow Savannah? One where you would not require the full backing of royalty and foreign ministers. As delicate as we all know the balance in their court are, we know that their first concern would be with the protection of the environment before the development of the children's education. After all, we know that without the support of the other nobles, not even the royals are able to act alone based on a single whim. If they decide to support the more impoverished children in the slums, how many of them are actually on board with this?"

There was silence.

"What if I say, that I can negotiate a way for the board of education to step in and provide knowledge without strings attached and without utilizing my identity? I'll be nothing but a negotiator between the board of education and the Afterglow Savannah. However, one negotiator with connections to common yet knowledgeable backgrounds is all you'll need to succeed in this endeavor? Hm? How does that sound?"

"…. So… If I agree to this, what will you gain from this? Although the world is now at its most peaceful era in a long time, nobody does things such as volunteering without any motive. Like it or not, that's not how the world works."

"Of course… That's why I came to request for this partnership."


"I work with the board of education as a negotiator and representative. In exchange, you will agree to helping me build connections and support the non-profit schools I am running in Afterglow Savannah."

"Non-profit schools?!"

"That's right. If you agree to make connections with my school so that they can graduate to higher education, I'll be your negotiator and aid with the negotiations between the nobles of afterglow Savannah and board of education. Of course, without showing my identity to others. No one will know or learn that I am of royalty as well. After all, since when does members of royalty ever delve into matters of other country?"

There was a long silence once more before a familiar voice questioned curiously, "How confident are you in your ability to negotiate?"

"In this battle, it's a hundred percent. And… The reputation of the Board of Education will remain intact."

"What of the number of students under your care?"

"Not my care, sir. You mean, in the care of Ash."

"Ash… Wait! Isn't that-?!"

A strange feeling stirred in her as she recalled her confident and bright smile as she stated, "That's right. I said I was Peony but nothing else. If I say, I was Ash…"

"Hm... Very well. However, you only get one chance... Ash."

"Of course."

Peony could barely recall what happened before there was a moment of silence before laughter filled the air, "Hahahahahaha! Good! Good! Hey, Will!"

The sound of door creak open was heard as the shocking words soon followed afterwards, "There's still the third position of the seat of superintendent, right?! I've finally found our Third Superintendant!"

"WHAT?! H-Hold on! It's true that she solved the issue between the nobles of Afterglow Savannah and the Board of Education, but the position of the Third Superintendant can't be a safe position for her!"

"Third Superintendant?" Peony could hear herself.

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