
Congratulations... Leave. Now.

"Everyone, get on!" Jamil shouted.

"JAMIL!!" Kalim smiled wide in relief upon seeing help before them.

As the others hurried on, Lotus threw Grim and Yuu onto the carpet and said as she pulled out her needles, "I'll hold Vil back. You guys hurry and get out of here. Don't worry. I'll catch up later. Rook, Jamil. I'll leave these two to you."

Grim gasped in horror, "But-!"

"All right. I'll trust you. But, make sure that you get back in one piece."

Yuu's response shocked them all as she nodded with a laugh, "Obviously, that's a simple request! It'll be easy! Now go and make sure you listen to Jamil as well, carpet!"

"You really think I'll let you get away?" Vil shouted in anger.

With that, she pushed the carpet who sped away in surprise as it had been a long time since anyone actually managed to push him out. As they sped away, Grim shouted in disbelief, "Why did you just leave him there, Yuu?! He can't use magic!"

"It's because I know that he's strong even without magic." Yuu responded firmly, "As for me, I can rely on you and everyone else, but it's different for Lotus..."

"Oui..." Rook nodded firmly, "In place of great physical strength, he has great knowledge and speed. However, he, too, also has his flaws. After all, foxes are usually solitary hunters..."


"Move out of the way!" Vil demanded as he shot out a stream of poison at her.

Lotus merely sneered as she stepped aside to let the poison stream through but used a hand to push him back. Vil was instantly pushed down onto the ground as he looked up in disbelief upon seeing that Lotus was still standing in that position that she had remained in as she sighed and took of her black glove with a heavy sigh, "Seriously... I should've taken the glove off before I started this fight. Now, I see why everyone in that dorm is so adamant on taking off their glove for a fight..."

Looking down at the glove with an expression of guilt over her face, she shook her head and muttered, "I guess I'll have to express my apologies to the old general now... Where do you think you're going?"

With a quick move, Lotus quickly grabbed Vil by the collar and gave him a light kick on the leg before he spung and landed softly onto the ground. Vil looked up to her in disbelief as he grimaced, "H-How can this be...?!"

"What do you mean how?" Lotus raised a brow as she looked down on him with a sigh, "I told others not to look down on me and you still look down on me? Am I really so weak that you thought a simple poison would be enough to take me down? What a farce! You must've been trained by some really good boxer or so, but I had different training compared to you. If anything, what you can do physically can never best me. However..."

Lotus sighed, "You are still a student of this school and a kid as well..."

She dropped a stick onto the ground and said, "As long as you pass me here, then you can go after them."

"What?" Vil glowered down at her in disdain, "Aren't you here to beat me?"

"Beat you?" Lotus frowned in dismay as she stuffed the glove into her pocket, "What's the point of that? My job is not to beat you, but to buy those guys time. Who said anything about beating you? That's just a waste of time right now anyway."

"Gr...! Shut up!" Vil shouted at her and the large figure above him with the jar of blot as a head tossed a bright red apple the size of a yoga ball at her.

Lotus sighed and simply gave a light push back which hit the large figure instead. The large figure gave out a screech as the poison rained on them instead and Vil quickly used his cloack to protect himself. Before she could guess what he was going to do next, he quickly charged at her to which she simply raised a brow before taking a step forward. However, Vil quickly lept to the side to avoid her attack!

Lotus huffed and simply reached over and grabbed him by the collar before pulling him closer to her instead!

"Guh!" Vil grimaced as he struggled to get away from her grip when he could feel a light pain to the forehead and neck, "What?"

He was then tossed aside as he watched her stare down upon him once again with her arms folded and leaning to the side of the wall. Lotus sighed as she muttered, "Always running head first... Hah... I just couldn't resist the urge to get payback for what you've done to Big Brother Yuu and Grim. Since you want me to treat you like a child, then I'll naturally treat you like one! How about it? Will you try to come at me again? I'll naturally play house with you if you want."

"Shut up! I'll make you rot and melt away into nothing! How dare you play with me!" Vil angrily exclaimed and another wave of poison at her.

However, Lotus could already see it coming amongst the poisonous gas and responded with a yawn, "Poison this, poison that... Too slow, too sloppy. Not refined at all. You really don't know how to properly use that unique magic of yours... Well, it's not like it was meant to be properly used with your current goals anyway."

"Shut up!" Vil charged at her again as he used his poison to create a faint, "I'll... I'll kill all of you!"

Lotus raised a brow and scowled angrily as her eyes narrowed sharply. With a scowl, she reached out and brushed aside the poison with ease before a loud sound echoed in the halls.

Seeing the scene, Little Jun grimaced painfully as he muttered sympathetically with a shudder, "Oof... She really, really hate the guy..."

Vil looked up in shock as his hand reflexively touched his blushed cheek with a look of disbelief across his face, "You... dare to slap me... on my face?"

"Ah. That's right." Lotus stated bluntly with an aloof manner as she waved her right hand to numb away the pain, "I slapped you. What are you going to do about it?"


"And I'll slap you again if you dare utter such an ugly thing again..." Lotus said as her eyes suddenly shifted onto Vil's pitiful figure, "Did you think I really wouldn't dare to do this? But, let me tell you this... Apart from me who else dares to slap you across the face?"

"No one-!"

"That's right." Lotus responded firmly, "No one else would dare to slap you. Not one single adult would dare to slap you unless it was all just an act. That's why I will be the first to do so. If it was before, I would naturally leave things as is, but this time it's rather special..."

Seeing the gaze before him, Vil could feel a sense of fear in him as he shifted uncomfortably. Lotus stated in a curt manner with a face devoid of the goofy emotions it once held before, "Congratulations... Vil Schoenheit... You are the first student in this life to have pissed me off to this extent..."

Vil could suddenly feel the unusual chill in the air grow colder as he could no longer hear the hissing sound of his poison. Something wasn't right, and he could feel it in his gut! He must get out of here! His life depends on it!

"I don't care if I hear that phrase again if you are conscious or not. But, if I hear you purposely use those words with any real intent to actually kill again... I will slap you across the face again." Lotus stated without any hesitation or reservation.

At a loss for words, Vil's body shivered as he sat there on the cold floor before Lotus huffed with a gentle and cold smile across her face, "Leave."


"Did I not make myself clear?" Lotus looked to him with a raised brow, "Consider yourself lucky that you are just a kid... Leave. Now."

Though she did not shout these words, they resonated through out the halls and echoed in his mind accompanied with the sense of fear. Before he could realize what had happened, he was already flying out of the halls at full speed without looking back and in the direction of those guys that had hurried off on the carpet.

Having remained behind in the halls, Lotus heaved a heavy breath of air that created a white puff of white steam before her. Having stood there for a few second, she finally struggled to fall upon the stone walls of the halls as she struggled to keep herself up clutching her chest in pain.

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