

Lotus sighed in dismay as she walked away with her Ceremonial hood over her head, "I wanted to keep following the others, but it seems that Yuu is just getting too smart... Why can't I go with them to the courtyard?"

It wasn't till she arrived at the nurse's office that she noticed four little figures in white walking over to the nurse's office with a worried look on their faces.

"Is there anything I can help with?" She walked over to them in confusion.

The one with the short blue hair jumped up out of fright and hid behind the blond hair dwarf, "S-Stranger..."

"Now, now, Timmy. That's not how you greet someone remember? You gotta smile wide and say hi back!" The blond dwarf responded with a wide smile on his face, "Hi, Miss! I'm Hopp! This is, Timmy, Selphie, and Toby! We are just trying to get into the nurse's office, but the door is locked."

Lotus raised a brow in bewilderment and turned to the door only to find it actually locked. She sighed in dismay and responded in exasperation, "It would seem that our nurse had to go treat someone. He's always done this before and you won't find him until the afternoon. He's always had the habit of making himself untraceable for no reason at all, even though he does take his job seriously."

"R-really?" Timmy muttered in bewilderment.

Lotus nodded, "There are few occassions where he gets really tired after an overwhelming day and would hide himself away somewhere on campus. Luckily, he's super easy to find if he's lazing of, but he's difficult to find when he's on the job. You're fortunate that I'm around today. Is someone hurt?"

"Huh?" Hopp looked to him in confusion, "Why are we fortunate that you're here? Are you a student here? But, I thought that this is a boy's school."

"It is." Lotus laughed and pulled down her hood, "Unfortunately, I'm often mistaken for a girl, but I'm actually a boy and I'm the nurse's assistant."

"Oh my gosh!" Hopp blushed in bewilderment, "I'm so sorry about that!"

Lotus chuckled, "It's all right. There are some in Pomefiore's dorm that also go through the same thing, but I don't mind. It's happened too many times anyway. So, what brings you to the nurse's office?"

As she opened the door with the keys, Hopp spoke up, "Some guys tried to pick a fight with us, and Timmy and Toby got hurt in the process."

"Seriously?" Lotus frowned when she heard this and let them inside as she sighed, "The school has only opened up and those kids have already begun to cause trouble..."

"Y-yeah..." Timmy nodded hesitantly, "We were only able to escape because our senior s-saved us."

"I hope Che'nya will be all right." Hopp responded curiously, "He's always been good and hiding, so he should be just fine since the courtyard has a lot of hiding places."

"Senior?" Lotus muttered curiously before she sighed and shook her head, "Well, you don't have to worry. I was with the committee crew just now. They're currently patrolling the areas to make sure that fights like this don't occur. They were just heading to the courtyard before I left."

"W-Will they be able to bring down those strong bullies?" Timmy muttered hesitantly.

"Of course." Lotus laughed as she took out her equipments and first aid case, "The leader of the Committee is in that group right now and he's the dorm leader of Heartslabyul. The strictest dorm leader we have on campus when it comes to rules. Che'nya will be fine. He is also the dorm leader's old friend after all. Who wouldn't help an old friend in need?"

"Eh?! Che' nya is friends with a strict person like that?!" Hopp cried out in bewilderment.

Lotus chuckled, "Of course. He would often sneak his way into out school grounds and steal some snacks from their tea parties. Because of the rivalry the students of this school feels against your school, you can imagine the chaos that ensued afterward with a hundred students running after him. The dorm leader and vice-dorm leader often had to find ways to keep the chaos down and that they don't try to run to catch him. Now, where did you guys get hurt?"

"Th-The leg..." Timmy whimpered.

"But, why would they be this upset over who is number one or two?" Hopp wondered curiously.

"Well, it varies between people really." Lotus shrugged as she gingerly touched the shin, "Some people have a strong sense of inferiority complex and others want to become number one in other means. In the Savannaclaw dorm, there's an unspoken rule of survival of the fittest where only the strong can have a say. Right now, the current dorm leader of that dorm can keep order as long as his students are under his eyes. However, it's a different story once they are out of sight or aren't causing trouble. I bet that the one yet fought with had a yellow magic pen. Pens with that color means that they are from such dorm. I bet the committee leader is making them behave as we speak."

"That's actually what happened."

Lotus looked up to find three other dwarves running over to them as she finished smearing some cream over the scrape on the leg. She sighed in dismay, "Is it those three buff guys again?"

The one with the glasses nodded, "They all had yellow magic stones in the pens, I remember it well. Luckily, the leader of the committee crew arrived just in time and put a stop to it before things got worse."

"Huh, I said I would be able to take them out just fine..." The red hair dwarf scowled in dismay when he heard this, "Where is their dorm leader right now?"

"He's currently building the purple stadium." Lotus shook her head and sighed, "He didn't tell the committee team, but I've already noticed that some individuals had messed with the seatings of the stadium that morning. Nothing was exchanged between the dorm leaders, but I believe the dorm leader of Savannaclaw already knows who the culprit is."

"Is it those three who fought us?" The glasses guy muttered with a scowl.

"How does he know that for sure? Hmph! I bet he doesn't know it at all!" The red hair guy scowled hearing this.

Lotus nodded with a sigh, "That's because he's the tactician of the magift team in school and he's seen many schemes back at home since he's from royalty. This is probably just another scheme he's experienced. If he wants to relax all he wants, he will naturally have to remove the thorns bothering him now than be patient about it."

The glasses dwarf gasped as he responded, "Leona Kingscholar! He's the dorm leader of Savannaclaw?"

"Well, yeah." Lotus responded, "Since he doesn't want to follow orders from others, he naturally took the position of dorm leader. All he has to listen to after that is the headmaster and the teachers, which is pretty much who the dorm leader listens to when things get serious. He's not the type to listen to others, but, if you find a way to trick him into doing so, then he will listen to you. However, you'll need to think outside the box if you want him to take action right now. If not, he'll just take action in the next couple of days. But, I bet those guys have already been collared. He wouldn't take action if the other dorm leader have already punished them. Their next punishment would have to be the humiliation of going to school with a collar for the rest of the week. The dorm leaders already knew that a fight would happen anyway. So putting that collar on them will keep them from creating trouble for the next few days. Toby, was it? Hand me your arm. It's just cream, it won't hurt at all. I'll be gentle."

"That reminds me. Just what is that collar?"

"Those collars are a part of the dorm leader's unique magic. He can prevent them from casting their magic once it is used." Lotus responded, "That was how he was able to take the position of dorm leader from the previous dorm leader during his first year."

"He became a dorm leader in his first year?!" They looked to her in bewilderment.

Lotus nodded with a sigh, "Yeah. You can't really do much once you are incapable of using your unique magic, right? And, violence is against the rules on campus. Naturally, he won the magic duel under the headmaster's supervision. His magic is perfect in this occassion where there are troublemakers but they are also students. He can easily apprehend the students that way. Since they already knew of the rules and still break them, this is the most fitting punishment for them. Of course, the dorm leader won't let his punishment affect their classes, so he will naturally rescind it before class before putting it back on after, unless their dorm leader will take over the task of punishing them instead. Even if they don't click, they aren't oblivious to their duties. Now, which one of you are injured?"

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