
Chapter 1, Part 5: The Result

Oof! It was a tough battle and I was not sure I could even win, but my plan paid off!

I got lucky that Ms. Hikki was a Red Shane, Blue and Red Malici archive user. Red Shane is an archive for fire spells, Blue Malici archive is for water type spells and the Red Malici archive is for wind type spells. The reason why wind, water, and fire type magic don't work on me is that I can easily nullify its effects. My wand is infused with a part of my soul and thus, it has its own slot of spell it can use. It can store two spells and can activate those spells when I want it to. It is also a secret because in order to fuse a part of my soul into a soulless object I had to carry out a forbidden ritual. This ritual allows a non-living object to possess soul at a cost. The possessed soul will inherit the information provided by its master. The merit is that I still get to keep my Soul Slot's limit which means combined with the wand I could use eight spells in a battle which gave me an advantage.

One of the spells I stored in the wand was [Nullify] which helped me to cancel out wind, water, and fire spells.

As for my battle with Ms. Hikki, I was afraid at first to face her but after a few observations; I could come up with a plan that would guarantee my victory. Ms. Hikki lost the battle as soon as it began; this was because she underestimated my skills. A golden rule in every battle is never to underestimate one's opponent. The second you let your guard down, it's your defeat.

Ms. Hikki started the battle with simple spells. Those lower-tier spells were to test my skill. Of course, my wand helped me to nullify those spells. That might have shocked her a little because I did not even incant.

I started to act out my plan the moment she fired her fusion spell, [Water Vortex], and [Thunder Wind]. Caught up in that tornado, I used a spell [Body Double] using the water from her spell and then slipped out erasing my presence using [Complete Invisibility].

[Complete Invisibility] is two tiers higher than [Invisibility] and one tier higher than [Total Invisibility]. [Complete Invisiblity] erases the caster's presence and magic essence or mana while [Total Invisbility] erases the caster's presence and [Invisibility] makes a person invisible to naked eye.

I was afraid that she would immediately see through my plan because let's face it; it wasn't a grand plan, right? But I had faith that she would not be able to find that I can use a super high tier spell such as [Complete Invisbility]. That was to be my key to victory. But in this process, I lost about 50% of my mana. Using higher tier magic such as [Complete Invisibility] consumes a lot of mana the longer you use it. Usually, such spells are rarely used because they are cost-expensive.

Fortunately, she didn't see through my plan, I guess she really underestimated my skill. Well, it was in my favor, so I slowly walked behind her and just enjoyed the remaining show. She used a spell [Inferno] and a fire spirit appeared out of nowhere. This spell confused me a little. It wasn't a summoning spell, no, but it did bring out a spirit to fight for her.

I have no idea what the spirit did, but it trapped me on a red magic circle. My movement or rather my clone's movement was locked. And then the spirit cast the hellfire thunder. I mean seriously what was that spell. It was a tornado of intense fire. I could have seriously died you know well not died but it would still be trouble taking it head-on. Even though I had [Nullify] but I could have taken some damage. Maybe luck was on my side today.

But with that, the next part of my plan was about to begin. I had cast a spell [Timed Spell] and [Immediate Paralysis].

[Timed Spell] allowed me to set an activating condition on a spell. It was a form of trap. A certain action from the opponent could activate the spell associated with it immediately. In this case, I had predicted that she would use a fire attribute spell again, so I set the condition to her casting a fire spell from the Red Shane archive.

So, if she cast any spell in that specific archive, the associated spell would activate. In this case, the spell that got activated was [Immediate Paralysis].

[Immediate Paralysis] completely paralyzed the opponent so much so that they won't even be able to blink their eyes. They would be no less than a statue.

If this plan did not work then I had prepared another plan to directly execute a spell from her back that was why I took so much trouble to come behind her. When she cast the [Inferno] spell a barrier was protecting her from the front. The barrier could possibly be of the spirit but it could also be the effect of the spell. I feared that the barrier surrounded her from all sides but to my fortunate luck she was wide open from behind, the barrier only protected her from the frontal head-on attacks.

Well, it was a checkmate for her either way. As I stated earlier, she had lost the battle the minute she underestimated me.

And just like I anticipated, she did use a fire spell from Red Shane archive, which activated the [Timed Spell] spell and she got paralyzed by [Immediate Paralysis]. The only thing for me to do was reveal myself and deal out the final blow with my ultimate spell [Dream World].

[Dream World] spell worked like a drug, that is, it would render anyone unconsciousness in just a matter of seconds for a very long time. The effect of the spell could last even months. I know this because I tried it on myself once and I was asleep for like 7 months. When I woke up, I had turned into a scrawny, thin-looking guy, nearly dehydrated.

The spell took the victim to their ideal world which is no more than a mere illusion, a dream. And until and unless you fight off the desire to leave the dream world and get back to reality, you will never wake up and you can even die. It will be a battle between willpower and desire.

Thus, with that spell, I won the bout.

I turned towards the panel of judges with a smile on my face. The old man showed no expression of being surprised. Could it be that he had seen through my tricks? Possibly, who knows? But the two judges who were seated at the far left end were surprised, their expression satisfied me.

'Hm, Ricardo Dinnar, I believe you have high potential and without a doubt have passed the entrance test. But also, we all have come to a conclusion to give you the privilege of scholarship in this academy. All your fees will be looked after by the school, all you have to do is maintain your rank and position in the school among the top students and you won't have to worry about your education,'

Is this for real?

I couldn't believe my ears. The old man said something unbelievable. My fees will all be canceled! A scholarship! My family would be so proud!

'Thank you so much, sir, I will try my best,'

I replied; my voice could barely conceal my excitement.

'Umu, go now you have passed the test with flying colors,'

Saying so, the huge gate appeared again and pulled me inside with an unimaginable force. Once again I found myself engulfed in green misty smoke, but it did not surprise me as it did before, instead, I kinda enjoyed the feeling of a cool smoky mist on my skin. Like before, I felt a pulling force, a sign that it was time to come out and sure enough I was out of the building of the academy, and in front of me was the entrance gate of the school.

In my hand, was my admit card. I glanced at it. It had changed. The card in my hand was not an admit card now, it had turned into my Identity Card and it showed my name, class, and rank.

Name: Ricardo Dinnar

Class: 1, S

Rank: 7th

My rank surprised me the most. Seventh, seventh!!

I can't wait to see the look on my parent's faces when they see this.

I smiled.

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