

1 month till my birthday yay I think this year will go fast

Ashlyn gave me a mindful journal book and I already did two pages

Christian is still trying to talk to me but he can try all he wants to I'm never goinf to talk to him or Ravin and I'm never going on Roblox ever again

I can't have any negative things come in my way before I graduate I need to stay positive

Brooklyn called me a hoe friday I hate that word I hope she rotts in hell I did nothing to her or any of the freshmans they all hate me cuz I broke up wit Nathan did nothing to any of there dumbass they can say whatever they want it dont matter

Sierra asked Nathan if he would go out with me again and he said he didn't know now I'm starting to think that Sierra is going to try to hook me up with him I mean I still like him but I don''t know either

Bored out of my life

I woke up today and my eyes were red

Scott gave me a hug

Today is Kayla's baby shower it was alright i guess I owe scott more hugs whenever I see him at pankow hopefully I see him

Me and Jonathan held hands(we are not dating) still owe scott hugs Everyone wants me to dye my hair brown

Poeple want me to date Scott instead of Nathan

Sierra is trying to hook me up with Nathan on Valentines day

I really hope that does not happen at all Valentines day

Also I think Christians mad at me

Jonathan is giving me some stuff on valentines day

I need hugs from Scott what the fuck maybe I could get Ravin to text him and say that I'll be at mcdonalds maybe i'll see him tomorrow hopefully I will ugh he'd be the worst boyfreind ever

People are saying that we aint gonna have school tomorow because of the snow we''ll see about that tomorrow morning

Friday is a half day yay I better see Scott or I will cry

I'm going to mcdonalds tomorrow yay

Today was fun hope I can do it again

Today is OGB (bryce) birthday

9 more days untill my birthday yay imma be 18 wow i'm getting old

I have been busy the last couple days sorry about that I am starting to work out now to get a flat stomach and still look better than Sierra I can't believe that I'll be 18 on Sunday 6 more days oh my god! I'm so excited yay for me

oh also the boys are plotting something apparently josh is going to ask kylie to prom and oliver is going to ask out sara to prom but she can't go because of colby but why can't Oliver ask me out to prom I'm never going to date him before I leave the school I think it's because I dont have a phone boys are so stupid I really like oliver but I guess he dont like me now i dont want to go to prom i'd rather just stay home i'm good at that anyways being lonely with mo one to talk to at all

Why do freshmans have to like me ugh I hate it I was wearing Nathans necklace today he was looking really cute today ugh why did I have to break up with him

I dont want to hang out with Kylie anymore I'd rather be at home anyways

Sierras ex caleb wants to date me

Christian wants a kiss from me jonathan wont leave me alone and my crush is going to ask out my friend to prom she better say no she knows that I like him but he wont like me back

5 more days till my birthday oh yeah no school today

I'm going to be very busy today gtg see ya

No school again wow

Tomorrows my birthday yay

I went to my grandmas yesterday I got 2 books to read breath of scandel and sleeping beauties that'll keep me busy for a while

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