
First Robbery

After some talk, they decided to nab some stuff for Romans Projects well they waited for Neo's weapon. Late at night Roman and Neo walk into the hardware store called Bob's Bits and Bobs is a place that sells a little of everything from weapon parts to home improvement stuff.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was to find a hardware store with a good selection open at this time of night," Roman asks the owner well he looks for cameras.

"Welcome sir how may I help you tonight," the owner asks with a smile on his old face.

"Do you have insurance, old man, just curious," Roman asks the old man well. Neo walks through the aisles.

"Of course I have insurance, are you someone trying to make me change over my insurance," replies the old man that Roman had now reached.

"No, I'm not an insurance agent, we are here to rob you actually," Roman replies as he knocks the old man out.

With the old man crumpled on the ground behind the counter with ease Roman vaults over the counter and begins taking the money from the register. Neo well, this is happening and begins throwing all of the stuff from the store into the inventory. All the gamers/party members share an inventory. Well, Neo was still busy with cleaning out the store Roman kicks open the door to the storage area and mirrors Neo's shoving shit in the inventory.

Summer's Pov


Going shopping was a good way to get away from the twins and their unending arguments. She also needed to pick up a replacement part for Justice, her Warhammer shotgun mecha shift weapon. After walking around for a bit she finds a store still open Bob's Bits and Bobs, walking in it looks pretty cleaned out and no one at the counter hears footsteps. She turns around and sees a small girl with pink and brown hair and one pink and one brown eye.

"Hello, there do you work here," Summer asks with a smile.

The girl shakes her head, Summer feels a sudden impact in the pit of her stomach knocking the wind out of her. With the sound of shattering glass and the feeling of Aura breaking the girl appears in front of her bringing her foot down from a kick. She hears two sets of footsteps as the girl pulls out a knife with a smirk the girl mounts her bringing her knife up just as she was about to bring the knife down a new voice speaks up.

"You shouldn't do that she is one of Ozpin's brats he doesn't like when people kill them," a distinctly male voice says.

The girl rolls her eyes and stands up putting her knife away blinking her eyes switch colors, the last thing Summer remembers is the girl smirking and bringing her foot up then down and blackness. Opening up her eyes only to have a massive headache assault her, she slowly sits up then leans herself up against the wall. Pulling out her scroll she calls her team after ringing a couple of times the call connects.

"Hey Summer, where did you go we tried to call you after you went out and didn't return for an hour," Qrow says, sounding worried.

"I walked in on a robbery and got my ass kicked nearly died but one of the thieves said something about me being one of the headmaster's brats so they can't kill me," Summer responds well holding her head.

"What, where are you," Taiyang shouts over the scroll.

"I'm at Bob's Bits and Bobs I don't know where the owner is though," as she said that she hears groaning from behind the counter, "Never mind found him."

Hobbling over to the counter a red portal appears and three people step out with weapons in hand Taiyang runs over to her helping her walk to the counter as Qrow and Raven look around on alert for anybody. Seeing the owner starting to wake up Taiyang calls the police after letting Summer lean on the counter.

The police arrive and begin taking statements from Summer and the owner, getting sketches of the faces for both the assailants. Team STRQ arrived back at Beacon academy and they see Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch waiting for them.

"Hello Summer, Taiyang, Raven, and Qrow, how was your time in town?" He watches them with concern.

"I got beat up pretty badly. The short girl broke my Aura in one kick than was about to kill me her partner told her I was one of Ozpin's brats and about how you don't like it when people kill them," Summer explains well leaning on Qrow.

"It's concerning a thief managed to break one of our best fighters Aura in one hit we will look into them I am glad you are safe Summer please have the nurse look at you just in case," Ozpin says as he starts to walk away.

"Wait the short girl had some sort of an illusion semblance she just appeared in front of me, that or she had teleportation semblance because I was talking with her and she was 10 feet or so away from me, then suddenly I was on my back and she was right in front of me," Summer calls out after Ozpin.

"Thank you for this information, Ms. Rose I hope you feel better soon," Ozpin says then walks away.

Team STRQ arrived at the nurses' office Qrow and Taiyang waits well Sumer and Raven, a couple of minutes after Summer enters Ozpin runs down the hallway to the nurses' office. Ozpin enters the office Qrow and Taiyang enters after him curiously seeing summer on a bed stomach down back exposed on her normally pail back is a solid circle probably half a foot across constantly changing colors with the design of a white rose in the middle of it. Ozpin walked over to Summer quickly placing his hand on the circle he flinches back quickly and starts looking very worried.

"So do you know what that is Ozpin because that was not on her back when she left today," Raven asks.

"I have some idea what it is but not exactly," Ozpin replies then continues well placing his hand back on it, " it is a magic rune I can't tell what it is for but it holds the power to level this entire school."

"Someone planted a bomb on Summer, is there some way to defuse it," Qrow yells moving over to Summer.

"Relax it is a spell, not a bomb a very powerful spell but not likely a bomb this spell has three different triggers from what I can tell Summer being near death, Summer being controlled, and the only other person I thought with the ability to do this attempting to look at the spell," Ozpin answers Qrow's question looking perplexed.

"For god's sake all men out of this room so I can put back on my shirt and go to bed," Summer yells in frustration.

Qrow, Ozpin, and Taiyang leave the room Summer puts back on her shirt and returns to her room, she is out as soon as her head hits the pillow.

I'm on a roll another chapter hope you enjoy

Will00creators' thoughts
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