
Kind, Beautiful, Approachable

Tianshi Xue was ecstatic to know that she was going to have a meeting with a PR Manager. A PR person's only job was to make people look good in the eyes of the public. She would not have any problem with that, considering Princess Yingyue's spotless track record. That was not something that she would say for herself. She was a PR disaster.

There were not enough extinguishers for all the fires she created in her short life as Tianshi Xue.

But living in this new body, she was going to get a fresh start with the people. She would try her hardest to ensure that nothing she would do would tarnish Princess Yingyue's reputation.

Howin lead her to a hallway that she already walked in but never ventured. It was like all the other hallways in the palace. There was a guard on either end, and the rest was empty. There were rows of closed doors which purpose she still did not know.

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