
Crowning Glory

Yang Qui (3rd Prince) made his way to the east side of the palace. His mother had been awarded her own place to stay in. Given that she was not the emperor's wife, she was not allowed to stay in the castle. The Emperor had given her one of the biggest ancient houses with its wooden roof and floors when he found out that she was carrying a son.

Before Yang Qui could even go up the steps, the laughter of many people could already be heard. He cringed. He didn't want to visit his mother on times like this, but he had to pay his respects so he slid the door open and stepped inside.

There were numerous ladies inside the room, all in revealing clothes, faces red with all the laughing and the booze. There was a small feast in the middle and his mother was at the head of it, wearing the royal blue color.

"Oh, Qui!" she exclaimed, eyes wide. She immediately pulled herself off the floor, glass still in hand, the liquid almost spilling. She practically ran to him.

"I bet that Empress overreacted with you again," his mother said, touching his face. His mother pretended to fall and his arm shot out to catch her. She placed a hand on her forehead. "My beautiful boy," she wailed as a poor impersonation of the Empress. "Were you hurt? I cannot imagine a thousand arrows aimed at you! Oh, how you must have starved in those dirty roads!"

Yang Qui stayed quiet and let his mother finish.

"Although you are not mine, you are my favorite son!"

Yang Qui could not help the smile that made its way to his lips. That did somewhat sounded like the Empress. His mother ended her charade and finally straightened up from his arm. His mother was the youngest of the Emperor's women at the age of forty-one. No lines were visible on her smooth fair skin. Her hair black and thick, curled in huge waves.

Her days had once been filled with serving the Emperor until she caught his eye. Now, she was a gracious hostess to women of all ages, spending her days drinking and chatting.

The Concubine bopped his nose with her ringed finger. "You are my crowning glory, Qui."

"I know, Mother," he said and this time he meant the word.

His mother pressed a kiss on his cheek and tapped his shoulder. "Are you okay?" she sounded sober, which meant she was just pretending to be drunk with her friends. "Any major injuries I should know about?"

Yang Qui shook his head. "I'm fine. I just want to know if you're coming to the party later."

"Of course I am!" she said and lifted the thin cape of her dress for show. "I wouldn't miss a chance to gloat that my son is the Emperor's favorite, you know?"

Yang Qui already had enough with people gushing about him. "Alright, let's eat something. I am starving."


Tianshi Xue thought it would be best to keep quiet while they were having lunch. She felt famished as she missed breakfast because Prince Qui returned. She was seated right next to Prince Xiaodan (2nd Prince) who was largely involved with the conversation about the country.

Tianshi Xue felt like she was sitting in on a council meeting and she wanted to cover her ears as she felt like she was in no position to be there. But she tuned in anyway, scared that The Emperor would suddenly ask her a question and she would not be able to answer him. The other females on the table ate quietly so that was what she did too.

When lunch was over, Prince Xiaodan took her to a room where all the wedding preparations were happening. Palettes were placed in her hands and her dress was pinned to a mannequin with two people sewing tiny beads on its train.

Tianshi Xue's jaw tightened. It's not my dress, she said. It's the PRINCESS' dress.

She didn't know what the princess would've liked so she made the choices based on her personal taste. Prince Xiaodan was quiet, sipping on his tea while he read from a book, occasionally nodding and smiling at her decisions. Life was really so much easier if men just followed what women want.

Tianshi Xue had a fleeting thought. If she was going to get married, she wanted it to be with someone like Prince Xiaodan. He had all the money to make her dream wedding come true and he would agree to everything she would say.

She was having so much fun inside that room that when Howin came in to collect her, her mood turned sour. "Can't we stay for another hour?" she clasped on Prince Xiaodan's arm.

He chuckled and helped her up from the couch. "We still have tomorrow," he told her. "But tonight is all about Qui."

Tianshi Xue pouted. "Okay," she said. "Will you walk me back to my room?"

"Of course, my princess."

While walking back to her room, she slung her arm on his, relishing every moment. She was still going crazy about the wedding. She loved the gilded invitations the most. It was a short walk and if she had any clue on where the Prince and the Princess' relationship stood, she would've kissed him.

"Whatever happens tonight," she told him. "I just want you to know, you're my dream guy."

The prince laughed. "Seems like you're back to your old self." His eyes looked like they were shining and his cheeks were flushed. He had never looked more handsome. He leaned in and Tianshi Xue thought that he was going to kiss her lips. But his lips landed on her cheek. "I'll see you later, princess," then he kissed her hand and Tianshi Xue almost fainted.

When the prince left, Tianshi Xue pressed herself against the door. Now she knew why all people wanted to be the weak damsel in distress. They always get the happy endings.

She felt so happy she thought that she was also one of those girls.

While Howin was tying her body in a new gown, Tianshi Xue asked herself, Would it be selfish if I choose to stay in this body?

But what of the princess? How could she return to her body if you are still in it? countered her thoughts. Of all the selfishness and conniving things that you did, are you really going to add another one in your list?

An evil laugh echoed in her mind. "You are never going to get your happy ever after, Tianshi Xue… you and I are going to meet in hell…"

She shivered and Howin was alarmed. "Are you okay, Princess? Are you cold?" she snatched the remote of the air conditioner and turned up the temperature.

"I'm fine," she waved. "I'm just thinking."

Tianshi Xue was suddenly reminded of her old assistant. Well, she was more like her manager, make-up artist, hairdresser, stylist all in one. Her name was Mingmei. Had she been kind to Mingmei? She was not. She used to torture her with words. She wondered how Mingmei was doing right now.

Why am I even thinking about this? she shook her head.

"That's enough," she told Howin when the clock finally struck six in the evening. Howin was at her feet fluffing the thin skirts of her light blue dress. The top of it was embroidered with gold beads and the back opened in a huge hole, exposing her smooth back.

She slipped her hands inside the gloves. She looked at the setting sun, feeling her fleeting happiness go with it.

It was time.

If you want to see Tianshi Xue's dress, please visit the link!

Visual representations, story guide, and additional info Google Slides (no sign-in required): http://tiny.cc/jttcpics 

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