
normal day part 3

Now it's 4:00 p.m.

I usually go hunting by 3:00 p.m.

But today is a special one, it's like my rest day.

"Good evening, grandpa Mazushi"

"Good evening, little Naruto " the old-man who said that, look like and old and poor old-man

Although, most of the villagers are rotten, but still good ones, and grandpa Mazushi is one of the good ones.

Grandpa Mazushi is a poor farmer, who come

market the sell his produce, once every week. and his the only one, who is willing to have a fair trade with me.

I looked around, marking sure that no one is listening to us, then I whispered to him

"Hey, grandpa Mazushi, did you get the goods?"

Grandpa Mazushi did the same thing like me, then he stealthy give me a well Covered package

"I'm sorry, little Naruto, but I was only able to keep 200g"

"don't worry, it's more then enough, after all, it's rare goods"

it's not drugs, ok, but something way better, it's meat.

however, while I was doing business with grandpa Mazushi, a hand held me by my shoulder.

I turned around, and I found two of the most people that I don't want see today. it was the bald monk, and the fireball Ninjutsu boy.

"what do you guys want? don't you guys see that I'm buying not stealing? so back off, I don't want to see your ugly faces today" I said while getting rid of the monk hand.

"little Naruto did nothing wrong, so please let him go" grandpa Mazushi tried to help, what a nice grandpa, he is.

"*snort*, we didn't come for that, today. but my friend have to say something to you in private, and do anything fun, little demon. I will keep my eyes on you" the monk said, but I was displeased by the way he talked to me.

"No, I'm not going, and please keep your eyes away from me, I don't swing that way, and if I did, i surely don't want to be with you, an ugly bald monk" i give him a disgusted look.

"YOU, I will Fúckin-" the monk screamed in anger, and tried to hit me, but he was stopped by his friend.

"I'm sorry, but my friend have some anger issues, but please, can I have a word with, little Naruto?" the fireball boy calmly said, and his voice was elegant and soft, and for a moment I felt like I'm talking to a noble lady.

"it's still a no, there is no relationship between us, and I didn't give you the permission the call me by name, you don't deserve it" i said then, I returned to talk with grandpa Mazushi.

"Hear me here, little demon, when my friend talk to you, you Mus-" the monk tried to talk again but he was cut

"SHUT UP, Minikui, and don't talk until I give you the permission to" the monk meekly nodded.

'I think I know who wear the Pants in their relationship' I joke in my mind.

"Please, I only want to talk to you, and I guarantee that nothing bad will happen to you" the fireball boy said sincerely.

I even used my sensor ability on him, and I found that he really is sincere, and he even have some gratitude in him. however, I felt something fishy about him.

"*sigh* make it quick, I have things to do" when I said that, I see the boy smile, and that smile makes my heart beat a bit.

'shît, what is happening to me? is he using some genjutsu on me, no it should be impossible, my dojutsu protect from all kinds of genjutsu , then why I'm feeling like this.' I was having a mental war in my mind.

"follow me, I know a perfect place for us to talk in" then the boy grip me and start running.

And because my mental war, I didn't have time to respond, nor did I have time to say goodbye to grandpa Mazushi, but if I was in my usually self, then I would have notice that the monk is giving me a jealous look.


'No, it's impossible that his a boy, he must be a girl in disguise, or at least a trap.'

"we are here" the boy said and I look at the place it look some Abandoned house.

"did you get me her to confess your love to me? I know that my handsomeness can make girls dies for me and guys change their sexuality, but sorry I'm into girls and I also prefer older ones, over 30 actually " I said while trying to forget what happened before, but to my surprise, I found the boy blushing.

'Oh shît, don't tell me that he really going to confess?'

"*Ahm*, I don't know what make fell for me, but you must now that I never cleaning my butt in my entire life, so please find someone else, like your bald friend. although ,he is ugly, but I can see that he have a nice aśs" I said while trying to save my little asś virginity, but surprisingly, I found the monk blushing.

'Oh god, don't tell me that this two are..? I want to vomit, but first I need to run, and even if have to use ku-chan's Chakra and blow up my cover, after all, my little asś virginity at stake here'

"how can little boy like you, have a dirty mouth like that? and I only want to thank you, I have no other thoughts about you" the fireball boy said,but I can feel some anger from him.

"Well, you guys are beating this little boy daily, so what did you think I will become, a hero that save the village or did guys think that I will want to be the hokage and have your approvals? and thank you?" I asked.

"you already forget? you saved my little brother and his friends yesterday, and I come here to thank you"

"you mean the little brats that were beating the Heiress of the Hyūga Clan?"

"...yeah, those" he said in little fear.

"then where is your thanks tribute"

"Thanks tribute?"

"isn't a common sense that you thank some one, you must give him a thanks tribute?, don't worry I'm not that greedy I only want 200 kg of meat"

'200 kg of meat, not greedy? who do you think your lying to' the boy thought then he said

"I'm sorry, but our family is poor and I can only give you this much" then he give 100 roy.

"no need for that, I was only joking before. you should keep the money to yourself " I actually was surprised, I was really joking before, and I didn't think that he will actually give me money.

Although, I'm greedy person, I still have my limits and bottom-lines .

"No, please accept it" the boy insisted

" I said no, but if you really insist to give something, then answer my question truthfully"

"you are my family benefactor, so please ask" he said, but the speed that he put the money in his pocket, made me speechless.

" are you really a boy?"

"I'm a.."


Author's note

so what do you guys think, is he a boy or not.

and by the way, I wasn't going to write today (I have some issues IRL) but I read your supports and I thought that I will be a d*ck if I didn't post something.

but I think that chapter look a bit trashy, and I'm sorry for that, but I didn't have a lot time to write.

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