
A Fated Meet

(A/N: If you see that a Jutsu acts differently from what you know it means Kaguya augmented the jutsu to fit her liking)

(Wednesday night)

A convoy of 3 semi-trucks is moving through the city to a location unknown to many. When they arrived at their destination they pulled in front of a very secluded warehouse. The warehouse doors open allowing the trucks entry inside.

A man wearing a black suit and a mask that covered his whole face with some machinery attached to it. This man is All For One waiting on his packages to arrive. If you could see under his mask you can see him with a smirk on his face. He walked towards the back of the middle truck's trailer. The door opened and revealed a man wearing a jet black trench coat, the rest of his clothes is the same color, a half black mask that covers his nose down, his eyes look like a dark void which you could get lost in, and his short black hair. This man is the notorious villain Reactor.

"It's good to see you Reactor it's been 15 years since you set foot in Japan" said All For One.

"This place feels the same..... the only difference is more heroes are running around and technology is more advanced" Reactor responded.

"Is everything I requested here?" All For One asked


Men started to unload the trucks. If you notice there are many clear pods with green liquid in with a blurred outline of a person in the fetal position in them.

"Move them to the next room!" said one of the men in the warehouse.

(1 hour later)

"Everything is here your free to do whatever you like" All For One told Reactor.

Reactor simply nodded and walked out of the warehouse. To who knows where. He's not going to start trouble unless he is ordered to he's not a type of villain that causes needless violence.

A young man with multiple hands on his body walked up beside All For One and looked in the direction Reactor walked off to.

"Sensei why you let someone as strong as him roam around. If he's half as strong as you say he is order him to kill Allmight or take his quirk"

All For One looked at his student and looked at the large incubation chambers. " I could order him to kill Allmight but what's the point of that if we want to crush him ourselves. To answer your second question he has a type of quirk you can't take since it's produced by an organ in his body" All For One explained.

'A quirk even sensei can't take. What kinda quirk does he have?' thought Shigaraki

"Another about him is his loyalty to me that isn't present in a lot of my subordinates" said All For One

"What's that sensei?" asked Shigaraki.

"He gets the job done every time no questions asked"

Blocks away on a roof stood Reactor looking at his phone. Currently, he's scrolling through the news in Japan to see what's going on around the country till he got a text message.

Unknown: Musutafu Hospital, Floor 4 room D12

Reactor put his phone up and walked towards Musutafu Hospital. After 2 hours of walking, he finally arrives but he doesn't go inside the lobby. Green energy starts to emit around Reactor and he starts to levitate till he reaches the fourth floor of the hospital. He looked at the windows and stopped till he got to a certain one. He used his green energy to open the window and proceeded to enter the hospital room.

Entering the room he looked at the person on the bed. His expression softens when looking at her. Suki Otsutsuki is currently laying there in the bed looking very healthy and beautiful. To Reactor, the time has been very Kind to Suki. He put his hand on her cheek and starts to speak to her knowing she can't hear him.

"It's been a while, Suki... How have you been? I know I don't have any right to speak to you but knowing your kind heart you'll just say it's fine"

Reactor despite his current badass look and always calm and cold demeanor sounded very emotional till he narrowed his eyes and said something that shocked the other person in the room.

"Come out... I know you are there whoever you are" said Reactor in a cold tone.

The other person didn't budge so Reactor took whoever it is off guard by enveloping them in green energy and threw the person out the window opening. Reactor followed the person he threw out the window. The person caught themselves and landed perfected.

'Whoever this is can take falling from 4 stories like nothing. I have to take this one with some caution' thought Reactor.

Now getting a good look at the person Reactor sees that they hiding behind a hollow face mask and is female but before he observed some more the masked female rushed him.

The masked female hit with deadly precision at Reactor's vital points but he blocked her assault. Reactor is on the defensive for too long in his book so he redirects an attack for his stomach and began to throw an energy blast to the masked female's head which she barely dodges by dashing backward. Reactor isn't going to let her get any breathing room so he rushed the masked female and put her on the defensive. An energy coated fist that contained is heading straight for the masked female's face which she blocked but another attack is heading for her stomach. She tried to block it but Reactor pressed his fist against her arms.

"I admit you got skill but you lack experience" said Reactor in a cold tone.


Reactor punch echoed in the silent night. The masked female is blown away by the attack hitting a tree and snapping it in half. Reactor stood there looking at his hand as If something is wrong with it.

'Why did my energy get rebounded?' Thought reactor cause his fist which was covered in his energy was apposed to inject his energy inside the masked female's body but it got rebounded like she has a reflective force field on her skin.

The masked female slowly pulled herself together but is running out of the energy necessary to fight Reactor. While this is going on Reactor's eyes are closed. He is feeling the energy around him but his eyes open up as soon as his senses reach the masked female.

'No way she's made entirely out of energy. So that means she's a puppet or an energy clone' these are Reactor's thoughts because he has come across a couple of people quirks that let them create puppets or clones of themselves in America.

The masked female tried to flee but she doesn't have the energy to escape Reactor. So she created an ice spike and tried to stab herself but she got enveloped by green energy which completely stopped her movements.

Reactor walked up to the masked female and broke the ice spike then reached out to grab her mask. He grasps it and began to take it off. White hair came out from the fabric that connects to the mask. When all of the mask came off the person behind the mask is a shadow clone of Kaguya but Reactor doesn't know that yet.

See the person face Reactor's reaction shows shock as his thoughts went haywire.

"Suki but how!? How are you-" Reactor said surprised.

Reactor noticed this person looks a bit different than Suki if you pay close enough attention.

'Is this her relative or-' Cutting his thoughts short he realized something.

Certain features of Kaguya's face caught his attention as he only recognized these features belonged to someone he knows and she's dead.

"I see" those were the only words spoken by Reactor as he used his quirk to pick up Kaguya's Shadow clone off the ground and walked back to the hospital but he stopped to make a call.

"It's me again I need to find another person"





(Next day)

Haru and Yuki are just sitting down watching T.V. They got the house to themselves since Kaguya is going to be out with Shoto once she's out of school.

*ding dong*

Haru is about to get up to get the door but Yuki stops him.

"I'll get it" said Yuki.

Yuki walked to the door to greet whoever ringed the doorbell. When she opened the door she had a slight smile on her face. That smile turned into shock seeing who it is but that shock turned into an uncontrollable rage. Yuki's first is about to make contact with the person's face but is stopped by a small green barrier.

"Well hello to you too Yuki" said Reactor

Yuki tried hitting him but nothing she did worked.

"You done?" said Reactor

The man in front of Yuki is the last person she ever wants to see in her life. Yuki hates his guts, no she hates his very existence.

"How have you been?" said Reactor

"Don't talk to me like we are on friendly terms!" Shouted Yuki.

"Yuki don't be like that" responded Reactor.

Reactor's response only fueled her anger and she activated her quirk and launched a brick at Reactor at speeds a normal person could barely track but Reactor just stood there as the brick collided with his barrier as if nothing happened.

"You might as well give up. I fought Allmight and escaped without great injury. What makes you think you can lay a finger on me" said Reactor.

While glaring holes into Reactor Yuki says "I want to kill you after what you have done"

"What I've done?" asked Reactor with a bit of confusion.

"Don't play dumb! You hurt my sister more than when she and I got kicked out. If I wasn't there for her I don't even want to think about what would've happened. I wish you never-" Yuki stopped her sentence short because if she finished it would be the same as saying a certain I which a certain love one never existed.

"I'm sorry" said Reactor

"Sorry doesn't make all the pain and grief you caused go away" responded Yuki on the verge of attacking Reactor again.

Haru who just came out of the kitchen to get a snack heard his wife yelling and rushed over to see the problem. When he got to the front door he sees his wife angrier than what he ever saw before about to attack the person standing outside the door. He quickly moves in front of her and the man.

"Sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. You being here is causing problems" explained Haru.

Reactor implied nodded and turned around to walk away as if nothing happened but he stopped turned his head slightly and said "It's good to see you again Yuki..."

Reactor walked off and as soon as he did Haru turned around to help calm down his wife.

"Yuki, what's wrong? What happened and who is that?" asked Haru trying to find the root of the problem.

Yuki who is looking down with her bangs covering her eyes implied said "Satoshi Nakajima"

Haru didn't need to figure out what the root is because he remembers the name of the man his wife hates the most in the world and who he is.

(Couple of hours later)

Kaguya is in class and since she turned her paper in for what school she wants to go to the teacher is telling what school everyone wants to go to out loud. Mostly everyone wants to go to a normal school or private school but 5 people in the class wanted to go to U.A. Bakugo and his two minions choose U.A. it is kinda expected since they said something. Surprisingly to Kaguya, Izuku wanted to go to U.A. This also surprised Bakugo then he got angry but when the teacher said that Kaguya wanted to go as well he goes ballistic.

"What!?!? You as well!?! Damn extra!" yelled Bakugo.

"Katsuski language!"

Suddenly a person yelled something that sent Bakugo over the edge.

"Didn't that extra best you with no sweat"


The rest of the day went normal and Kaguya left the building to meet Shoto at the front gate the difference this time is that no girls are surrounding him. Everyone is scared that the ice princess will rip them a new one if you approach the boy waiting for her.

There is no training today so Kaguya and Shoto got the whole afternoon to themselves. Kaguya asks Shoto where he wants to go but he just said I'm fine wherever you go. So of course their first destination is a froyo shop. They back to the mall to take pictures together and then decided to go to Shoto's place so Kaguya can meet Rei but Kaguya's phone ranged.

"Hello?" Kaguya said as she answered her phone.

"Kaguya I need you to come home," said Haru.

"Ok, but may I ask why?" asked Kaguya

"Something happened a couple of hours ago. We would've called earlier but you were in school. We forgot you are going to hang out with Shoto but I just remembered" explained Haru.

"Is aunt Yuki ok?" said Kaguya little nervous cause one of her shadow clones is opposed to protecting Yuki and Haru if their life is in danger.

"She's fine just a bit out of it. Just come home as soon as possible" said Haru

"Ok" responded Kaguya as she hung up the phone.

"What happened?" asked Shoto who heard a little bit of what's going on.

"I don't know but it looks like we gotta hang out another time I'll teleport you home" explained Kaguya.

"Ok I hope everything is ok" Shoto responded.

Shoto and Kaguya went down a side alley to make sure they are out of sight before they teleport but as soon as Kaguya began to make a portal she felt a pair of eyes fall upon her that made her go into a defensive position.

Shoto who felt it too is looking around for who that was that made them feel such pressure. Kaguya who just activated her [Byakugan] instantly looks at the roof of the building in front of them is shocked to see the amount of energy that is radiating and circulating through this person's body. It's not as much as Kaguya got but it's still huge. The person sees that they are spotted and floats down with green energy surrounding him.

In an all black outfit Reactor is now in front of the two teens before him. Kaguya on the other hand saw that her shadow clone is nearby so she dismisses it.

This caused a slight Reaction in Reactor but nothing suggesting he's gonna attack. When Kaguya finally processes the clone's memories she went wide eyed. Shoto noticed her reaction.

"What's wrong Kaguya?!" he yelled but he got no response.

Reactor walked up a little while looking at Kaguya who has gotten over the earlier reaction asks " Do you know who I am?"

Kaguya began to walk up to him but Shoto yelled at Kaguya "Stop you don't know what he's capable of!"

Shoto knows that Kaguya is stronger than him but he isn't going to let her in danger herself.

"It's fine Shoto he ist here to hurt me" explained Kaguya

"What's makes you so sure of that" asked Shoto.

Kaguya didn't respond but she began once again to walk up to Reactor. The two are looking at each other face to face. Then Kaguya said something that shocked Shoto and anyone else if they were there.

"Hello father"

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