
The King

"Where am i" Kira thought, the last thing Kira remembered was going to sleep next to Ruby and Yang. But now he's in a pitch black space, he can't move, looking around Kira can't see anything matter a fact he can't feel any thing either.

"Ayano....Venom.....Ban, why aren't y'all answering" Kira said starting to get worried.

"That's because there not here, it's only you and me" ????

"W-who are you, where are you, where am i" Kira asked rapidly.

"Calm down there little one, there is no need to worry, if i wanted you dead you already would be" ????

"Who are you" Kira

"You will know in time, but i'm here to give you a warning" ????

"What is it" Kira

"Beware the man who speaks in hand's" ????

"D-did you just" Kira

"Haha i'm sorry, i couldn't help myself, but really don't trust him" ????

"Wait who are yo-" Before Kira could finish he felt him self being pulled.

"Look's like our time is up, i will see you soon little one" ????

"W-wait" Kira


"Good morning sis" Was the only thing Kira heard as he had woken up. Turning his head he could see Yang greeting Ruby a good morning.

"Good morning sis"Ruby

"Ugh" Was the only noise kira could make, while trying to sit up. Kira felt like he was ran over by a truck. The girl's seeing him awaken greeted him as well.

"Good morning Kira" Ruby

"Morning" Kira

"Are you alright" Yang

"Yeah, just had a strange dream" Kira said standing up, he then began to stretch.

"Well let's go grab breakfast" Yang said, they then proceeded to go grab something to eat. after that they was in the locker room grabbing there gear. They was now on the platform getting launched off. After getting threw by the launch pad Kira went in his own direction.

After landing, Kira started to look around to find any grimm to slaughter for the hell of it. Ten minute's later Kira had gotten tired of waiting around for grimm so he went hunting, he has been killing any and ever on he has seen, but then he seen a giant bird come flying over top of him, he then proceeded to follow the bird. Once he had gotten to where the bird was it was shooting it's feather's at Ruby. seeing this Kira decided to fall back and wait for thing's to play out, once they did he came out the forest and greeted the group of people.

"Yo, what did i miss" Kira

"Oh hey Kira" Yang said looking at me.

"Have you not found a partner yet" Ruby

"Nah that's to much work" Kira said, he then got a strange look from a lot of the group. Kira then proceeded to grab a chest piece. while looking at it he started to think.

'I don't remember this piece in the show' Kira

Kira and the rest was interrupted by a scorpion grimm, seeing this Kira told every one to follow him to the rune's, which they did. Kira then sat back and watched as every thing played out. Ruby had just cut off the nevermore's head. Everyone was happy they had killed there opponent's. That was until they heard a cry of a nother nevermore, it swept in to try and kill Ruby, she wasn't prepare so she couldn't react fast enough, the nevermore was feet away of Ruby, every one was scared Yang shouted at her sister to watch out but she was to late, the "BOOMM" was the only sound they could here.

"You now you should be more careful" Was what Ruby heard as she opened her eye's to see Kira holding the Nevermore by the beak.

Kira then proceeded to throw the giant beast to the side, the Nevermore caught itself and started to prepare to attack again. It then charged at Kira, Kira then charged at the beast as well, the Nevermore tried to attack Kira but he was already gone from his spot.

"You're to slow" Kira said as he then sent a punch at the nevermore, the beast never stood a chance. With that one punch the nevermore was obliterated. Every one just stared in shock, it took Yang, Ruby, Blake and Weiss to kill a nevermore, meanwhile Kira just did it in one punch.

"Are you OK Ruby" Kira

"Y-yeah" Ruby replied, she was still in shock, her best friend was this strong and she had no idea.


Kira was at the team introduction ceremony. Team RWBY was just formed, that left him as the only one who didn't have a team.

"Kira" Ozpin called out to Kira, he then went up to the stage.

"Kira, you have collected the gold king piece. You have shown amazing strength during the test, because of this you will be known as the Gold Emperor, this is the first time this piece has been collected. So you will be joining any team that need's help, you might be only a first year, but you're strength rival's that of the top hunter's" Ozpin said. Kira was getting glared at by the other student's. They was pissed this one kid has the strength to rival that of the best hunter's, yeah right.

That's what they was thinking until Ozpin showed a video of Kira one shoting the Nevermore. Seeing this everyone froze, he made it look so easy to kill one of those thing's.

"So from this day onward you will be beacon's ace in the hole encase it is ever needed" Ozpin said, afterword's he dismissed Kira. While walking off the stage threw the crowd Kira could feel people staring at him like he was some beast, shortly after the ceremony was over, Kira then proceeded to walk up to ozpin and ask him where he was going to stay.

"Oh well you will be staying with" Ozpin


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote]


[Exp: 5372/10,000

[Shop point's: 42,372]

[Stat point's: 0]

[Health: 760]

[Strength: 140]

[Agility: 100]

[Vitality: 100]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Wrath of Death: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging:A} {Spider sense:SS}]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart}]


Phew it's been awhile, i hope you all enjoy.


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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