
Always collect your loot once it drops

A few minutes ago, the two bosses of Wanderers Manila sent out an ultimatum.

"All units go and blockade Third, Fourth, and Fifth Streets. The target is most likely at a tenement complex at Fourth Street. The target must be caught at all costs. But under any circumstances that he doesn't engage first, never engage!"

Their ultimatum is weird. How can they catch this guy if they don't fight him? But at least it is still in line with the protocols...

The Alliance of Wanderers run strict protocols regarding Superhumans, especially those that are not members of the organization. They are authorities in almost every city on the planet, so they can impose their directives directly into the populace.

One of the most integral of their protocols is, of course, putting every single Superhuman being on the planet in their database. It does not matter if you are a member of the organization, rival groups, militant groups, or even unaffiliated to any of them. The database allows any unaffiliated Superhumans safe passage into Alliance-controlled cities. There are other uses of this database that are hidden from plain sight though…

It is mainly used by the Alliance for intelligence, but who knows if their main goal for creating that is for intelligence purposes, right?

Me, of course, and well… the org bosses.

That is the reason they are going for this nameless Superhuman that made rounds on the internet today.

The Alliance has dispatched a few of their C-grade Superhumans to question this rogue on what his intentions are for breaking the organization's Metahuman laws. Since rogue Superhumans appear multiple times a month, it is considered quite ordinary by the huge Alliance. And with their org's might alone, most Supers just give up trying to resist.

This time though, they didn't know they are punching a brick wall.


The two witnesses that caught our smelly boy outside the tenements were questioned multiple times by both the city police and the Alliance C-grade Supers. Honestly they have no inkling as to where that guy exactly lives, but they are sure that it is within that ten-storey tenement complex. Five teams of two grade C Supers each were sent out by the Alliance to scour two floors each of this huge complex.

The task of the eighth floor fell to these two unlucky men we're following right now.

"How do we know it's him?" The taller and more muscular of the two asked with uncertainty.

"The stink. If he stinks, it's him, that simple." The second guy laughed without restraint after his statement.

"What if he's already taken a bath, you dumbo?" The tall man knocked on a brown door that seemed to be a few termite bites away from disintegration.

"Well… I haven't really thought—" But before the smaller man finished his words, a strike each hit them square in the chest seamlessly after the door was opened. They didn't even manage to react and see what the man in the news actually looked like, before crashing straight to the metal railings, and breaking it.

The chests of the two caved in from the impact alone. As they freefell from the eighth floor to the ground, the perpetrator rushed back to the room with lightning fast quickness.

The tall man landed on the roof of a parked car on the street below. His partner got off worse, as he smashed straight through the windshield of the same car. He broke it into a thousand tiny pieces, and ended up inside. The innately strong physical body of a Super can't even withstand a single blow from this guy. But with their regenerative power also barely keeping them awake and alive, the two with the little of what's left of their consciousness, realized that this guy is not an ordinary Metahuman.

The car security system blared incessantly because of the two Supers that crashed into it. The people, shocked as they are, managed to call the police, the Alliance, their parents, their gossip friends, and their favorite restaurant for delivery. Of course, there are some that just stood there dumbly, took pictures to share it for clout, or acted like they know what to do when such a thing occurs.

Within seconds, our honest-to-goodness brainless MC had shoved all his essentials in the room— his manga collection, his comic book collection, his X-rated collection, a huge backpack, and his TV— into a spatial ring that barely fit his finger, then jumped down the broken railings from eight floors up into the crowded street below.

The stunned crowd that saw the descent of the young man, was left even more stupefied when he went straight to the duo that's already bleeding from all their orifices and grabbed a ring from their right hands.

"Heh. You're from the Alliance, no? Please random Super generator, give me a rich Super!" This guy is raving mad. He even hoped these guys are rich after stealing from them?

"You—" the taller man which is a little better off, managed to utter a word through gritted teeth before vomiting a mouthful of blood in the direction of his partner.

"Haha, you're a riot! You even gifted your friend some vomit! You can sleep now!" A quick palm strike completely knocked him out, as our surprisingly ruthless MC, did the same to the hallucinating vomit-filled shorter man. Then he raised his arm...

Every single citizen in the crowd was shocked. Heroes fighting— no, wait this isn't even considered a fight, this was a one-sided slaughter! They only see this in the movies, and when A-grade Supers, the Transcendents, wipe the floor against the creatures from the other worlds! Yet no one remembered to take photos or videos of this scene!

The perpetrator is now leisurely skipping away with two new rings in his pocket like nothing happened. The bastard is even humming his favorite tune!

I can imagine just how much the people wanna bash this guy's head in, because I wanna bash his head in too!

Our main character hasn't completely fled the scene yet when an aggressive howl echoed in the dusk sky.

"Wait, why is that creepy guy in here? Shit!" This dumbass didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard that howl. "Why does it have to be that guy chasing me!" He chose the latter and fled the scene without any intention of looking back.

Meanwhile, when the people heard that familiar howl? Everyone's spirits were raised, as if they've found salvation.

"It's the Hound!" A collective sigh of relief was followed by a wave of 'Hound' chants from the crowd, knowing full well that the Super from earlier doesn't have a fat chance over this monster.

The Hound appeared at the scene as a grey wolf, with its wondrous grey black fur and the air of dominance it gives off. This is how the Hound usually appears as. It's kind of a letdown, since he doesn't usually appear as a literal hound though…

But anyway, not letting my feelings get in the way, the Hound is the Alliance's premier tracker. He can transform into any type of canine— from the small Fennec foxes, annoying Chihuahua, savage hyenas, or the Greyhounds! He can do it on a whim, too!

The crowd parted as he walked in while changing shape from canine to man. This transformation is almost seamless, with barely a second passing by. No, he's not naked, I can read your minds. He went straight to his two fellow Alliance dogs— I mean… fellow Supers…

"Why did he leave these guys alive? Does he think we will go easy on him if he did this? Fat chance." He smelled the two and his face twitched.

Hmmm... why would you smell two bloody people? Are you also dumb?

This is just how he does things. He places his nose as his most important organ… at least except for the one down there…

So he smelled the two, and the air swirling around them for traces of the one being chased. "He really is without a scent. Interesting. I've never met someone like him before." He concluded while continuing to smell the surrounding areas.

The Alliance personnel searching the other floors arrived like policemen that always never catch a whiff of the enemy. The Hound can't help but choke a little because of the smell and the incompetence of those below him… at least he's still in control of the situation.

But the next thing that happened made him lose control.

Anyone? Is there anyone?

HAHA, who am I kidding? If a desolate Daoist reaches this afterword, I shall grant the lucky one some bananas for their journey.

Anyway, if you've reached this point, tell me of inconsistencies, I'll do what I can to fix it.

Konkey_Dongcreators' thoughts
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