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To explain why I don't write any if my ideas 1 well I kind of did but I have lost the Journal that I had them on (which made me extremely mad) so now I have to rewrite the ideas but I'm not willing and able to rewrite them completely which isn't a bad thing but I wrote it to my liking where you guys write it to your liking and that is what I'm after to see someone else's path of my ideas to see what they think is a good story I like to see these be used but I have a feeling that that they won't be used or even see and that makes me feel disappointed to have slaved hours over story's that most likely won't even be seen. Plus I should explain that really don't have the time like I used to to actually write this which means it up to you to continue and improve the story

I hope to see some of my story's ideas expanded soon and let me know something please comment do something

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