
It Was All Worth It (1)

As soon as the Tangs arrived in Shenzhen, they stopped by at the hospital where Lin Qianrou was confined to visit her and her newborn baby while Song Fengyan drove Feng Tianyi back to Peach Blossom Garden. Just as Li Meili estimated the other day, Lin Qianrou was ready to give birth at any given time and they were just in time to see her.

Tang Moyu placed the fruit basket she had brought with them on the table before Xu Wenyang cornered her for a talk about the recent changes in Tang Enterprise. The man had offered her another round of investment if it would be able to help the empress secure her position at the company, but she flatly turned down the offer.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu but I don't think there's a need for that. This is a family matter this time. Whether I would be able to keep my position or not would not be confirmed with any amount of investment." Tang moyu said.

"You aren't worried that they would oust you?" Xu Wenyang asked her back.

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