
Big Talk at the Coffee Shop

"Here you go kids. Don't worry, it's on the house this time." A taller man also known as Richard Tweak said to the group of boys all sitting together. As he handed out drinks and desserts, each boy said their thanks. "Okay, you all let me know if you need anything else." The tall brunette said while walking in the back room.

"Man Tweek, your dad is awesome sometimes." The red head also known as Kyle said to his spiky blonde haired friend.

"GAH, h-he's okay I g-guess." Tweek said while sipping his coffee rather quickly.

"Tweek, slow down. You have all day to recharge, you don't have to drink it all now." The dark haired boy also known as Craig said while placing his hand on Tweek's back.

"But I like it!" Tweek said in defense while proceeding to take sip after sip.

Craig sighed as he tried hiding the fact he was adoring Tweek acting like a child. "So does anyone want to bring up the rookies?" Craig asked while looking away from Tweek.

"Uhh, I mean we haven't even spoken to them. But based off of watching their performance they sure wiped the floor with you guys." Said the brunette also known as Clyde.

"Hey, they didn't wipe the floor on us. They caught us off guard." Craig said in defense while glaring at his shorter friend.

"Are you kidding you have no room to talk Mr. Straight Face, you know the camera showed how fucking terrified you were of that Ink chick." Clyde said while laughing out loud.

Craig grew irritated as he punched Clyde in the arm. "Well if I knew what their abilities were then I could have come up with a strategy instead of running into them blindly. Plus if you were the one who saw the way she pulled herself out of her ink puddle, you'd be crying your eyes out." He said while crossing his arms.

"She couldn't have been that scary." Clyde said while rubbing his throbbing arm.

"Fuck off, you don't get to say that until you witness what she did. For a second I straight up thought she was going to kill me. Luckily that one guy told her to stop. Somehow it actually worked."

"ARGH S-SHE WOULDN'T HAVE K-KILLED YOU WITHOUT ME G-GETTING IN THE W-WAY!" Tweek screamed out while slamming his coffee mug on the table. Suddenly all the boys could feel their hair sticking up from their arms. Craig quickly calmed the blonde boy before he caused the power to short out.

"I know, I'm fine though. Don't worry about it honey." He said while rubbing Tweek's back very softly.

Tweek closed his eyes while feeling his heart slowing down just by the simple touch. While taking a deep breath out, his body stopped shaking for a second. Opening his eyes his face grew hot as he realized he caused a scene. "GAH! STOP LOOKING AT ME!!" He yelled while covering his flustered face.

"Their looking at you because their concerned. Anyway, going back on the rookies. All I have to say about that girl is she reminded me of something you see in a horror film. I couldn't land a simple punch on her. It felt extremely disturbing when my hand went inside her stomach. She had a fucking hole in her chest after I pulled out. To make it even more terrifying she pulled out a sword made of ink. I don't know what the fuck I saw but she wasn't going to stop either. Oh course I was shaken up, you would have too if you saw what I experienced." Craig said while looking back at Clyde.

"Well the camera didn't get a good view of her. Plus I was mostly focusing on if you'd give even the slightest reaction. It was priceless." Clyde said while laughing more.

Craig pushed his friend out of his seat fairly aggressively. Clyde seemed unfazed as he just kept laughing. "Anyway, what did you guys think of the one's you faced?" Craig asked while glancing at the other four.

The four looked at each other as if they were waiting for the others to speak. "Well, I don't know about you but that shapeshifter really caught me and Stan off guard. Not knowing her ability was the biggest problem. It didn't add up that the teacher would step foot in the arena." Muffled the boy wearing an orange parka covering everything but his eyes, also known as Kenny.

"Dude, I honestly wasn't expecting her to actually be able to control his power too. Usually shapeshifters can only shape into the person. I'm wondering how she can use their abilities as well." The one known as Stan said while glancing at his blonde friend.

Kenny looked over at Stan with a hidden devilish smile. "About that match, why did those girls actually win huh? I told you to protect the bomb and yet we lost. I scene something happened that made you give in. I can't place my finger on it though. Oh wait, maybe because you were ALONE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Kenny yelled out while staring at Stan for the slightest reaction.

Stan's eyes grew wide as his face got hot. "Uhh, I don't know what your talking about. She was much quicker than I was, you know she can fly." He said in defense.

"Uh huh and you can throw a screwdriver at her to knock her down. Keep spitting lies and I'll fire back. Come on Stan my boy, tell us what really happened huh? She bribed you I can see it in your eyes. What.. did she offer you a blow job or something. Oh maybe she went all in and said an- OWW, how rude." Kenny said while rubbing his arm.

Stan's face was blood shot red at this time. "Stop talking right now or I'll punch your fucking face play boy!!" Stan yelled out while covering his face of embarrassment.

Kenny let out a loud laugh as he felt his ribs eventually ache in pain. "Okay, I had to say it. I was thinking of saying it all day. Now what about you Kyle? What happened with that one girl exactly, we didn't quite understand what was going on?" He said while looking over at his red haired friend.

Kyle looked up from eating his cookie. "Uhh I don't how but she simply absorbed my attack into nothing. I was thrown off by the fact my flames didn't even pass her, they went inside her. Apparently she's new to fire and she couldn't seem to control it. I didn't understand what exactly happened until I felt the heat trapped inside her. When I removed it myself she passed out. Simple as that." He said while looking over at the pale skinned brunette. "What about that girl that calls herself Happy? What did you think of her?" Kyle asked.

"Also what did she do to you? You were out cold." Clyde said while also looking at the one known as Douchebag.

The tall brunette looked up at the two while sipping on his coffee. Letting out a large breath and placing his mug on the table he spoke up. "She was blocking the door. When I was trying to push her out of the way she placed her hand on my face. Whatever she did put me to sleep." He said in an irritated matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh I scene someones butt hurt he let his guard down." Kenny said with a smile that never left his face.

"Well I wouldn't have let her touch me if I knew she could do that. You remember how I felt with Bebe last week when we faced off. She couldn't hit me with a single spell. " Douchebag said while continuing to drink his coffee.

"That was actually really interesting to see, the unstoppable Douchebag getting defeated by a girl. And worst of all her name was Happy." Clyde said mockingly while laughing his ass off. Kenny joined in on the laughter as Douchebag grew more irritated.

"Oh hardy har, you think it's so damn funny? I'll be the one laughing when she catches you off guard herself. Also, don't fucking call me that. That fat fuck isn't here anymore!!!" He yelled out while feeling head throb in frustration.

"Don't listen to them Spence, their fucking idiots." Kyle said while placing his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I'm not mad at those two as much as I am frustrated with myself. I actually didn't think the new people would be as strong as the rest of us. But thinking about it, how else would they have gotten into the school. I should have been more cautious and see what they could do. It didn't help that you got in my head and said to go win it for us." Spencer said while glancing at Kyle.

"Don't beat yourself up. We were all let off guard. I'm surprised they all won. But next time we will give them hell." Kyle said in a reassuring tone toward Spencer.

At that time Kyle's phone went off. Looking down at his phone he looked back up at the group. "Well I guess we have to head back." He groaned slightly.

"Are you kidding I feel like we just sat down." Clyde complained while drinking his beverage fairly quickly as he didn't want to waste it.

"Well we can't stay here. So there's no point of bitching about it." Craig fired at Clyde.

"Hey, I'm not bitching! I'm VENTING!" Clyde yelled out.

Craig rolled his eyes. "I know bitching when I hear it, just like when you would complain about you and Bebe being broken up yet again." He said while getting out of his seat.

"Hey don't bring her in this!" Clyde yelled out showing a bit of sadness.

"Well then stop bitching and I won't." Craig said getting slightly irritated.

Clyde grew silent as he looked away ashamed.

"Damn Craig, you didn't have to take it that far." Stan said while glancing at Clyde.

"Well I'm getting fed up with him bitching ever since she left him. Ask me and I think he should find someone else to obsess over. He's gotten so annoying ever since."

"Yeah but still don't you think you should go easier on him?"

Craig shrugged as they all left the coffee shop.

Stan felt his phone going off in his pocket. Looking down he saw a message from Wendy. A small smile crept on his face as he pulled up the message. 'Hey Stan, I was wondering if the new kids can go to the bonfire tonight? Maybe we can get to know them better. I was going to ask you before I asked them.' He read to himself. "Hey guys, Wendy was wondering if the new kids can go to the bonfire tonight?" He asked while looking up at his group.

"I mean, it wouldn't hurt. Plus they are the new members of the classroom. What do you guys think?" Kyle asked.

All the boys seemed to not have minded. As they knew this would be a great time to get to know their new teammates.

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