
Ch.12-I’m a vampire(2

Nayeon POV:


"Nayeonie...don't worry I'm fine, just need some time to calm down." Jihyo said.

"Why? you don't have boyfriend that's a vampire do you?" I joked. She laughed. "No but my boy friends are." 

"Are you okay nayeonie?" She asked.

"of course I am. jeongyeon being a vampire doesn't mean he's not the Jeongyeon I know and my boyfriend right? I don't see the problem in it. He still loves me and I love him." I explained.

"you're right." She replied and drank the last glass. 

"I'm okay. let's go now." she stood up and we headed to Mina's car. 

Dahyun x momo:

momo POV:

"Momo...I'm a vampire actually..."Dahyun fiddled with his fingers.

"A-a-a vampire??" I trembled. Is he going to eat me? or drink my blood and kill me?

"look, I'm not going to hurt you or do anything to you okay? I just wanna say I'm sorry for not telling you, there's lots happening at home and...yeah. I'm sorry Momo, but I love you, keep that in mind. Even if you hate me or whatever, I'll still love you. I'll let you have some time of your own...so please take care." He said bitterly and kissed me. 

I froze as he left the room. I was trying to process what I just heard. Dahyunie...is a vampire. Well then apparently Dad was wrong, vampires are not bloodsuckers and killers...just look at my Dahyunie...wait, dad told me he's fighting vampires...I never took it seriously...Dahyunie said at his place, things are...dad...So now Dahyunie and my dad are enemies???

I can't take this...before I knew it, I had already drank all the 5 cans of beer on the table. I collapsed on the sofa. What should I do...I thought as I felt someone picking me up....it's dahyunie...I uncontrollably snuggled in. I've decided, I love him, and not even my dad will hurt him!

back to now (sana's room):

Sana POV:

"You're actually right Nayeonie...what's the problem of being different?" I mumbled.

Nayeon unnie smile and gave me a hug. "Sana yah, I'm happy you know what you want. We are different sana. If you cant accept the fact he is, I cant do anything. But I'm happy you can, or else you would be the unluckiest person in the world to lose a man like him. He really loves you much sana."

"I'm going to talk to him as soon the weekend's over. We have weapon  trainings right?" I smiled.

"Guys...I just thought of something..." Jihyo suddenly said. Her face was pale.

"What jihyo?" nayeon unnie asked worriedly while wrapping blankets around Jihyo.

"My...my dad once told me that the organization he's in, including all the people in Hunter Harbor. They're fighting a kind of creature...could it be...vampires?I'm not sure...It may not be..." jihyo asked.

Our faces turned pale too. What if they find out our parents are the ones causing trouble at their home? The one they call Hunters? 

just in time, Momo woke up.

"Gu-Guys..."Momo called.

"I remember Dad told me he's fighting vampires...dahyunie's home..." Momo said.

"Fuxk..." Nayeonie mumbled.

"Now what..." I said, frustrated. Why do we have to go through this???

"I think they'll understand... we never fought them right? We didn't even know about them, we thought they were joking...We have to tell them..." jihyo stood up.

"Let's call them." I said and decided to dial Jeongyeon first.

"Jeongyeon?" nayeon took over the phone and called.

"Yes babe?" Jeongyeon answered.

"Ca-can you tell everyone there to come over to Sana's? We just discovered something serious. Don't worry, sana's dad isn't home tonight." nayeon said.

"okay. Whatever you say babe. be there in 5 minutes!" he said and hung up.

"5 minutes?" momo asked. jihyo rolled her eyes. "You're too stupid Momo.they're vampires, with powers remember?" "Oh yeah I forgot." 

"How will I face tzuyu?" I panicked. "Oh shit me too!!!" Momo and I had a tiny mental breakdown.

"don't worry, they'll understand, just tell them you guys are okay and it's fine." Nayeon suggested.

After a minutes. The 5 vamps appeared in our rooms.

"jeongie!!!" Nayeon bounced up and pranced on to jeongyeon. "Woah." Jeongyeon easily caught her.

I saw Tzuyu looking at me. I gathered up my courage and hugged him. "Sana..."

"I said, call me babe." I smiled and kissed him.


"it's okay,I'm fine. Really,I don't mind." I said, smiling.

"Really?" he widened his eyes like a baby. Aigoo so cute!!! "Of course.You still love me right?"

He nodded his head as fast as he could. I pinched his cheeks and kissed him again. "Then we're okay." 

He hugged me again and whispered 'thank you.'. It feels really good. i'm afraid I won't be able to be in his arms after I tell him I'm in a hunter organization.

Dahyun POV:

"Dahyunie..." Momo came to me and hugged me. her cheeks were still red. "are you okay?you want water?" I asked.She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I was just too shocked just now...I didn't mean to..."

"momo, it's really okay. Take your time." I said.

She shook her head again. oof how can she be so cute!!!!!! "I'm fine. I'm sorry I overreacted." she said.

I hugged her. "Thank you babe." "It's nothing...compared to what you're gonna hear later...I heard her mumble. What am I going to hear later???

no one POV:

"ouch, I feel alone."Jihyo said, clutching her chest.

"let's start, what's urgent?" Jeongyeon laughed and they sat down in a circle.

"Well..."Nayeon wanted to start but she couldn't 

"Umm..." Momo hesitated.

"uhhh..." Jihyo said and the three looked at Sana. 

"Well?" Mina raised an eyebrow and looked at the four girls fighting for who's gonna tell them.

"All of our parents are hunters." Jihyo finally said after a small round of silence fighting between the 4 girls.

The vampires looked at one and another. Tzuyu finally said. "We actually know." 

"WHAT??!!!!" the girls shouted. then what was their nervous and worry for??? They knew??

"Ho-you knew???" Nayeon asked.

the vamps all nodded. "Actually we all know. We found out when tzuyu first dropped Sana home." Jeongyeon said.

"well the name is called Hunter Harbor, it's quite obvious and lame..." Chaeyoung muttered.

"And the hunters have a special scent cuz they have sprayed armor on them, since real armor doesn't really work for us...And the guards at the gate have that scent..."

"I suppose you 4 don't have it cuz you guys aren't even involved in the organization so..."

The girls looked at each other. "WE WERE WORRIED SICK!!!!!!" "How could you guys not tell us that you knew?" "You should told us you knew when you told us you guys are vampires!!!" "Hmph!"

The vamps exchanged glances. Was it their fault? Doesn't seem like it though... so they just kept silent and waited silently for the girls to finish taking.


lollll poor vampiresss 

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acc: shiba_7321

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