
Start of God’s Domain

[3 years later, April 19th 2129]

During these 3 years not much has happened. Logan, having been done with college and not having to work because his grandpa was rich, had nothing to do. Shi Feng still had class and stuff so Logan kinda just followed him around besides training and playing VR.

In training, Logan had kept progressing. By now Logan almost had full control over his domain. The next and final stage after the Domain realm is something no one from this world had achieved, the Control Master stage.

If you have read Guild Wars, the novel, you would find that Logan already has almost all the traits as a Control Master. At the stage he is at, he just hasn't been pushed to unlock his mental energy to become a control master.

If you don't know what that is then here's an explanation; A Control Master can control anything not alive that is perceived in their domain. To become a control master, one has to unlock mental energy. In this universe, this can only be achieved by being pushed to ones limits when they have seemingly no limits. One of the reasons no one has achieved this is because everyone in this world has a visible limit.

Besides that, today is the supposed day of Shi Feng reincarnation. Logan wanted to make sure he was in the right timeline just in case though by following him to school and telling him not to join shadow workshop.

So when the time came, Logan followed Shi Feng to school. He didn't hide his presence, however he stayed out of sight. Logan was now sure that Shi Feng was different as he would look back every once in awhile, like he was looking for someone.

Shi Feng on the other hand felt like he was being watched. He knew Logan was behind him, because it had happened before. He was trying to find Logan because he wanted to see if anything was different with the past.

In his previous life, Logan had come to try to stop him from joining shadow workshop, because he wanted Shi Feng to have freedom. He, however, thought that this was the only choice. He didn't want to rely on Logan and be a burden. After that they slowly drifted apart and never talked.

In the end, when his account was deleted and he thought he was going to start again alone and in regret, Logan, from out of the blue, showed up at his apartment and tried to help him with his depression. She Feng had sworn that in this life it would be different. Since Logan had had his back for when he was at his lowest, Shi Feng would be there for Logan.

It wasn't that Logan was ever sad or anything in his last life, it was just in Shi Feng's previous life, Logan had wished they could have explored God's Domain together.

[At college]

Logan had followed Shi Feng to college without being spotted, even though he didn't conceal his presence. It's not that he couldn't, however he was to lazy. Even if it was only a thought away, Logan didn't feel like doing it.

When Shi Feng met with Blackie, Logan came from behind them and was about to interrupt Shi Feng when he suddenly started turning towards Logan. Logan, wanting to surprise Shi Feng, moved behind Shi Feng in super speed. When Shi Feng turned to look where Logan was originally, he yelped when Logan said in his ear, "Who are you looking for?"

"Wha! You damn sneak! You scared the living daylights out of me! What do you want?!" Shi Feng said in slight irritation.

Hearing the question, Logan got into position, putting his hand in front of him in a stopping sign and said, "Stop! YOU, Shall Not Pass!" Then he got on his knees in a begging motion and said, "Please don't join Shadow! I'll pay all your expenses!"

Shi Feng raised an eyebrow and said, "If you wouldn't have interrupted me, I was going to tell Blackie that I'm not joining Shadow, I'm going to make my own workshop."

Turning to Blakie, Shi Feng asked, "Will you join me?"

"Brother Feng, stop speaking nonsense. Do you know how much a Virtual Gaming Helmet costs? That's 8,000 Credits-" Blackie was going to continue, however Logan cut him off. "I'll pay for y'all now and y'all can pay me back later! It's like a sponsor! I got the gaming helmets for y'all and you give me the money when you have it!"

"Okay, well even with that, we still need 6 people to start a workshop! Then there's the work place. Where are you going to get the credits, besides Logan?" Blackie continued.

"You're right. Right now, I don't even have the Credits for a God's Domain Virtual Gaming Helmet." Shi Feng said.

"Right now instead of being in debt to Logan, why not join Shadow? Their already established and will have many people working with you. What about all the prep stuff you did? You're basically dumping your year's worth of info for a high risk investment!" Blackie continued.

"...I still plan on starting my own Workshop. I don't want to be controlled by others. So, Blackie, will you join me?" Shi Feng said after a pause.

"...I get it. You're the boss. I'll start a Workshop together with you." Blackie said after thinking.

With that Shi Feng turned away to leave, however was blocked by a Logan with furrowed brows and squinting eyes. "What about me, huh!? You gonna give me a big speech too, or am I going to have to beat the invitation out of you?!"

Shi Feng shivered, "Ah, yeah, sorry. I thought you didn't like to be controlled either, so you wouldn't want to join."

Logan raised and eyebrow, "Controlled? Like hell! Did you think you would be able to control me?! I'm'ma join on equal standings as you, except your still the guild master and I don't have any responsibility. I'm like a mercenary who you pay to do official business with, however I do it my way. You pay, you get martial service. It's simple."

Now it was Shi Feng's turn to raise an eyebrow, "Simple? How is that simple?"

"It'll be easier to understand when it happens. I'll be like your hidden monster, in the guild with seemingly no background. It'll be fun seeing the surprised and disbelief on everyone's faces when I appear! I can just imagine it now!-" Logan started rambling.

"Okay well, I get it. I'm going to the grocery store so see ya." Shi Feng said as he tried to leave.

On the other hand, Logan, who knew Shi Feng's situation, put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him and said, "Uh Uh, we're going to celebrate! Im'ma buy you a good meal and some other stuff to start you off!"

And so, Logan and Shi Feng left Blackie and went to the cheeseburger joint that Logan liked. After that, since Shi Feng was going to go to the grocery store, Logan bought him many B-Grade nutrients, because they were really cheap to Logan, and sent Shi Feng home, 1000 credits richer.

Shi Feng, on the other hand, was still in a daze. He didn't know Logan would be this excited to play God's Domain with him. Logan was usually fun to be around and happy, however Shi Feng had only seen him this gleeful when he was invited to Logan's wedding as the best man. By that time, Shi Feng and Logan were almost fully disconnected, however Logan seemed to want to get back together. Shi Feng was very busy and had barely made it, however he was still welcomed very warmly by Logan and his bride. Unfortunately after the wedding, Shi Feng pretty much completely disconnected with Logan.

When Shi Feng finally got home, he snapped out of his daze and with tears in his eyes and a look of determination, he vowed to make the most of his new life.

[6 days later]

"God's Domain, you better be fun!" Logan exclaimed before he shut the capsule door, getting ready to see his rewards and benefits from 3 years prior, and make God's Domain switch to Logan's Domain.

{AN: Here's my question you can answer in the comment section; What other OP things should be put in Logan's class? My ideas were that he had no limit to his lifestyle professions, can copy any weapon into a catalog for later use without having to need the actual weapon, being able to use magic, being able to learn any skill no matter what, having access to the previous SG's personal space with limitation, ignore 1 to 2 tier(s) and being able to make his techniques into passive skills.

Comment for limitation and other OP stuff so I can have more ideas please.}

{I also started School on Tuesday, American Time, and chapters will be less. Sorry. ☹️}

Creation is hard, adding this to your library is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Short chapter because I need ideas.

Hippo9999creators' thoughts
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