

Timaeus, was silent the entire time. Then, he turned to Arkien, "Arkien," he called out the sylph's name.

Arkien turned to the male, a small frown lingering on his lips. "Yes, Timaeus."

"I cannot call myself a healer, but I may be able to provide some assistance." He walked up to Lexine and touched her forehead. "We, as Phoenixes have very strong internal healing, to the extent that it may be considered somewhat miraculous to anyone of your kind. Still," he looked up, with his finger still on Lexine's forehead, "this may have been the catalyst to cause those who share the same phoenix bloodline to have the ability to soothe each other's energies. This doesn't work with many families though, and I have never tried it with Lexine."

He looked up at the sylphs, "But it is what my sister used on Lexine when we first found her, so if you may let me just…"

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