

Christana breathed heavily, her attention drifting in and out of the fight. She held her sword tightly in her hand. Sweat trickled down her chin, plopping down to the ground. Her lips were pulled down as she sliced through one of her attackers. There was a small frown on her face as she sheathed her sword.

The swordplay she had learned was completely different from the one her brother had learned. Since he was taller and better built than she was, he had the advantage of strength in a fight, so his swordplay focused on that.

However, her own sword fighting technique was different. For her to be able to fight she had to be more flexible than her attackers. Thus, from a young age, she had been taught to use her energy signature to keep her body flexible. This was broken when her energy signature began to wildly fluctuate.

At the moment, she was working her body on the little bit of energy she could contain in her system.

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