

The sun sunk quickly on the horizon. Lexine had decided against taking her tea in the living room and instead carried it up to her room. She needed a shower, some Imagine dragons music, and a nap. She sauntered upstairs her head feeling heavy. Christana had dragged her to many stalls, she had been kidnapped, she had been threatened. It was a good day.

She took a shower and got some boy shorts and a large t-shirt from her Walking Wardrobe. She drank her tea as she wrote down her day's findings in the only book she had carried from school before being kidnapped. Werewolves and Drakons had a good sense of smell and were seemingly built for battle as they were tall and well built.

Sylphs were naturally quiet and they each carried a ring that helped identify them. Drakons, like Christana and Artin, were able to wield fire.

The information she had was not a lot, but she could say that she was not a sylph because, with the right company, she talked like a madwoman. She could not be a drakon because she did not have any fire power nor could she be a werewolf because she was not tall nor was she buff. 'Maybe the buffness comes with a lot of training?'

She sighed and threw the notebook down. She wished Ceeret was with her. She was smarter and could deduce things better than she ever could. If anything, maybe Ceeret was the one they wanted to kidnap and not her. 'Mom was right. I have nothing special about me apart from my godawful snore.'

With her tea drank down to the dregs, Lexine sunk down to her bed for a nap, unaware of the disaster she had caused downstairs.

Adley had walked into the living room to find Artin, Sevin, Christana, Raveer, and Cardial seated.

"Has Lexine not come in here?"

Christana looked up to Adley who was carrying a mug of something sweet-smelling. The others in the room noticed it too, their noses perked up.

"No, she left to the kitchen with you."

"Odd." Adley searched the shadows and found Lexine upstairs. "Seems like she went to her room."

Adley took a seat, her tea still in her hands. If she put it down, the others would be sure to take turns tasting leaving none for her. However, Christana was a curious soul. "What is it you are taking?"

Adley choked on her drink. She was a terrible liar, so if she lied, they would find out the truth and take the tea away from her. If she told the truth, they would still take the tea from her. Therefore she did the only logical thing. She kept silent and took another sip of her milk tea.

Christana was not one to be put off that easily, she moved from the seat next to her brothers and took the one next to Adley. She peered into the cup Adley had a tight grip on. It looked like milk but was a brown color instead of the white she was used to. Was it a fruit drink?

"May I have some?"

Christana asked curiously. Adley simply did not know how to say no. She gave Christana a glare and said, "One," before handing her the cup. Christana took the mug and took a sip. The flavor burst in her mouth.

"What is this?" She immediately took another sip. Before Adley could stretch her hands to get her tea back, Christana handed it to Sevin who was opposite to her, "Have you ever tasted anything like this?"

Sevin took a sip and his eyes widened at the flavor. He made no comment but handed the tea to Artin who handed it to Raveer who handed it to Cardial. Adley stood to snatch the tea from Cardial. Only a quarter of the tea remained. She felt like throwing all of these idiots into a shadow prison and torturing them. She clenched her hand into a fist and took a deep breath.

Cardial hit the armrest of his seat, "What concoction is that? I must have more. Which stall did you buy it from?"

Christana sat up in shock. "Did we buy anything like this today? Or was it from your class stall?"

Adley, who was still reigning in her anger at her finished treat, did not answer the question. 'Maybe I can talk Lexine into making me more tea? But wouldn't she want to get paid for that? Gold is not a problem, but maybe she will not want to make more tea?'

Artin shook his head at Christana's question. "We did not purchase anything like that. I would definitely remember this taste." He went to grab the mug for another sip when Adley glared at him and tightened her hold on the mug. It would seem she had fallen for the taste of Lexine's human tea.

Sevin was the first to join the dots. "Did Lexine not call for Adley to the kitchen, maybe it was she who made the drink." Sevin did not care much for sweet things and preferred meaty foods.

They all looked to Adley for confirmation. By this time, Adley had controlled herself enough to nod. "Lexine said she wanted some tea and made this. It is wonderful, is it not? However, you all finished my tea. She made it for me. Not any of you!"

Rarely did Adley get angry as she had a very firm reign over her emotions. So when she threw the shadow of the cup at Artin, it came as a shock, considering it was not he who had first taken the mug. It broke closely to his shadow and he moved. If he did not and a shard of the broken shadow touched his shadow, it would tear it.

"Adley?" Christana spoke cautiously.

"I apologize. I lost control of myself for a second."

She placed the mug on the table in front of her and weaved the shadow back to the cup. "Is this really tea though? Why does it have that weird color, and why is it so sweet?"

Adley took a deep breath before answering Christana's question. "It is milk tea. Lexine also added sugar to the tea."

"Sugar to tea?"

"Milk to tea?"

It was unheard of. Sugar was used for treats since it was expensive. Why would she even add milk to tea?

The drink before them though was genius. Tea was usually bland and tasteless. They therefore did not like taking it. The only reason they had some tea leaves was that their headmaster loved tea and whenever he came over to their house, he would ask for tea.

Cardial frowned. "I want her to make me some of this tea too. One sip is not enough."

Christana leaned back and crossed her legs, smirking. "What if she does not want to make you the tea?"

"She must."

"You cannot force someone to do something they have no desire to."

"You can if you want something badly."

Artin felt they were not talking about the tea anymore. "Do not argue. We have yet to visit Meddy. Christana, go call Lexine down, we shall go together. She shall make us all this tea when we come back." A smile rose on his face. Humans truly were intriguing creatures.

Yes, Lexine was unaware of the trouble she had stirred upon herself. In fact, she was deeply asleep, dreaming about the promised Chocolate with her best friend Ceeret. She did not hear when Christana came up to search for her. Her lazy self was going to make them all tea. Which human would dare object when those asking for the tea had the strength to crush them with a snap of their fingers.

Her housemates left the house without her when Christana returned claiming the human was asleep. They all left to go and see Meddy and when Lexine awoke, she bit her tongue. They had already left, but their topic of discussion was still Lexine and the tea she would make her when they returned.

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