
The valley of eternal love

The flickering yellow light from the lamp dimly illuminated the eerie passage as soon as Bai Yu Yue enthusiastically led the way. 

Along with their footsteps, the cold stone walls of the secret corridor echoed a rhythmic crashing sound of waves on a barrier while the duo went deep inside the passage.

"Is there a water body nearby?" Huo Jin curiously inquired. 

"Not really. Once the winter is over, the glaciers in the Tu Mountain starts to melt and turn the streams into rivers that feed not only the Yu kingdom but also the mainland." Bai Yu Yue explained, 

"It is a wonder that a place like this exists in the Tu mountains. You got everything- it is literally heaven." Huo Jin didn't hide his amusement as he spoke. 

"No, we don't have everything. We are just happy with what we have here." Bai Yu Yue rephrased, "But just like any other mountain person, I hope to see the ocean one day." She grinned with a childish delight,

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