
I'm planning to take care of you, forever

Li Juan reached the hillside mansion within an hour. Even though she had reached a safe destination, she felt uneasy because of the haunting memory of the strange pedestrian.

"Good afternoon, miss." Mrs Zhao greeted her.

"Good afternoon Mrs Zhao." Li Juan replied and changed into house slippers.

"Miss, shall I serve lunch?"

"No, Let's wait for CEO Tang." As soon as Li Juan finished, the phone in the hall room rang.

"It must be young master. He called before and asked whether you have reached." Mrs Zhao informed her.

Li Juan walked towards the telephone and attended the call. As expected it was a call from Tang Wei Sheng.

"Sweetheart, when did you reach home?"

"I just reached few minutes ago."

"I am sorry sweetheart, I can't come home now. I have to stop by the regional office and check something." Tang Wei Sheng apologized to her.

"It's okay, Senior Tang. Work comes first."

Tang Wei Sheng came to Xi city for his work and he needs to take care of it. She is not supposed to disturb him.

"Did you check the map?"

"Not yet."

Before Li Juan could say any more, Tang Wei Sheng suddenly interrupted her.

"Sweetheart, first you eat something and rest well. Then we will check the map."

"Yes. I'll do it as you say, sir."

"I'll try to come back as soon as possible."

"Yeah, drive safe." Li Juan reminded him.

"You take care, bye," Tang Wei Sheng ended the conversation.

"CEO Tang will not be here for lunch." Li Juan informed Mrs Zhao, who insisted her to have lunch right away.

Even though the food was delicious, Li Juan was unable to enjoy the meal. She was worried over that the stranger. When she remembered his piercing stare, she lost her appetite.

After lunch, Li Juan went to her room, and laid down on the bed while staring at the ceiling. Her mind was in turmoil.

She was sure that, he was the one who tried to kill her in that dream.

It was a just dream, something she experienced while sleeping. Something which is mean to be obliterated as soon as she wakes up from the sleep.

But instead of that, she remembers the dream and weirdly enough the man she saw in her dream, turns up in her real life.

Does that mean that whatever happened in the dream is going to happen in her real-life too? Li Juan started overthinking.

If that dream is supposed to become real, then what about the dream of saving Jade land queen?

Li Juan had so many questions and weird assumptions in her mind. She was tired but it was difficult to rest because of these stupid thoughts. She took out her mobile- there were two missed calls from Tang Wei Lan.

Li Juan turned her phone in silent mode during the meeting and forgot to reset. She immediately dialled Tang Wei Lan's number.

"Lily," Tang Wei Lan's cheerful voice filled in her ears. "How are you darling?"

"I am good. How are you?"

"What's with me? You are the one who is supposed to give me happy news."

"So how is the trip going? Did you guys make any progress?" Tang Wei Lan was excited.

"We went to the monastery, met the head monk." Li Juan started to list out the incidents that happened in Xi city.

"Oh, girl. That's not what I' wanted to hear." Tang Wei Lan whined, "Did you guys make any progress in your relationship?"

Li Juan waited for a moment. Of course, they have made progress. Tang Wei Sheng accepted her love. Li Juan wanted to share this long-awaited happy news with her friend. But an unknown fear held her tongue-tied even before her best friend.

Even though Tang Wei Lan is the greatest shipper of Tang Wei Sheng and Li Juan, Li Juan was unable to open up about their relationship without Tang Wei Sheng's permission. You should think about the other person's opinions too

"Lily, are you there?" Tang Wei Lan called out.

"Yeah, I'm listening. Lanlan, your brother is nice to me, he treats me well."

"Huh. That's only? I thought you guys could've confessed? Seriously, girl, you need to work upon your love life. With this attitude, you are not going anywhere." Tang Wei Lan reminded Li Juan.

"Yes, young miss. I understood." Li Juan playfully replied to her.

"Darling, I'll call you later. Something came up." Tang Wei Lan ended the call all of sudden.

Now what? Li Juan doesn't want to think about that stranger anymore.

It is better to do something to avert the thoughts.

Li Juan took a book from her bag and started reading.

Suddenly she remembered Head monks words about dreams.

Dreams symbolize the repressed emotions of the unconscious mind and it is often related to the situations that happen in real life.

Li Juan took her cell phone and searched the dream interpretations of "being chased by a murderer".

"Being chased by a murderer is a very common dream and psychologists believe that this comes from different anxieties connected to waking life. The actions in your dream exemplify how you respond to pressure and cope with fears, stress or various situations. Instead of confronting the situation, you tend to run away and avoid issues that you are uncomfortable with addressing. "

If the attacker is chasing you then this can indicate that there is part of yourself that you wish to hideaway.

Is there a part of yourself that you wish to hideaway? Li Juan read the line as a question to herself.

Yes! Li Juan replied in her mind, there is a part which she wanted to hide away from everyone, even from Tang Wei Sheng.

When Tang Wei Sheng reached the mansion, it was already three pm in the afternoon.

"Where is Miss Li?" As soon as Tang Wei Sheng entered into the house, he asked about Li Juan.

"Miss Li is in her room," housekeeper Zhao notified him.

Tang Wei Sheng replied with a nod and went to his room. He was tired due to the whole journey and was extremely hungry. Even though he had lunch with Zhang Zi Zhong, he couldn't eat properly because of Li Juan. He was worried about Li Juan who was sent alone to the Xi city. What kind of boyfriend ditches his girlfriend on the way?

Tang Wei Sheng walked towards Li Juan's room. He knocked at the door a few times, but there weren't any responses.

Is she alright?

He slightly pushed the door and it opened right away.

Tang Wei Sheng looked at Li Juan who was laying down in the bed. Few books remained opened and handwritten notes were laying around her.

Tang Wei Sheng walked towards her quietly and sat beside her.

She laid down with her cheeks touching down the pillow and held the jade box in her arms. She probably fell asleep reading the texts. Tang Wei Sheng adjusted her hair and looked at her face admiringly.

Li Juan's cheeks were reddened and her slightly plump lips made a cute pout in that position. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on her forehead. Upon sensing his presence, Li Juan woke up from her sleep. She saw Tang Wei Sheng near her and immediately rose from the bed.

He helped her to get up and adjusted her sitting by keeping a pillow at the headrest.

"Did you sleep well, sweetheart?"

"I'm sorry Senior Tang; I was looking at the books and fell asleep." Li Juan replied him in dizzy voice.

"When did you reach home?"

"Just now," Tang Wei Sheng's eyes were on the pile of books near to her.

He asked her to take rest, but she ended up rummaging the books.

He didn't say anything- he was aware that Li Juan is a book worm and workaholic; there is no way to change her habits.

Li Juan looked at Tang Wei Sheng and followed his gaze to the pile of books. She moved a little and arranged the books into stacks and kept beside the bed table.

"I am curious about your bedroom. I am afraid that it will be no better than a library." Tang Wei Sheng looked right into Li Juan's eyes.

"Am I right sweetheart?"

"I am quite a tidy person when it comes to books. But now... I am sorry." She apologized immediately.

"Why are you apologizing? It is your habit and you don't have to be sorry for being yourself." Tang Wei Sheng assured her with a warm smile.

For a moment she expected Tang Wei Sheng to be angry or annoyed with her mannerisms. But he appears to be alright.

"You look tired. Should I bring you a cup of coffee?" Li Juan quickly tied her hair into a low bun and rose from the bed.

"No, stay here." Tang Wei Sheng pushed her down to the bed and wrapped his arms around her. "Let me hold you for a while." Tang Wei Sheng cooed in her ears before placing a kiss on her hair.

Li Juan did not protest. She could feel his strong chest muscles and arms embracing her.

From the moment they met, Tang Wei Sheng has treated her nicely.

All those years Li Juan silently watched him and loved him secretly.

When other couples secretly held their hands and shared kisses, she politely shook hands with Tang Wei Sheng.

But after confessing their love, all of the awkwardness she had with physical contact has almost vanished. Li Juan tightly held Tang Wei Sheng's hands. His hands were warm and it gave her a feeling of security.

"Sweetheart, do you know how to cook fried rice?" Tang Wei Sheng suddenly asked her.

"What? Are you hungry?" Li Juan jumped out of his embrace.

"Yeah. Sort of, I couldn't eat properly." Tang Wei Sheng sheepishly told her.

"You take rest, I'll bring it over." Li Juan stood up and put her slippers. However, before she moved, he grabbed her hands and stopped her from leaving.

"Let's cook together." Tang Wei Sheng suggested, only to receive a dubious look from Li Juan.

He wanted to cook with her. What is wrong with him?

"Its okay, Senior Tang, I will cook."

"Okay, then I'll just sit there and watch you cook. Come. Come let's cook fried rice." Tang Wei Sheng pulled her like a kid who is excited to visit a park.

Mrs Zhao was not in the kitchen when they entered into the kitchen. Li Juan let out a sigh of relief and wore an apron as she began to cook.

At the same time, Tang Wei Sheng took vegetables and began to wash them.

"What are you doing?" Li Juan asked him in a serious tone as she took away the vegetables from him.

"Look, I am cleaning?" He showed his wet hands.

"You don't have to do it."

"But, I want to do it."



"Well, there is no particular reason." Li Juan was worried that Tang Wei Sheng probably never stepped into a kitchen in his life so far. And here, she is making him do the chores.

"When I was abroad, I used to cook for myself. So you don't have to worry." Tang Wei Sheng assured her as he snatched the vegetables from Li Juan's hands.

"Don't be an old school girl, the kitchen is for both men and women." Tang Wei Sheng playfully reprimanded as he began to cut the vegetables.

Well, if he is willing to help then let him be.

Li Juan went back to cook rice and the side dishes.

While she was busy with cooking, all of a sudden Tang Wei Sheng hugged her from behind.

"Do you know, sweetheart? How long I've been dreaming something like this?

You and me, having our own time." Tang Wei Sheng said as he kissed her cheeks.

"Thank you for fulfilling my dream."

After preparing the meal, they sat down together and began to eat.

"Wow, it is delicious." Tang Wei Sheng complimented her. Even though it was simple fried rice, it was truly delicious.

"It is a bowl of simple fried rice, Senior Tang, it tastes delicious only because you are hungry." Li Juan tried to sound more realistic.

"Senior Tang, Even plain rice tastes delicious if you eat it after being starved for days."

"Jeez, Why is so hard for this girl to accept a compliment?" Tang Wei Sheng asked himself.

Li Juan giggled upon hearing him complaining about her.

"By the way, why are you still calling me as senior Tang?" Tang Wei Sheng asked her while eating.

"Don't tell me that you want me to address you by your name." Li Juan was lost for a moment.

"You are older than me. How I'm supposed to call you by name?"

"Do you love me, sweetheart?" Tang Wei Sheng asked her, to which she gave an agreeing nod.

"Then call me gege."

"Are you serious?" It was the first time Li Juan was asked to call someone 'gege' and she never thought that Tang Wei Sheng would come up with such a demand.

"Yes. Or do you want to keep a pet name like honey or darling?"

God, this guy is lovestruck.

Li Juan didn't know how to answer his question.

It was common between lovers to call their partners by a pet name.

But for Li Juan it was quite difficult to call Tang Wei Sheng by a pet name as she always called him senior Tang.

How can she directly jump from Senior to Honey in a moment?

It will take her some time to change the way she addresses him.

"Do we have to be cheesy?" Li Juan asked him straightforwardly.

"No, we don't have to be. Fine, then call me by the first name."Tang Wei Sheng didn't want to argue or force her into something she has difficulty in doing so.

Well, not everyone wants to keep a pet name.

"Okay. But there is something I wants to know."

"What do you want to know?" Tang Wei Sheng adjusted his posture and asked her.

"You never called me by my name. We've known each other fora long time, and you never addressed me with my name."

Li Juan wanted to know it for a while, that why he always call her "sweetheart."

"Even after we started a boss-employee relation, you chose to use my surname. Except, last night. May I know the reason behind that?" Li Juan held on to the glass of water she was drinking.

"Well, that is simple. You never told me your name." Tang Wei Sheng replied casually.

"What?" Li Juan almost spat the water she was drinking. "What did you say?"

"You never told me your name and to be honest, we didn't even properly introduce each other." Tang Wei Sheng explained her.

"No... That is not possible. How come I didn't tell you my name?" Li Juan was in confusion.

"I still remember it, sweetheart. You didn't tell me your name when we first met. While we were in the car, it was me who called you sweetheart. And guess what, you didn't even ask for my name." Tang Wei Sheng complained.

"Then how come you know my name?" Li Juan was curious.

"I did the next best thing. I looked at your textbook. But you never told me by yourself. And sweetheart, even though I've never met you before that day, I heard your name a lot. " Li Juan- the transfer student who broke my records of exam grades."" As Tang Wei Sheng proudly declared, Li Juan couldn't help but rewind the memories of their first meeting.

Tang Wei Sheng was right. She never told her name. Since she knew who he was, she didn't bother to ask for his name either.

The whole conversation in the car was initiated by Tang Wei Sheng.

And he kept calling her sweetheart, only because she forgot to introduce herself.

"Well, I guess it is not late to introduce myself. My name is Li Juan, 26 years old research scholar. Please take care of me." Li Juan politely introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, Li Juan, I am Tang Wei Sheng, your boyfriend." He grinned ear to ear as he shook hands with her.

"And Yes, I'm planning to take care of you forever."

While looking at his radiant smile, a worrying thought ran across her mind.

Will you able to smile the same, when you know about those adversities that I have gone through while you are away?

Will you able to love me the same, when you get to know the real Li Juan?

Before we get any closer, You should know the truth.

Because I cannot handle any more heartaches.

I am sorry for the late updates.

One of my cousins is getting married and I'm busy like a bumbling bee.

Due to my sneaky relatives and peeping cousins, I am unable to open my laptop.

It is 2 AM, I am really sorry for making you guys wait.

In Chinese, the word “gege” (哥哥) literally means big brother. But that’s usually for brother in blood. And girls,calling some one “gege" means they are being more intimate. it is similar to the usage of"oppa" in Korean

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