


"Again." Marcus Zephanie said on repeat.

I closed my eyes, concentrating once again. I felt a wide expanse going out of my head.

For a moment, I was lost in a complete trance.

I was literally having an out of the body experience.

I could clearly see the tiniest detail of everything around me. Small particles with varying colors seemed to dance in my line of vision, replacing the images of the objects that were supposed to be there.

Even Marcus's solid form was not visible. Instead, a refracted series of tiny atoms seemed to dance in place where he was standing.

"Concentrate, Ava." His voice sounded distinct. Compared to hearing him normally, his voice seemed to have a lure in it.

I put my focus on the electric surge that was seemingly calling to me. Putting on a full force, I listened to the strange pulsing which had begun to hum until eventually it was gone.

When I opened my eyes, I found Marcus back in his solid form. He and I still occupied the same room we had been in for the last 30 minutes.

However, the once bright fluorescent lights were all busted, their wires were hanging above us with a few of them emitting some sparks as evidence of their recent destruction.

"Excellent." Marcus offered a ghost of a smile, genuinely proud of the results. After a few minutes of coaching me, I was finally able to do what he wanted to happen.

It was one of the new routines that he had begun.

He termed it as The Enhancement Project. It had something to do with the little twitch in my DNA structure, which he had purposely done in the name of science.

Honestly, in my 5-year old head, I didn't care about any of that. All I wanted was to please him. He was, after all, my maker.

Satisfied, he began to gently drag me out of the room, pulling his walkie talkie out of his coat pocket.

"Amber, call in Xavier."

Xavier. I often heard his name but never actually met him. Marcus and Amber would often mention him. Though not openly.

It was like he was a secret, one that I wasn't bound to know. Yet.

I was musing who he was when out of nowhere, I felt something.

I can't explain what it was, but strangely, I could feel a presence. Along with it was the unusual pull that this seeming dominant presence was radiating.

And then, out of the corner of my eye, there he was.

I don't know how I knew, but somehow, I just did.

Standing in front of me, bound by some metal chords, dressed in the same blue scrubs that I was in, was the boy named Xavier.

I sat up, fully awake.

The memory dream reminded me that I used to be Marcus Zephanie's little puppet. I was about willing and ready to do anything he asked of me.

I used to have one definite goal: please Marcus Zephanie.

But after six months of training and preparations, he finally released me.

My eyes opened to the real world.

Some might think that six months seemed to be way too fast. But in those six months after Marcus Zephanie had created me, a lot of things took place. Most of them had launched themselves into my dreams, haunting, taunting, and warning me.

I was then reminded of the detective, Detective Oliver.

The closer that he will come to unveiling the truth, the more prominent these awful memory dreams would keep coming.

I wasn't scared for myself.

I had undergone worse. Besides, dying was never a fearful concept to me. I had accepted that fate long before. Even when I defied Marcus, I had always been ready to face the inevitable.

I was scared for the detective.

He doesn't know what he was up against or who, and no matter how much I wanted to tell him, I can't. The gravity of it would be too much for him to handle. Besides, I don't think that he was ready to find out who killed his mother. It would break him, and I don't think that he would ever forgive me once the truth would be unveiled.

I can't shield him from the inescapable reality forever.

I shouldn't have underestimated Rafael and his capabilities. I just hope that when that time comes, he would be strong enough to handle it.

I looked at my hands. They were trembling.

I wasn't sure if it was fear for the detective or the strange emotional roller coaster that I was having.

The last time I had been in an emotional instability over a guy was five years ago. That was when Hero and I had our fallout.

It was devastating.

However, this emotional overdrive with Detective Oliver was entirely different.

I could keep playing the guessing game with him.

I could keep pretending that having a relationship with him would be okay.

I could keep fooling myself like this.

But for how long?.

I'm not too fond of this sudden guilt trip at the wee hours. I guess it was the reason why most artistic people suffering depression or simply people who are undergoing so much kept on waking up halfway in their sleep somewhere between the middle of the night or too early in the morning.

Or maybe this was just the after-effects of what Rafael had told me earlier., the bit about marrying Shay Zephanie. For real.

"Don't overthink it, Ava." Shay Zephanie's voice had suddenly cut through the stillness of the room in Tori's apartel. She was standing beside the study stable.

Through the dim light, I could see her amused expression.

"What are you doing?" I asked while she casually made her way towards me, inserting her hands on her jeans pocket.

"I thought I might drop by. Besides, wouldn't people be surprised to see you, I mean me, coming from the outside of the apartel which I was supposedly sharing with the detective without leaving it tomorrow?"

I smirked.

"Of course. That would be tragic, wouldn't it?" Shay Zephanie sat beside me.

"Won't you ask me how I came here without passing through your door?" I caught her stare. She was clearly enjoying this.

"Hero." I said to which she briefly squealed at.

"Apparently, your ex-fling didn't only master the bug system, but he was also able to create shortcuts. Isn't he a genius?"

"I know what he is, Shay. Now, what do you really want?"

"Nothing." I raised an eyebrow. My emotional roller coaster was completely forgotten.

Shay Zephanie let out a sigh, giving the hidden cameras a quick glance. She caught my stare, forcing a huge grin, pulling me in a pretend embrace right after.

"Go back to Marcus, Ava." She whispered. I waited for her to go on.

"Get the cure for me." Now, I felt incredulous.

"And why would I do that?" I whispered back.

"For me. Do it for me, Ava. You owe me that."

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