
William Cheng. In Another Place

Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet…

They were sitting cross-legged in one of the Night-watcher's bamboo kiosk overlooking a strip of beach, their heads bent over the collection of foods that they'd manage to compile together for a shared lunch. Uda had brought with him four halves of coconut, a comb of bananas and a handful of peanuts. Will brought his dish from Enam and the few skewers of cubed grilled chicken that he'd bought in the market. They split everything evenly and ate.

After a minute of vigorous chewing, Will finally relieved his plagued mind. "Uda," he started to say.

Uda grunted in reply, his mouth full of grilled chicken and coconut steamed rice.

"I saw the Keeper of Weaponry in the market today," said Will. When his friend didn't give him a response, he continued, "He asked us to go to the Institute this evening, he's sending us a carriage." 

At that, Uda paused his chewing and looked up at Will. 

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