

Jasper stretches out as he woke early in the morning. He stood and got dressed before he left his tent. Not many people were up at the moment and took the time to stretch out before he started his morning off with a run. He alternated between jogging and running til he saw Sargent Thomas walking over and stopped panting from the exercise.

Thomas looked at Jasper and spoke, "Private Jasper. Today is gun training." Jasper frowned, "gun training?" Thomas nodded, "yes, gun training. You will be learning how to take apart, put together and shoot a gun." Jasper frowned, "I'd rather not, no offense. I would rather stick to archery"

Thomas shook his head, "You have to learn. There will be no argument one this. Archery is outdated here. I understand you're good at archery but that will be of little use here so you will learn to use a gun." Jasper scowled but nodded, "Very well"

Thomas nodded and headed off telling Jasper to follow. Jasper followed Thomas grudgingly. He really disliked the guns due to their loud noises. He preferred silent killing on a battlefield so one could hear orders. With a gun that was near impossible. Although he had learned of a device that allowed for communication over long distances without shouting.

He didn't understand how it worked but accepted it. Much like the phone. He didn't understand how the phone worked but accepted it. There were lots of things he didn't understand but he could understand war and death very well. He was very good at killing and ordering armies although he preferred to lead an army into battle himself so he could kill the enemy himself and bathe in their blood.

Jasper entered a tent following Thomas and was directed to sit at a desk. He sat down and saw several other men there who all had a gun in front of them. Jasper looked at the gun that was placed in front of him on his desk and then Thomas left. He looked to the others then to the man at the front who spoke.

"Hello everyone. Today I'll be teaching you to disassemble and assemble your guns. I am corporal Sann. I am in charge of this class. We will start off with the basics about the gun before working on disassembling your guns."

Jasper sighed softly before watching and listening to the corporal explain how the gun worked and about its functioning. He was actually impressed with how someone managed to build a gun. He listened and learned about how to disassemble and assemble a gun. After the Corporal finished explaining about the gun and had them disassemble their guns.

It took Jasper a bit of time to disassemble his gun but he was careful to put into action what he learned to fully understand how it worked. He finished disassembling it and looked to the others who were all already done disassembling the gun and were working on reassembling them.

Jasper sighed silently before working on reassembling the gun. Jasper worked carefully and soon finished. He looked up just in time to see the Corporal helloing at the private who finished assembling his gun but did it improperly.

Jasper watched as slowly the cop really went to each person who had disassembled and reassembled their guns, seeming to always find a problem. When the copperas finally stopped in front of him and picked up his gun examining it.

The corporal spoke after a moment, "good job private. You actually paid attention and properly disassembled and reassembled your gun without screwing up. I am impressed although you were as slow as molasses, next time move faster." Jasper blinked before nodding, "Yess, Sir"

The gun was placed back on his desk before the corporal went on teaching them about guns. Jasper was paying attention to the corporal as he talked at length about guns. Jasper watched the Corporal as he taught. Once the Corporal finished he left the tent with a greater understanding about guns. He then went on to Exercise.


Thomas looked up from his paperwork in his tent as someone entered. Thomas aw it was corporal Sann and set his pen down. He sat up straight and he looked at Sann as he saluted.

"At ease corporal. What seems to be the issue?" Sann relaxed and took a seat, "nothing is the issue quite the opposite really." Thomas raised an eyebrow, "Really? How so?"

Sann spoke, "the kid you are training. You said he had no training with guns." Thomas nodded, "yes, I did tell you that now tell me what happened?" Sann smiled, "that kid is a genius if I have ever seen one. It only took him once for him to properly disassemble and assemble his gun."

Thomas blinked, "seriously?" Sann nodded, "yeah, he was slow the first time but took care and did it properly. I couldn't find anything wrong with his gun after he reassembled it. I've only met a few who have had the ability to do so. He is a genius"

Thomas chuckled, "I don't think so. He is smart but i think he actually paid attention to you and took his time to understand the gun. Honestly I didn't expect him to do so well or actually try and learn about a gun." Sann blinked, "why do you say that?"

Thomas sighed, "he really didn't want to use a gun and would prefer to use a bow. The disgusted look he gave when I told him about him learning to use a gun told me exactly how he feels about guns."

Sann nodded softly, "maybe he would be a great candidate for that group then?" Thomas looked at him and sighed, "I've already thought about it and what you say is extremely right." Sann looked at him, "would he have the ability for it though?"

Thomas shook his head, "in his current condition absolutely not. Once he gets stronger then he should definitely put into that group. With his skills I even believe he would manage to become their leader in a short amount of time." Sann blinked, "that is high praise coming from you."

Thomas nodded, "I know but even then he has the skill just not the strength or ability to use that skill. He has to gain the strength to use those skills of his properly." Sann asked, "he actually has the skills? But not the strength?" Thomas nodded, "indeed. If you'll remember correctly he was in an accident before he came here."

Sann blinked, "he lost his strength then. He has the skills but the damage from that accident made him unable to use his skills… how sad." Thomas nodded softly not speaking.

Sann stood, "next time you two spare I would love to watch. For now I need to go back and get some paperwork done." Thomas nodded, "you can watch or even spare with him later. We spare every afternoon at two for a few hours. That kid is too stubborn to give up" Sann nodded and stood, "ok then, I guess I'll see you later then."

Thomas watched Sann leave and sighed rubbing his face. He hated lying to one of his friends and comrades but he couldn't go against orders. He sighed before picking back up his pen and got back to his paperwork.

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