
"What Conditions?"

Dan stood by the office window with his back to the door as he tried to sort through all the different thoughts which were running through his mind.

"Sir, a young man is here to see you. Mr. Benjamin Stuart, he says he is here for an interview," The secretary called from the door.

"Let him in, please," Dan said with a sigh before taking a deep breath.

He quickly cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders. He had to look and act cool since this was the first time he was going to be conducting an interview as a boss.

His manager usually did all that work for him, but unfortunately, this wasn't related to his career alone. Hence he had to step up and do it himself.

"Good day, sir!" Bella greeted from the doorway. She was dressed in a flannel shirt and chinos trouser, and her hair was now covered in a wig which was pretty identical to Ben's hair.

Dan turned around to look at her and frowned when he suddenly felt a pull towards her like he knew her. It was similar to what he had felt when he had looked at the thief in his van. Why was he suddenly feeling that way about different people? He wondered.

Bella's eyes widened in surprise when she recognized Dan, "You... look better in person," She had been about to say 'you prick' but had quickly changed her mind when she remembered her argument with her mother the previous night. So she had decided to settle for something flattering.

So he was actually a celebrity? Was she here to be interviewed by this arrogant prick? There was absolutely no way she was going to be working for such a prick.

Dan grinned when he heard the surprise in her voice and assumed she sounded that way because she was happy to see her idol. "Yes, I am Dan Williams. I heard you're a huge fan," He said with a grin making Bella grit her teeth.

Why was he smiling? Did he recognize her? She wondered, "Yes, I'm a huge fan," She said, nodding her head. She was here as Ben, and Ben was a huge fan. That, at least, was true.

"You look really familiar," Dan said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously as he tried to remember where he had seen her.

It was a good thing he couldn't recognize her. There was no way she was going to work for him or live under the same roof as him if he recognized her.

Bella simply shrugged without saying a word. She wasn't interested in reminding him anything about their meeting or how he had kissed her.

"You're Mr. Benjamin Stuart?" He asked, making her roll her eyes.

"Obviously," She muttered under her breath, making him look at her with a raised brow.

"Can I have your curriculum vitae?" Dan asked politely before reaching out to collect her file from her. He flipped through it slowly before returning his attention to Bella.

"Did Richie tell you about all that the job entails?" Dan asked again without asking her to sit down.

"Do we have to do this standing? My feet really hurts," Bella complained, looking longingly at the office chair. Her feet were really hurting because of the new pair of shoes she was wearing, which was just a bit too tight.

"Oh! Pardon my manners, and please sit down," Dan offered, and Bella quickly walked over to sit on one of the chairs opposite his desk before taking off her shoes.

So he could be so polite? Was he only a prick to females, or was he just pretending to be nice because he was in the office? Bella wondered.

She was only going to give this a shot because she had told her mother that she was going to get the job to prove her wrong and also because Dan had no idea who she was.

"I was told it is the work of a personal assistant, and I have to move in with you," Bella said with a shrug. She was trying her possible best to be as polite as possible to him so that she could get the job.

"I have to warn you that the job is very tedious. You have to shuffle between the office here and my manager's office so you can be ahead of all my appointments and schedule," Dan said before reaching out to hand her the printed copy of the terms of the job.

Bella skimmed through the terms. What an inconsiderate prick! He should have just said he was in need of someone's life to control. What was with the stupid rules, anyway?

She could be a capable Personal assistant and help him organize his life and schedule, but she had no intention of allowing him to control her life. She never obeyed stupid rules and didn't intend to start now.

"So? What do you think? Can you do the job?" Dan asked curiously, hoping she would say yes.

Bella looked at him cautiously and could guess that he desperately wanted her to accept the job. Joan had said only desperation could have made him throw in all those incentives.

They were both desperate, and since they both needed her to have the job, she was going to try her luck and push to make her own rules.

"Yes, I can do the job. But I will have to give you my own conditions, too," Bella told him as she took out a pen from her pocket.

Dan frowned, "What condition?" He was the employer. Why did he have to receive conditions from his employee?

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