
Peggy's Humble Abode.

I warily enter the hallway, following close behind Jake and Peggy. A scent of strong must and cooking fills the small building and I shuffle closer to Jake. Peggy leads us into the living room that's furnished with a single beaten up leather sofa and an old television box with an antenna attached to the top.

The walls are covered in an old yellow stained geometric wallpaper that's peeling at each corner, revealing the damp-filled wall underneath. The entire decoration style screams old school. A small table sits in the corner with a feeble Christmas tree perched on top. A few baubles decorate the tree but that's it.

No Christmas lights or Christmas Angel.

No presents underneath the tree.

No festive spirit in the air.

Does Peggy really spend her Christmas like this?

My hand tightens around Jake's and he squeezes it in reassurance.

"Welcome to Peggy's humble abode," Jake mumbles quietly, taking a seat onto the couch and looking around. I silently sit next to him, my legs sitting awkwardly due to how low the couch is to the floor.

"Why are we here?" I mumble under my breath, careful not to speak too loud. I don't want Peggy overhearing and thinking I'm being a rude guest.

"So we can continue our talk." Jake replies casually. I snap my head towards him, eyes widening in surprise.

"You want us to talk. . . right here? To decide whether or not we keep our baby?" I ask in disbelief. He nods his head, appearing a thousand miles away as he continues to search the room. An expression I don't recognise fills his features and he appears almost guilty.

"Are you being serious Jake?" I ask him in bewilderment. Before he can respond, Peggy clears her throat, causing us both to turn towards her. She's holding a silver tray with three steaming hot mugs placed on top.

"I didn't mean to listen to your conversation dear but I couldn't help it when your voice is so loud and this house is so small." Peggy says, giving me a tight smile. The tension in the room increases and I close my eyes, my stomach twisting with nerves.

"Have a cup of hot chocolate Emily, it'll warm you and that baby up."

My eyes snap open to meet her curious one. She gives me a tight smile and her eyes travel further down until they rests on my stomach. I feel myself grow protective and place my hand over it, her aura freaking me out.

"Let me guess... It's early days and you haven't decided what to do yet?" Peggy says. I pause for a moment before nodding my head.

"I understand why you came here now." Peggy says quietly, walking over and handing Jake a mug. He clears his throat and takes the mug carefully from Peggy before bringing it to his lips. I frown in confusion at both of them, the questions rising by the minute.

How does Peggy know Jake?

I decide if I'm not getting answers, I should leave to make it home on time. I don't want to miss seeing Pops and being at the Christmas Dinner. Today should be about family . . .

"It was nice to meet you but I should get going." I say politely, standing up and heading for the door. My hand rests on the handle when I feel Jake's presence behind me, his hand on my waist. He leans forward, his mouth lined up with my ear —

"Emily, wait. I'm sorry for being so vague."

"What's going on Jake? There's supposed to be no secrets between us."

"Give me a chance and I'll tell you."

I can hear the persuasion in his voice and I can't walk away from that. I turn around in defeat and his eyes connect with mine before he smiles at me thankfully. I nod my head slowly, leaning forward to close the distance between us. He rests his forehead against mine, sighing in relief.

"Five minutes, that's all I need."

I hear shuffling behind us and pull away from Jake, glancing around his shoulder. Peggy is stood several feet away from us, her mouth set in a straight line. When she notices me looking, she shuffles uncomfortably, glancing down next to her.

"Emily. . . Meet Jasmine." Peggy mumbles. A little girl around eight or nine stands sheepishly behind Peggy's legs, shielding herself away from me.

Innocent blue eyes with long black lashes look up at me finished off with a little button nose and rosy lips. Her hair is jet black and rests on her shoulders in soft waves. She wears a simple red dress finished off with black buckle shoes. She's a beautiful little girl yet her eyes seem to burn into mine, powerful yet timid. I give her a small smile and bend down so I'm not towering over her.

"Hello Jasmine," I smile softly, my head tilted to the side as I continue to study her features.

Little button nose and powerful blue eyes.

Now who does that remind me of?

Jasmine doesn't respond to me and instead hides further behind Peggy.

"Jasmine, dear. That's not how we greet our guests. Now run along to your room, that's a good girl." Peggy says urgently, stroking the little girls hair.

She nods silently and turns before scurrying off out the door. I frown and look up at Peggy.

Why is she in such a rush to get rid of Jasmine?

"She's beautiful." I say quietly before turning back to Jake with a questioning expression. He's completely silent, his jaw clenched tightly and his distant. His tense posture has me worried and I frown further, my hand reaching out for his.

"Jake?" I ask, my eyes flickering between him and Peggy. She's staring at him intensely, her beady eyes burning holes at his withdrawn personality. His eyes are glazed over, mind and thoughts completely in another dimension. I turn back towards Peggy, my confusion deeper and stronger than ever.

"Peggy, what is going on here?" I ask firmly.

Peggy clears her throat and begins to potter around the living room. She bends over, picking up imaginary lint from the floor, muttering something about needing to give the house a deep clean. I narrow my eyes at her behaviour, knowing that she's avoiding me and my question.

"Peggy?" I ask again, louder this time. She jumps dramatically at the mention of her name and whirls around, her hand clutching her heart.

"Please don't shout." She tells me firmly, irritation lining her voice.

"Can you answer my question?"

"It's a long story." Peggy responds, her eyes flickering away from me.

"I have time."

"Would you like more hot chocolate?" She asks me, completely ignoring me yet again. I breathe in deeply, my eyes narrowing and a frown appearing on my face.

"I need you to answer my question."

Jake's arm shoots out and rests on mine. I snap my head in his direction, grateful that he's flown back down to reality. When his eyes meet mine, I almost recoil backwards from the intensity of his blue stare. His eyes flash with a pain I haven't seen before, a pain that's been buried deep for a long time.

"She's my sister."

"What?" I ask him, my mouth falling open in disbelief.

"Jasmine is my sister." Jake repeats, the sadness completely filling his eyes.

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