
Savage mode

I wake up the next day in my bed, back at my house. I turn to my side and notice I'm not alone in these blankets.

The person sharing the bed with me happens to be one of the fourteen girls. She soon wakes up, and with dreamy eyes tells me, "hey. I really enjoyed that last night". I look at with a serious face and respond with, "I honestly don't remember much of what happened last night. So the feeling isn't so mutual". After saying that I soon get up and walk off into the lounge. My eyes are sore, my throat feels ashy and dry while my every step feels heavier than the last.

"If she was in my bed, where are the others", I ask myself. I soon find the answer to my question when I notice the other thirteen girls all sleeping around the house. Two on the sofa, three with pillows on the floor next to the sofa. Two sleeping on each other, and one sleeping by the kitchen counter.

"That's seven. Where are the other six", I ask myself. I walk around the house to try and find the missing six. I stumble into the bathroom, and find one girl sleeping in the shower on the floor. "I wonder if", I exclaim while opening the toilet door. "Yep", I say when I find one sleeping while sitting on the toilet seat. I check the bathroom again, and find two girls in the tub. I hold my aching head trying to remember.

"Wait. Who was I playing Seven minutes in Heaven with", I ponder to myself. I walk back into my room and open the closet to find a girl fast asleep against the wall. "Last one", I exclaim.

I sit by the bottom edge of my bed, and feel something pinch my bum. I lift up the covers. "Morning sexy", the last girl says with a tired voice. I smile at her and tell her, "go back to sleep", and pull back the covers over her.

"Thank God, they're all here", I exclaim while walking back to the lounge. I trip over something on the floor when I get there. "Who the hell is this guy", I exclaim after noticing a complete stranger lying on the floor of my house. I kick the guy, telling him, "wake up". The guy sits up, yawns and then rubs his eyes. "What's up man. You're up already", he says. "Yeah, but who the hell are you", I ask him.  "It's me Eddy. We met in the club last night. You said you were having a house party and asked me to come over because you didn't want to be the only guy there. Remember", he tells me.

I look at him and respond, "well nice to know Molly doesn't make act selfish". But I generally don't remember much from last night, so I'll just take your word for it". I start to look around the house, and ask Eddy, "would you happen to know where my phone is by any chance". "Did you check the coffee table", he tells me. I walk to coffee table and find my phone inside of a glass with a bit of whiskey in it. I pick it up and turn it on.

"Crap! 300 hundred messages and 50 missed calls", I exclaim. "Damn! And they all seem to be from the Devil", I state. "Wait what", Eddy exclaims  in a concerned voice.  "Excuse me I need to make a call", I tell Eddy as I tinker with my phone.

"Yeah, you called", I say to my manager on the call. "Where the hell have you been", my manager yells at me. I pull the phone away from my ear and pull it back telling him, "ey not so loud".  "You've been MIA for two days", my manager says. "Really. It felt like one long ass night. Anyways what you need", I say to him.

"I need you to bring your ass here like yesterday. We have two clients today, one of which happens to be interested in making a deal with The Ghost of the Music Industry. She wants to meet you today in person", he tells me. "I thought I was meant to stay a ghost", I ask him.  "You are, but this particular client could possibly connect us to the right artists who need your set of skills. So meet me by the mall in an hour", my manager says.

"Wouldn't that be a little suspicious", I ask him. "Don't worry. Everyone thinks you're my PA. Now wake your sorry ass up, get washed up and meet me by the mall. I'll send you the location", my manager says and afterwards cuts the call.

I let out a burp, and soon after cover my mouth to avoid vomiting. I go to Eddy who happenes to have fallen asleep again. I kick him again and tell him, "hey! I'm going out now. Make sure you get this mess cleaned up and take these girls home".

"How do I do that", he asks me. "There's a number of my driver on the fridge. Call him and say Mr K sent you. Tell him it's an after party emergency. He'll know what to do", I tell Eddy.  "Okay. Where are you off to", Eddy asks me.

"Off to work", I tell him while walking to the pool outside. I stand by the edge of the deep end with my arms stretched out like a cross.

I jumped into the pool in one leap.

45 minutes later. ..

I get to the mall and find my manager sitting by a restaurant. I walk up to him.

"Alright I'm here", I exclaim while taking a seat next to him. "Why do you smell of chlorine", he asks me. "Well you said I should wake my sorry ass up and get washed up. Soo, I decide to do both in one go", I tell him. "Eeeew! Why does your breath smell so bad", my manager complains while covering his mouth. I cover my mouth with my hand, breathe on it and check my breath. "I knew I forgot something", I exclaim. "Ugh! You know what, just let me do the talking. You just sit there and look pretty", he tells me with an annoyed tone.

"Pssht that's natural for me anyways", I tell him while sitting back in my chair."And what's up with the sunglasses", my manager asks me, pointing out the sunglasses I'm wearing. "Let's just say the money bags on my eyes made a big withdrawal and I'm spent", I tell him.  "Whatever kid. Anyways Layla Hicks is coming soon, so behave yourself", he tells me.

"Cool cool. And she's who exactly", I exclaim to my manager. "You're joking", he asks me. She's the music producer I was telling you about. Did you even read my messages", he exclaims in an angry voice. "I might have skipped a few", I tell him.  "You little piece of...  .. she's here", my manager exclaims when he notices Layla coming our way.

"So glad to finally be meeting you", she tells my manager while taking a seat. My manager replies, "indeed, I've heard so much good things about". "And I assume this is our little ghost", she claims while looking at me. I lift my hand to wave at her, and say, "Sup". Layla and Franklin start talking to each other. I generally don't know what they're saying because everything they say comes out as an echoed mumble.

So I just sit there smiling stupid. My head starts to feel heavy and slowly inches down.

"I feel like this would be a really good deal for both of us, and....Oh my God! Are you seriously staring at my boobs right now", Layla screams out at me. She notices my head hanging low in the same direction of her chest, with a smile on my face. "Wait, wait! It's not what it looks like", my manager tells her. He removes my sunglasses, revealing that my eyes are shut and I'm fast asleep.

Layla gets up in a fit exclaiming, "you can't be serious right now". She walks off telling my manager, "call me when you guys want to be serious. Honestly".

My manager holds his head.

He looks at me and slaps the side of my face. "Wake up", he yells.  I lift up my head in a shocked manner and ask him, "is she done talking yet". I look at him and ask him, "what's with the face".  "This is the face of a man angry about a certain someone spoiling a potential deal with one of the biggest music producers", he tells me.

I just blink and look at him.

"Why do I even try", he says while slapping his forehead. "You know what, I'll deal with you and Layla later. We have another client to attend to, my manager says while grabbing his phone.

I'm letting him know that we'll be at the studio in 30, he tells me".

"Why so early! Can't we do it tomorrow", I exclaim in a childish manner.  "No! So sort yourself out before that and be on your best behaviour this time", my manager says while getting up and throwing my sunglasses on the table.

I burp and cover my mouth holding down the vomit. "Hey, you think they sell hangover remedies in this mall", I ask my manager. "Drink water", he yells out while walking off.

I pick up my sunglasses and put them on.

25 minutes later. ..

I manage to get to the studio before my manager by some dumb luck. He soon walks into the studio with the client. They find me sitting on an office chair, swinging in it.

"K this is our client, Lil Dipset. He's been featured on a love song and needs a verse", my manager tells me.  "Lil Dipset! What's that, a polite way of saying Lil Dip shit, I say with a chuckle. So what, you shit on haters, and don't wipe your ass with toilet paper", I claim while laughing.

My manager in a sharp tone tells me, "that's enough K". Lil Dipset starts to walk off saying, "I didn't come here to have some guy shit on my name". 

I giggle in the background after he says that.

"And I don't see how this guy could possibly be The Ghost of the Music Industry. Plus I don't see how someone like this could possibly know how to write any love song", he tells my manager.

"Sex song", I exclaim.  "What was that", Dipset asks me. "You want me to write sex song verse for you", I tell him while taking off my sunglasses. "I know you're track record. Well I've dealt with enough artists like you to easily know what kind of love songs you make.  Their just sex songs. Generic sex songs if I'm being honest.

Which isn't that hard for me to write a verse on, even in my current state. So I can have that verse for you in record time for you to record", I tell him. I get up,  grab a paper and start writing.

15 minutes later. ..

"Alright, here's your generic sex song. Cough! I mean love song", I tell Dipset while handing him the paper.

Why you exercise just to test me, fighting your feels just to caress me

With your naked-eye out here to undress me

But you're down for whatever, thinking about the size, you cannot measure

If your booty is the prize I want the treasure.

Hypnotized by how your working, I'm in tune when you body's motion

Imma spend all I make, just to keep seeing you shake.

So let me spend, spend, spend all I got on you.

If you want to play games, let me tease you, want me to satisfy, Imma please you.

Kiss you in front of your friends and my people, when I get home,  ring, ring, it's a text that miss you.

Might sink my teeth in your left thigh when it feels good I'll bite the ride side

Might lick it better if you don't mind, lay you out here before I go inside.

Might hit it good till your knees hurt,

you can tell your friends, it ain't no secret.

I know you like it when I do that, Might give it all like it's our last.

We don't have to rush for the safe sex, you're already a plastic before the latex

Might hit it good that I come back, So Imma need to dot down where your place at.

"Oh you can add your swear words in between to give it that feel. I know you rappers enjoy that sort of thing", I tell Lil Dipset. I go back to my chair, and put on my sunglasses as I sit back on the chair.

"Aight! I might have misjudged you a little there my G", Dipset states.

He comes closer to me with his fist lifted up, hoping to give me a fist bump. But it's a wasted effort because I've already fallen asleep.

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