
'3.2' Don't trust the enemy

"You know her, she won't deliberately join Hiccup," Viggo stated, turning around to face a group of men.

"Unless," Johan grumbled, trudging forward, arms crossed with a furious look on his face.

Viggo smiled, "Unless, of course, she finds out."

"She already did," Ryker announced, strolling to the table Viggo stood in front of and placed a single dagger onto it. "She took yer book too, I suppose there isn't much we can do. Saw her with Hiccup-"

"See! How are we supposed to trust that wrenched little brat now?" Johan spat, taking strong steps to Viggo before clutching the fabric."She is as well as an enemy forthwith," He drawled.

"That is, dear Johan until she finds out. For now, we keep doing what we were, send out a search party. Pretend we are looking for her- treat her the same otherwise," He spoke, withering out of Johan's grasp."She will be an enemy. She is of a useful asset, a shame it will be to lose her."

"If you mess this up-" Krogan warned, a stoic expression plastered on his features."I won't. We won't. All we need is her to remain on our side, but even if she doesn't- there's still a hefty chance of success."

Viggo walked behind the table, sitting calmly."Now leave, I need to think." Johan sent a final glare his way but begrudgingly walked out followed by Krogan. Ryker hesitated and slowly sauntered out.

Viggo sighed and raked his hair, staring at the door.

'If she joins the Dragon Riders, there won't be a chance of my survival,'

'Please Imora, stay with me.'


Two piercing eyes stared ahead inducing me to shrink back in terror. I staggered backward and let out a yelp as pain crammed my legs. The dragon gave an outcry of victory, knowing it did a little to nothing for me to withdraw.

Destiny leaped forward, claws outstretched aiming for my neck.

"Wait-" I yelled, prevailing to stand only to be stricken down again. I gasped for air, her legs pinning my chest to the rocky floor. She hurled her head backward and a purple glow emitted from her throat."Destiny! Wait-Please-"

She spread her wings, the purple light causing my vision to go blind.

I took a deep breath and heard a thump.

Darkness was all my brain could register and my body felt numb, head empty and rining of sound confusing me severely.

A muffled groan of a dragon was heard and voices whispering. "Ugh," I whined, placing a hand to my head.

"You... learned her lesson?"



"What? I'm simply... honest!"

"She doesn't know... on, who could... so insensitive-"

"She... kill us all if we gave...chance."

"What..." I asked and grabbed the air for support. A chuckle left someone's mouth and I dropped my arm back. Everything felt sore. My head was fuzzy and my leg had a bitter pain to it.

"She called her Destiny, do you think we should call her that too?" The familiar voice of Fishlegs asked. "...don't know," Hiccup responded.

I slowly open my eyes and was met with a soft dim of light, gently caressing my vision. Was it night already?

It seemed like a few seconds ago when I...When what happened?

Was I dead?

Did I die?


"Imora move your butt, I'm trying to clean."


"I said move it." Heather's pressing voice demanded. "Oh- sure," I responded quickly, standing up before tripping over the air.

Laughs burst into my hearing.

What was so funny?

My cheeks turned a ruddy pink and I looked up meeting faces mocking mine. Hiccup and Fishlegs had a blank expression as I looked down. Tears slowly welled up but I forced them away by blinking rapidly. "Aw, look who's crying." Astrid sneered.

"Astrid, that's enough," Hiccup spoke, extending a hand for me to take. I paused before staggering to my feet with my help.

No way.

A few roars echoed around the clearing and I peer behind Heather just in time to see Destiny rub her crown against Toothless. He mimicked the action, but sloppy. The dragon gave a purr as both of them continued to show affection while Destiny gave a glare to the other dragons here and there.

My stomach dropped. Destiny was clearly on their side, could I be too?

I stared ahead, confusion mixed with grief and emotions I couldn't name.

It only took them a few days to convert Destiny, will they be able to convert me?

'The Dead of night ceremony is starting in a day,' I realized and my abdomen continued to sting. I felt dizzy, more so as I felt hands wrap around my waist, pulling me up as I leaned into a chest.

"It's ok. Everything is going to be alright." The soft voice spoke causing me to flutter my eyes completely closed.

I know it's wrong to trust the enemy.

I know.

But, I hope they're right.

I hope this enemy isn't an enemy at all.

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