
'1.2' A trap

I whipped my head in the direction of the hasty footsteps. My eyes scanned through the crowed trees and spotted two similar Vikings running towards me. They both had long blonde hair and the manner that they ran in suggested that they are scared or running away from something.

I stood up and glanced at the long tree behind me. Without thought, I grabbed a short branch and hauled myself onto another one. The wood under me gave a sickening crack. The footsteps grew louder and so did the noise under my unsteady feet.

I tried to grab the branch above me, but the one under me gave in. Gravity harshly pulled me down and made me bruise my elbow on the bark. I crouched when the pain in my feet became too much. I held my bruised elbow and frown.

Destiny pushed me against the hard bark and covered me with her wing. She then let a chill run down my spine when she camouflaged into her surroundings*. Wait! I thought. That's why Viggo or Ryker didn't see her on the ship! This is amazing! I smile at the thought.

* In this version, the Light Fury is able to camouflage into her surroundings like a Change wing, without having to fly through a blast. Here, she is able to warm herself up and then blend in without problem. Since in the movies her scales heats up when she flies through her blast, making her scales respond to her camouflaging abilities.

The two blonde Vikings ran past us and two upset Change wings followed their trail. Although I knew they couldn't see us, it was still something to gawk at. Moments past as Destiny eventually released me from under her rushed shelter.

" We need to help them." I blurted out. I was actually surprised the words even came out of my mouth. They are technically my enemies... But never the less I felt guilty. "Come on." I said and hesitantly climbed onto Destiny's uncomfortable back.

She ran into the direction the Twins ran in but she came to a sudden halt. " What's wron-" I began, but was cut off by a stinky green gas covering the ground. She growled responsive.

" Remember, green gas is not good. Run away if you see it or smell it. One releases gas, the other lights it." Ryker warned pointing to the caged dragon.

My breath hitched and I quickly pulled her head to the opposite direction. " Run!" I yell, obviously scared. She obeyed my command and made a break for it. A zapping noise filled the air as panic filled my frightened veins.

A loud boom sounded and heat swerved in the air. I swear, the destructive explosion was just about to reach us when Destiny opened her wings and took off to the clouded sky. The force knocked her a bit off course but she quickly corrected herself.

I breathed harshly, still in shock of everything that happened today. Destiny flew right up to the forgiving clouds where she couldn't be seen. She gave a growl and shook her head disapprovingly. " You think that was bad? Try my life for a day would you?" I challenged.

She gave another growl and dived without warning. " Are you out of your head?!" I screamed, paralyzed. The sea was growing larger by the second. " Fine! I'm sorry! Goodness you are a control sheep."

She changed her direction and flied to a high cliff. When her paws hit the ground, I leaped off. I dusted myself off while muttering cruses under my breath. I glanced at the sun's position in the sky, seeing the sun wanting to disappear behind in the world.

" I can't wait to get off this island and go home." I murmured. I angrily trotted through the forest with Destiny walking behind me. I didn't focus on her, I focused on my thoughts.

I still can't believe how gulible I am! Taming a dragon! Imora Grimborn riding a dragon! Headline news! I scowl angrily at myself.

In no time, I was walking in the ' Clubhouse' searching for something to keep my anger from rising. But what I found made me ecstatic. Maces and Talons.

Astrid and Heather was paired on one side, while the other side was Snotlout and Fishlegs. Snotlout was the first to acknowledge my arrival. " Hey princess." He smirked.

Attention was all on me as I walked over to the game thoughtfully. Heather was without a doubt, glaring at me with Astrid following her lead. Fishlegs just gave me a nervous glance. I was actually surprised Snotlout was playing Maces and Talons. But even more surprised he left me to fall back in the woods.

" See! I told you she'd be fine!" He boasted, winking. " Yeah, after falling to her death." I mumble quietly. I observed their game with wooden dragons sprawled out on the board and very few carved Vikings left.

Silence past through the air before Heather slowly used her only Maiden to surround the Marauder King. Fishlegs gasped and Snotlout instantly panicked. " Wait! Does this mean she wins? Please don't tell me she wins!" He whined.

Fishlegs put his hands in his hair and glared at the game intensely. Then my eyes caught a gap where his Traitor could hide and use it to ambush her Chief. It would then be game over for Heather in two simple moves.

I thought on whether or not I should help him or at least give advice. " Hey, Fishlegs." I purred catching not only his attention. " Do you know how a Death song catches his prey?" I ask, recalling the 'adventure' on Melody Island. " Yeah, why?" I requested, obviously confused about my random question.

" Could you explain it to me please?" I ask, pulling a chair from the corner of the hut. " Why? So that you can give the information to the Dragon Hunters?" Heather snarled at me. I only raised an eyebrow and gave her an intimidating glare that I learned from Viggo. Turns out, it worked as she quickly refocused on the game.

I gently sat down on the chair and wait for Fishlegs to explain. " Well, uh, it lures it prey with a hypnotizing song and it traps them in rock hard amber. Then it will... you know." He finishes. I obviously already know that from my trip, it was just to give a hint. Come to think of it, I probably wouldn't have found that error if I didn't tag along with my brothers.

I gestured to the game and his eyes quickly scanned it again. He gasped again, this time more dramatically and with a very not-so-evil-smile at the end. " What? What is it?" Snotlout asked quickly. " I just found our victory." Fishlegs answered and moved his piece behind Heather's Chief.

This, let Heather and Astrid give a gasp and the boys a cocky smirk. I think there is more gasps in this game than actual playing. I rolled my eyes at their dramatic action. " That's cheating!" Astrid interjected. " No, it's called thinking." I replied smiling. I couldn't help it!

Snotlout was surprisingly the first you laugh and point at Astrid. She gave a glare at both of us. " Whatever, it's not like you'll win." Heather boasted and moved her piece back, capturing the Traitor. Her actions fumbled my mind a bit, but recollected itself just as quick. Fishlegs slumped forward, defeated.

" Wait! Did she win?" Snotlout called frantically. Fishlegs sadly nodded. Heather folded her arms in Victory." See." She boasted. They both hit their forearms together making a clang echo through the hut. " No. She did not." I smile confidently.

" What?" The girls asked confused. " They did not win." I repeat, making sure they heard me clearly. " Yes we did." Astrid argued. " No, you didn't. You didn't get their King." I answered. " But it is a lost cause." Heather shrugged.

I hum with a smirk while shaking my head disapprovingly. I moved his King in front of hers; capturing her last Wing maiden. I smiled cheekily. " Your turn." I taunted. Fishlegs jumped forward in surprise and let out the most dramatic gasp that I ever heard.

" She can't." He whispered. " She can't! She's cornered!" He laughed and practically danced around the table, Snotlout following his lead. " But- but-" Heather stammered. I cleared my throat making everyone silent.

" See, when you went for his Traitor you fell for the trap. Similar, when a dragon ends up entering the Death song's territory, they are found fool. So no matter how you look at the situation... A trap is a trap. And a Fool is a Fool." I finish. They look at me with baffled expressions.

"Wow." I heard from the entrance of the Clubhouse. The twins were standing there in all their glory, the same expression as everybody else. I look around, confused." Was it something I said?" I asked innocently.

"Ok! This is great! She can obviously do poetry and that, I mean just look at her. Poetry is written all over your precious face." Tuffnut said making his way towards me and pointed to my face. " Not even Hiccup can deliver such a quality speech." Ruffnut declared with a strange accent.

" Excuse me-"I try but was cut off once more.

" What can't I deliver?" Hiccup asked walking into the Clubhouse with Toothless walking behind him.

Very important to the story. HUGE clues.

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