

The group that stood before the gatehouse was stunned as Skye began to laugh hysterically. She turned to Monte the moose and petted his snout affectionately as she thanked him for his assistance. Ronnie wanted to laugh, but was too scared of what the lieutenant was going to say. He had ordered him to take Monte outside the wall, but Skye'd been petting him. He didn't want to disturb such a rare thing like Monte getting along with another human. But now he wished that he had.

The lieutenant took a step towards the them, but Tidas had put his hand on his shoulder to stop him. When Arthur turned to look at the prince, fear surged through him. The expression on his face held simmering rage as he glared at Klaus. It was akin to the look he got whenever his uncle was brought up. Lieutenant Tanner planted his feet and watched the young woman. If the prince felt like she were in danger, he would be the first to act.

Tidas didn't want to just watch Skye teach him a lesson, he wanted to kill Klaus. The fact that he was so quick to physical abuse just because he got turned down infuriated the prince. Hitting on his wife had nearly sealed his fate on the spot; attempting to strike her made his hand go to the hidden dagger on his hip.

Skye had been completely calm and poised the entire time. Her quick thinking with minimal action hadn't drawn the crowds back, but the moose kicking the lad sure had. People began to gather again as word of mouth spread. As they crowded; some of the onlookers began to ask if he was still alive. The moose hadn't kicked him hard; not for someone with a Tank trait that focused on power. But the way he landed caused his head to bounce off the pavement.

Klaus wasn't moving, which worried Skye. She walked over to check, and gasped at what she saw. His arm was obviously broken in at least two places, and blood was beginning to pool around his head from where it'd cracked open. Some of the people were calling for a doctor as more began to crowd. The lieutenant, Tidas, and Ronnie came over to see as well.

"Bullocks! I didn't think he'd get so banged up from a wee kick like that!" Lieutenant Tanner rubbed his chin in astonishment.

Klaus was conscious, but couldn't move. The pain and dizziness made it hard to focus. The woman who'd caused his situation leaned over him as darkness tugged at the corners of his sight. She really was beautiful; he thought probably too beautiful for him. He could feel his heartbeat slowing as his blood loss increased.

'What was I thinking.. Of course she'd be a magic user! Why else would such a gorgeous woman make her way to the bloody gatehouse without means of transport? The man she was with was supposedly giving Ron pointers; maybe they came to join the RMC too? Damn.. it doesn't matter anymore.. There's no way a doctor will make it in time to save me. Father will be disappointed in me death.. Ima so ashamed.."

Guilt and pain racked Klaus' body as the blood loss sent him into shock. A youngish doctor came running up and knelt down by the pooling blood. His expression was grim as he looked up to Lieutenant Tanner and said; "I'm sorry to say, but the lad won't live much longer.. He's lost too much blood, and we don't have the time for a transfusion.. I'm sorry.."

The doctor shook his head wearily before looking back down at the dying young man. Skye's heart lurched in her chest. She didn't want the jerk dead! She just wanted him to learn a lesson. But the situation was out of hand now, leaving Skye with only one option.

Huffing testily, Skye leaned down before saying; "Damn it... It's my fault, so I'll take care of him.."

Before the physician could protest, Skye placed her hands on his head and arm. When a golden glow emanated from her them, the crowds gasped. A few began to murmur about how she'd just used Earth magic to knock the lad on his ass. Others argued, saying they saw the moose send him flying. Both parties were technically right, but only a couple of people had seen the entire scene play out.

The blood receded back into Klaus' head, drawing more reactions from the crowds. Loud cracking noises could be heard as the sections of his arm snapped back into place and healed. His breathing stabilized, and his complexion was returning. When Skye quit her magic and leaned over to examine him, the doctor did the same.

He'd never seen such a skilled Shaman before, and was curious as to whom had taught her.. But he decided to refocus on her work at the moment, instead of questioning her. A gust of wind hit, sending Skye's hood flopping back. Her face and hair were completely visible now, and the crowd exploded with various reactions. Most commented on her beauty and hair color. Many began to guess which noble family she must belong to. And a few just stared awkwardly.

As Klaus' eyes fluttered opened; first thing he saw was Skye. The light was shining through her hair, creating an ethereal glow about her. His eyes widened, and his mouth opened slightly as he took in her splendor. She gave an awkward smile before saying; "Ima sorry I hit ye in yer man bits, but ye deserved it. Ye didn't deserve to die for it, however.."

Tidas disagreed, but didn't say it out loud. He was silently boiling with enmity at the entire situation. In his mind; Skye should've just let him die instead of revealing another power. But he knew how soft-hearted she was, so he kept his opinion to himself.

The moment he'd smirked at Skye, Tidas had wanted to end Klaus. He knew how upset his wife would get if he did anything to reveal himself; effectively ending their outing. But it was already hanging by a thread, and the prince didn't like how the crowd stared at his wife.. Especially the men.

Tidas stepped forward and removed his hood; improvising as he spoke: "Everything is fine! The lad will be fine, thanks to the efforts of My Wife. I apologize for causing such a ruckus.."

As soon as Tidas revealed himself, the crowds fell into a stunned silence. About a second after he'd finished speaking, they erupted into cheers and chants. Half the people called his name, and the others tried to talk over each other at him. Questioning various things, but mainly why he was in Dragonhorn.

The prince lifted his arms to quiet the crowds before explaining: "This lovely woman and I have just been married-" The crowd cheered; interrupting Tidas again.

He waved his arms as he held them up again before bellowing out: "Thank you! Thank you for your well wishes! I have a request for you! Consider it a wedding gift, please! My wife and I wish to have a.. Peaceful shopping experience. If you could Please reframe from surrounding us as we shop, I would consider it the best wedding gift we've gotten! ...Just a regular man, out with the woman he loves."

Sentiments of happiness for the loving couple overlapped in the crowds. Most nodded and agreed to give the newlyweds space. The ones caught joking about asking for the prince's autograph or the like were being openly chastised by multiple people at once. Right as the crowds began to disperse, a man yelled out: "What be the Princess' name?!"

Skye had been helping check out Klaus with the doctor while Tidas had talked. She stood up, shook off her dress, then curtsied. She beamed a brilliantly as she replied; "Lady Skye Moonstone; Daughter of Lucas Moonstone."

The small crowd that had remained were awestruck. Lords and ladies didn't bow to common folk. She'd shown respect normally reserved for nobility or royalty. Plus, most in town knew of Lucas Moonstone; the King's Favorite Commoner. They saw Skye as humble for her action, and many agreed: the prince had found the right companion for himself.

As the people dispersed, Lieutenant Tanner cleared his throat to gain the attention of everyone still present. Tidas, Skye, Klaus, the doctor, and Ronnie all looked to Arthur as he folded his arms over his chest. His face showed his irritation, and his tone was harsh as he spoke: "What the hell just happened?! Didn't she just use two powers? Wasn't the first Earth? How is that even possible?! Why are you here unannounced, Prince Tidas?!"

Tidas put his hands up defensively in a comical manner before saying; "Don't hurt me! I'm just out and about on my honeymoon, like I just said.. Artie, this is Skye. The lass I told you about.."

Tidas extended his hand to Skye, gesturing her to come and meet the lieutenant. She gladly walked over, Klaus had been staring at her since he'd opened his eyes with an idiotic look. It creeped her out to no end, so Tidas' call was appreciated. He'd noticed it as well, but kept his mouth shut. He'd already decided to find the lad later and at least punch him a good one.

Skye had curtsied again and smiled brightly at Arthur. He was just as taken aback by her beauty as everyone else. He just knew how to hide it better. Besides; she was Tidas' love. He'd never heard a man go off about a woman as much as the prince had about her over the years. The lad had nearly driven him to madness with his praises, but now he could see why.

One thing was driving his crazy though, so Arthur asked: "I thought Skye was a redhead?"

Skye's expression instantly deflated at mention of her hair. Tidas chortled nervously before explaining the sore subject to him. They'd all decided to stick to the dye story, to keep people out of Warrick Forest. Maevis and Nicolas both thought it'd be best to keep the truth of her hair a secret as long as possible.

Seeing the woman's dour expression, Arthur bowed and apologized. Skye told him it was fine, that she just missed her red hair on occasion. He'd still felt bad, but was saved from the awkwardness by the young doctor interrupting. He was older, but shorter than Skye. He seemed to be in his mid to late twenties, but she couldn't really tell without asking directly.

Determination gleamed in the doctor's eyes as he spoke: "Young lady, would you mind coming and taking a look at a few of my patients? They have a disease I'm not familiar with.. But don't worry! It's not contagious; I believe it might be something they ate, but their blood work came back negative for common poisons, viruses, and dangerous bacteria. I can't question any of them because they're all still unconscious... But more people are becoming affected by the day.. If I don't figure out the cause; tens, if not hundreds, may die..."

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